/* MetaContour, version 0.1 -------------------------------------- */ /* Copyright(C) 2004, Brooks Moses */ /* */ /* This version of MetaContour is made available under the Gnu */ /* Public License; see metacontour_main.cc for details. */ /* */ /* This is a very pre-release version of MetaContour, distributed */ /* primarily as an example of a use of MetaPlot. It can be */ /* compiled with gcc using the line: */ /* */ /* g++ metacontour.cc cpoint.cc metacontour_main.cc */ /* */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Class for 2D points with one data value each */ #include<sstream> #include"cpoint.h" using namespace std; //-----cpoint-------------------------------------------------- cpoint::cpoint() { x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; } cpoint::cpoint(double xx, double yy, double zz) { x = xx; y = yy; z = zz; } cpoint cpoint::interpolateto(cpoint x2, double z3) { double w = (z3-z)/(x2.z-z); if (w > 1) w=1; if (w < 0) w=0; double x3 = x + (x2.x-x)*w; double y3 = y + (x2.y-y)*w; return cpoint(x3,y3,z3); } cpoint cpoint::partwayto(cpoint x2, double w) { if (w > 1) w=1; if (w < 0) w=0; double x3 = x + (x2.x-x)*w; double y3 = y + (x2.y-y)*w; double z3 = z + (x2.z-z)*w; return cpoint(x3,y3,z3); } // Derivation: // F = ax + by + cxy + d x,y in [0,1] // Fx = a + by, Fy = b + cx // Thus: saddle point S is at (-b/c, -a/c) // Plugging this in, and solving, we get // F(S) = (f00*f11 - f01*f10) / (f00 + f11 - f01 - f10) // // Note: mapping x1 = (0,0), x2 = (1,0), x3 = (1,1), x4 = (0,1) // double cpoint::saddlepoint(cpoint x1, cpoint x2, cpoint x3, cpoint x4) { return (x1.z * x3.z - x2.z * x4.z) / (x1.z + x3.z - x2.z - x4.z); } string cpoint::metapoint() { ostringstream pointstring; pointstring.setf(ios_base::fixed,ios_base::floatfield); pointstring.precision(5); pointstring << '(' << x << ',' << y << ')'; return pointstring.str(); } //-----cparray------------------------------------------------- cparray::cparray(int x, int y) { if (x<1) x=1; if (y<1) y=1; i = x; j = y; a = new valarray<cpoint>(x*y); } cparray::~cparray() { delete a; } cpoint& cparray::operator()(int x, int y) { return (*a)[x*j+y]; }