NAME FFI::Platypus::Lang::Fortran - FFI::Platypus::Lang::Fortran VERSION version 0.14 SYNOPSIS Fortran: FUNCTION ADD(IA, IB) ADD = IA + IB END Perl: use FFI::Platypus 2.00; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Fortran', lib => './', ); $ffi->attach( add => ['integer*','integer*'] => 'integer'); print add(\1,\2), "\n"; DESCRIPTION This module provides native types and demangling for Fortran when used with FFI::Platypus. This module is somewhat experimental. It is also available for adoption for anyone either sufficiently knowledgeable about Fortran or eager enough to learn enough about Fortran. If you are interested, please send me a pull request or two on the project's GitHub. For types, _ is used instead of *, so use integer_4 instead of integer*4. These are some of the supported types: byte, character integer, integer_1, integer_2, integer_4, integer_8 unsigned, unsigned_1, unsigned_2, unsigned_4, unsigned_8 logical, logical_1, logical_2, logical_4, logical_8 real, real_4, real_8, double precision EXAMPLES The examples in this discussion are bundled with this distribution and can be found in the examples directory. Passing and Returning Integers Fortran FUNCTION ADD(IA, IB) ADD = IA + IB END Perl use FFI::Platypus 2.00; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Fortran', lib => './', ); $ffi->attach( add => ['integer*','integer*'] => 'integer'); print add(\1,\2), "\n"; Execute $ gfortran -shared add.f -o $ perl 3 Discussion In Fortran 77 variables that start with the letter I are integers unless declared otherwise. Fortran is also pass by reference, which means that under the covers Fortran passes its arguments as pointers to the data, and you have to remember to pass in a reference to a value from Perl. Here we are building our own Fortran dynamic library using the GNU Fortran compiler on a Unix like platform. The exact incantation that you will use to do this will unfortunately depend on your platform and Fortran compiler. Calling a subroutine Fortran SUBROUTINE ADD(IRESULT, IA, IB) IRESULT = IA + IB END Perl use FFI::Platypus 2.00; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Fortran', lib => './', ); $ffi->attach( add => ['integer*','integer*','integer*'] ); my $value = 0; add(\$value, \1, \2); print "$value\n"; Execute $ gfortran -shared sub.f -o $ perl 3 Discussion A Fortran "subroutine" is just a function that doesn't return a value. This example is similar to the previous and uses the same addition operation, but it returns the value in an argument instead of as the result of a function. Calling recursive Fortran 90 / 95 Functions Fortran recursive function fib(x) result(ret) integer, intent(in) :: x integer :: ret if (x == 1 .or. x == 2) then ret = 1 else ret = fib(x-1) + fib(x-2) end if end function fib Perl use FFI::Platypus 2.00; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang =>'Fortran', lib => './', ); $ffi->attach( fib => ['integer*'] => 'integer' ); for(1..10) { print fib(\$_), "\n"; } Execute $ gfortran -shared fib.f90 -o $ perl 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 Discussion If you have a newer Fortran compiler that understands Fortran 90 or 95, you can take advantage of its advanced features like recursion and pointers. In this example we compute 10 Fibonacci numbers. Complex numbers Fortran subroutine complex_decompose(c, r, i) implicit none complex*16, intent(in) :: c real*8, intent(out):: r real*8, intent(out) :: i r = real(c) i = aimag(c) end subroutine complex_decompose Perl use FFI::Platypus 2.00; use Math::Complex; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Fortran', lib => './', ); $ffi->attach( complex_decompose => ['complex_16*','real_8*','real_8*'] ); complex_decompose( \(1.5 + 2.5*i), \my $r, \my $i); print "${r} + ${i}i\n"; Execute $gfortran -shared complex.f90 -o $ perl 1.5 + 2.5i Discussion Platypus now supports complex types of various sizes. This means that you can transparently use complex arguments and arrays of complex types. Arrays Fortran subroutine print_array10(a) implicit none integer, dimension(10) :: a integer :: i do i=1,10 print *, a(i) end do end subroutine print_array10 Perl use FFI::Platypus 2.00; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Fortran', lib => './', ); $ffi->attach( print_array10 => ['integer[10]'] => 'void' ); my $array = [5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50]; print_array10($array); Execute $ gfortran -shared array.f90 -o $ perl 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Discussion In Fortran arrays are 1 indexed unlike Perl and