.TH GRLATEX "7 Dec 1992"
grlatex \- tex formatting and typesetting (greek option)
.B grlatex
[options] [filename]

.I grlatex
is part of the 
.B GreekTeX 
package for typesetting greek texts under the TeX typesetting system.
.I grlatex 
is an extension of the LaTeX macro package for
the TeX mathematical typesetting package. The extension
consists of a new set of language dependent macros,
a set of hyphenation patterns for the greek language,
and a set of macro development tools for the greek languge.
.I	grlatex 
can be used instead of the latex package to typeset
any source file written for the LaTeX macro package. In addition
a special greek environment is defined inside which latin 
characters correspond to greek ones according to the scheme
.B 	a b g 
.B d e z 
.B h j i k l m 
.B n x o p r s 
.B t u f q y w 
.B and c (final s)
In order to get accents and breathing use ',`,~,>,< before any
vowel. For those typesetting ancient greek texts iota subscript
can be generated by placing the character | after the vowel to
recive the subscript.
The greek environment is created by the command
and ends by
Inside the greek environment the font families available are:
		\\gr	Classic Greek
		\\grbf	Boldface Greek
		\\grsl	Slanted Greek
		\\grit	Greek Italics
		\\grtt	Typewritter Greek
Note that all the font scaling commands will affect the greek
characters as well. Nevertheless if the font size is changed
inside the environment, the effects are only local.


Special style files exist for writting texts in greek language.
The names of the style files are derived from the latex ones
by preciding them with the suffix `gr' (e.g. grarticle.sty)
Any such style causes latex to enter a permenent greek environment.
The original latin (global) environment is locally available
through the commands \\begin and \\end {latin}.
Note that the roman font families are normally accesed in the 
standard way e.g. {\\rm Latin Word}. Beware the difference in 
certain symbols; all the accentuation symbols are concidered
as letters (catcode 11).


If you are interested in creating macros while in greek mode
try to remember that certain symbols need to be replaced by more
general control sequences:
			$ ---> \\ m@thm@de
			> ---> \\ gt (greater than)
			< ---> \\ lt (less than)
.BR tex(1), 
.BR latex(1),
.BR greektex(1).

For more information on macro development under the package
see the extensive discussion in the comments of the macro
files: lgreek.tex, grfonts.tex, greek.sty, gr*.sty

package was developed partly from 
ideas of Sylvio Levy and Haralambous by K J Dryllerakis