Welcome to Unix::ConfigFile 0.05. This is an *alpha* release. That means that interfaces may change in the future and there will probably be some bugs lurking around. You have been warned. The Unix::ConfigFile distribution is a suite of modules that provide simple interfaces to various Unix configuration files. The objective is to free the system administrator from dealing with the trivial formatting details of the files, and allow him or her to concentrate on the information therein. Currently supported files include: aliases Unix::AliasFile automount Unix::AutomountFile group Unix::GroupFile passwd Unix::PasswdFile You can install this module in the usual way: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install These modules will work with perl 5.004 or higher. However, the AliasFile module may exhibit a minor bug under versions less than 5.005; see the AliasFile documentation for details. The documentation is embedded in each module; use perldoc (e.g. perldoc Unix::PasswdFile) after installation to get started. A mailing list is available for discussions regarding the Unix::ConfigFile module. To subscribe, send an email with "subscribe" (without the quotes) in the body of your message (the subject will be ignored) to: configfile-request@trfn.clpgh.org This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Copyright 1999 Steve Snodgrass. These modules are written by Steve "Pheran" Snodgrass, ssnodgra@fore.com. Additional contributors include: James Walden <jamesw@ichips.intel.com>