This is TeX, C Version 3.141t3 (Imperial College distributed TeX) (format=plain 92.6.1)  29 JUN 1992 12:43
(usage.tex [TeX plain=plain 3.0, made at IC on 1992/6/1 ]

                           GreekTeX -- Version 3.0[c]
         GreekTeX is a macro package for typesetting greek texts.
         It is maily compatible with the haralambous package,
         from which it inherits the top level macros.
         GreekTeX includes easy access to font families, a choise
         of delimiters, and makes typesetting scientific papers
         in greek as easy as in TeX itself.
                           Copyright K J Dryllerakis 1991
 [1] [2] [3] [4] )
Output written on usage.dvi (4 pages, 20772 bytes).