C where arrays are 0 indexed. Perl arrays are passed in from Perl using Platypus as a array reference. Multidimensional Arrays Fortran subroutine print_array2x5(a) implicit none integer, dimension(2,5) :: a integer :: i,n do i=1,5 print *, a(1,i), a(2,i) end do end subroutine print_array2x5 Perl use FFI::Platypus 2.00; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Fortran', lib => './', ); $ffi->attach( print_array2x5 => ['integer[10]'] => 'void' ); my $array = [5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50]; print_array2x5($array); Execute $ gfortran -shared array2d.f90 -o $ perl 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Discussion Perl does not generally support multi-dimensional arrays (though they can be achieved using lists of references). In Fortran, multidimensional arrays are stored as a contiguous series of bytes, so you can pass in a single dimensional array to a Fortran function or subroutine assuming it has sufficient number of values. Platypus updates any values that have been changed by Fortran when the Fortran code returns. One thing to keep in mind is that Fortran arrays are "column-first", which is the opposite of C/C++, which could be termed "row-first". Variable-length array Fortran function sum_array(size,a) result(ret) implicit none integer :: size integer, dimension(size) :: a integer :: i integer :: ret ret = 0 do i=1,size ret = ret + a(i) end do end function sum_array Perl use FFI::Platypus 2.00; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Fortran', lib => './', ); $ffi->attach( sum_array => ['integer*','integer[]'] => 'integer', sub { my $f = shift; my $size = scalar @_; $f->(\$size, \@_); } ); my @a = (1..10); my @b = (25..30); print sum_array(@a), "\n"; print sum_array(@b), "\n"; Execute $ gfortran -shared var_array.f90 -o $ perl 55 165 Discussion Fortran allows variable-length arrays. To indicate a variable length array use the [] notation without a length. Note that this works for argument types, where Perl knows the length of an array, but it will not work for return types, where Perl has no way of determining the size of the returned array (you can probably fake it with an opaque type and a wrapper function though). METHODS Generally you will not use this class directly, instead interacting with the FFI::Platypus instance. However, the public methods used by Platypus are documented here. native_type_map my $hashref = FFI::Platypus::Lang::Fortran->native_type_map; This returns a hash reference containing the native aliases for Fortran. That is the keys are native Fortran types and the values are libffi native types. mangler my $mangler = FFI::Platypus::Lang::Fortran->mangler($ffi->libs); my $c_name = $mangler->($fortran_name); Returns a subroutine reference that will "mangle" Fortran names. SUPPORT If something does not work as advertised, or the way that you think it should, or if you have a feature request, please open an issue on this project's GitHub issue tracker: CONTRIBUTING If you have implemented a new feature or fixed a bug then you may make a pull request on this project's GitHub repository: Also Feel free to use the issue tracker: This project's GitHub issue tracker listed above is not Write-Only. If you want to contribute then feel free to browse through the existing issues and see if there is something you feel you might be good at and take a whack at the problem. I frequently open issues myself that I hope will be accomplished by someone in the future but do not have time to immediately implement myself. Another good area to help out in is documentation. I try to make sure that there is good document coverage, that is there should be documentation describing all the public features and warnings about common pitfalls, but an outsider's or alternate view point on such things would be welcome; if you see something confusing or lacks sufficient detail I encourage documentation only pull requests to improve things. Caution: if you do this too frequently I may nominate you as the new maintainer. Extreme caution: if you like that sort of thing. CAVEATS Fortran is pass by reference, which means that you need to pass pointers. Confusingly Platypus uses a star (*) suffix to indicate a pointer, and Fortran uses a star to indicate the size of types. SEE ALSO FFI::Platypus The Core Platypus documentation. FFI::Build + FFI::Build::File::Fortran Bundle Fortran with your FFI / Perl extension. AUTHOR Author: Graham Ollis <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015-2022 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.