WordPress::XMLRPC - api to wordpress xml rpc calls

$Revision: 2.11 $

I wanted to interact via the command line to a wordpress blog's xmlrpc.php file.
Bascially this is interaction with xmlrpc.php as client.
This module is not meant for speed, it is meant for convenience.

This is really useful to automate new postings, uploading media, etc.
You could write your custom cli scripts to upload and mess with your wordpress blog.


I suggest you install via downloading the package from cpan and testing.

Example (note that this link points to an older version):

   wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/L/LE/LEOCHARRE/WordPress-XMLRPC-1.09.tar.gz
   tar -xvf ./WordPress-XMLRPC-1.09.tar.gz
   cd WordPress-XMLRPC-1.09
   vim t/wppost # see TESTING
   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install   


To test fully, you need to set up a ./t/wppost YAML


This is a YAML file,  file should contain:


Example t/wppost file:

   U: jim
   P: wegjwgw
   p: 'http://jim/xmlrpc.php'

When you run this on a proxy for a wordpress blog with content, 
you're gonna get all kinds of output. 
The calls do not provide arguments, so some calls will fail.

I suggest you pipe the output (STDERR) to a file.

   perl t/10_XMLRPC.t 2> t/out

Then you can open the file with vim and inspect the output.
This may be useful to get acquainted with what's going on on the inside.

Example output is in t/10_XMLRPC.out


perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Please contact the author with any suggestions, for help, etc, at:
Ian Gibs igibbs at cpan dot org