Paul Fenwick (, May 2004


This module is released for testing and review only.  It should *not*
be used for manipulating UIDs in any production code.


The tests in this module are designed so that they can all be run
if 'make test' is done with root privileges.  If you find that most
of your tests are skipped, please become root and try 'make test'

If you would like to assist in providing feedback on the testing of
this module, please send the results of 'make test' and 'perl -V' to

If you have Mail::Send installed on your system, then the
"sendtests" file probably does all this work for you.  You can
invoke it with:


It will give you a chance to read the information it is about to 
send before sending.

If you wish to send the test results without user interaction, you can
run sendtests with the -y switch:

	./sendtests -y

Thank-you for testing Proc::UID.