Mojo::WebService::Twitter - Simple Twitter API client


     my $twitter = Mojo::WebService::Twitter->new(api_key => $api_key, api_secret => $api_secret);
     # Request and store access token
     # Blocking API request
     my $user = $twitter->get_user(screen_name => $name);
     say $user->screen_name . ' was created on ' . $user->created_at->ymd;
     # Non-blocking API request
     $twitter->get_tweet($tweet_id, sub {
       my ($twitter, $err, $tweet) = @_;
       print $err ? "Error: $err" : 'Tweet: ' . $tweet->text . "\n";
     Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
     # Non-blocking API request using promises
     $twitter->get_tweet_p($tweet_id)->then(sub {
       my ($tweet) = @_;
       print 'Tweet: ' . $tweet->text . "\n";
     })->catch(sub {
       my ($err) = @_;
       print "Error: $err";
     # Some requests require authentication on behalf of a user
     $twitter->authentication(oauth => $token, $secret);
     my $authorizing_user = $twitter->verify_credentials;
     my $new_tweet = $twitter->post_tweet('Something new and exciting!');


    Mojo::WebService::Twitter is a Mojo::UserAgent based Twitter
    <> API client that can perform requests
    synchronously or asynchronously. An API key and secret for a Twitter
    Application <> are required.

    API requests are authenticated by the "authentication" coderef, which
    can either use an OAuth 2.0 access token to authenticate requests on
    behalf of the application itself, or OAuth 1.0 credentials (access
    token and secret) to authenticate requests on behalf of a specific
    user. The twitter_oauth_creds script can be used to obtain Twitter
    OAuth credentials for a user from the command-line. A web application
    may wish to implement its own OAuth authorization flow, passing a
    callback URL back to the application in "request_oauth", then calling
    "verify_oauth" with the passed verifier code to retrieve the
    credentials. See the Twitter documentation
    <> for more details.

    All methods which query the Twitter API can be called with an optional
    trailing callback argument to run a non-blocking API query.
    Alternatively, the _p variant will run a non-blocking API query and
    return a Mojo::Promise, which can simplify complex sequences of
    non-blocking queries. On connection, HTTP, or API error, blocking API
    queries will throw a Mojo::WebService::Twitter::Error exception.
    Non-blocking API queries will pass this exception object to the
    callback or reject the promise, and otherwise pass the results to the
    callback or resolve the promise.

    Note that this distribution implements only a subset of the Twitter
    API. Additional features may be added as requested. See Twitter::API
    for a more fully-featured lightweight and modern twitter client


    Mojo::WebService::Twitter implements the following attributes.


     my $api_key = $twitter->api_key;
     $twitter    = $twitter->api_key($api_key);

    API key for your Twitter Application <>.


     my $api_secret = $twitter->api_secret;
     $twitter       = $twitter->api_secret($api_secret);

    API secret for your Twitter Application <>.


     my $ua      = $webservice->ua;
     $webservice = $webservice->ua(Mojo::UserAgent->new);

    HTTP user agent object to use for synchronous and asynchronous
    requests, defaults to a Mojo::UserAgent object.


    Mojo::WebService::Twitter inherits all methods from Mojo::Base, and
    implements the following new ones.


     my $code = $twitter->authentication;
     $twitter = $twitter->authentication($code);
     $twitter = $twitter->authentication({oauth_token => $access_token, oauth_token_secret => $access_token_secret});
     $twitter = $twitter->authentication(oauth => $access_token, $access_token_secret);
     $twitter = $twitter->authentication({access_token => $access_token});
     $twitter = $twitter->authentication(oauth2 => $access_token);

    Get or set coderef used to authenticate API requests. Passing oauth
    with optional token and secret, or a hashref containing oauth_token and
    oauth_token_secret, will set a coderef which uses a WWW::OAuth to
    authenticate requests. Passing oauth2 with required token or a hashref
    containing access_token will set a coderef which authenticates using
    the passed access token. The coderef will receive the
    Mojo::Message::Request object as the first parameter, and an optional
    hashref of oauth_ parameters.



     my $res = $twitter->request_oauth;
     my $res = $twitter->request_oauth($callback_url);
     $twitter->request_oauth(sub {
       my ($twitter, $error, $res) = @_;
     my $p = $twitter->request_oauth_p;

    Send an OAuth 1.0 authorization request and return a hashref containing
    oauth_token and oauth_token_secret (request token and secret). An
    optional OAuth callback URL may be passed; by default, oob is passed to
    use PIN-based authorization. The user should be directed to the
    authorization URL which can be retrieved by passing the request token
    to "twitter_authorize_url" in Mojo::WebService::Twitter::Util. After
    authorization, the user will either be redirected to the callback URL
    with the query parameter oauth_verifier, or receive a PIN to return to
    the application. Either the verifier string or PIN should be passed to
    "verify_oauth" to retrieve an access token and secret.



     my $res = $twitter->verify_oauth($verifier, $request_token, $request_token_secret);
     $twitter->verify_oauth($verifier, $request_token, $request_token_secret, sub {
       my ($twitter, $error, $res) = @_;
     my $p = $twitter->verify_oauth_p($verifier, $request_token, $request_token_secret);

    Verify an OAuth 1.0 authorization request with the verifier string or
    PIN from the authorizing user, and the previously obtained request
    token and secret. The secret is cached by "request_oauth" and may be
    omitted. Returns a hashref containing oauth_token and
    oauth_token_secret (access token and secret) which may be passed
    directly to "authentication" to authenticate requests on behalf of the



     my $res = $twitter->request_oauth2;
     $twitter->request_oauth2(sub {
       my ($twitter, $error, $res) = @_;
     my $p = $twitter->request_oauth2_p;

    Request OAuth 2 credentials and return a hashref containing an
    access_token that can be passed directly to "authentication" to
    authenticate requests on behalf of the application itself.



     my $tweet = $twitter->get_tweet($tweet_id);
     $twitter->get_tweet($tweet_id, sub {
       my ($twitter, $err, $tweet) = @_;

    Retrieve a Mojo::WebService::Twitter::Tweet by tweet ID.



     my $user = $twitter->get_user(user_id => $user_id);
     my $user = $twitter->get_user(screen_name => $screen_name);
     $twitter->get_user(screen_name => $screen_name, sub {
       my ($twitter, $err, $user) = @_;
     my $p = $twitter->get_user_p(user_id => $user_id);

    Retrieve a Mojo::WebService::Twitter::User by user ID or screen name.



    Available from version 1.002.

     my $tweets = $twitter->get_user_timeline(user_id => $user_id);
     my $tweets = $twitter->get_user_timeline(screen_name => $screen_name);
     my $tweets = $twitter->get_user_timeline(user_id => $user_id, %options);
     $twitter->get_user_timeline(screen_name => $screen_name, %options, sub {
       my ($twitter, $err, $tweets) = @_;
     my $p = $twitter->get_user_timeline_p(screen_name => $screen_name, %options);

    Retrieve a Mojo::Collection of Mojo::WebService::Twitter::Tweet objects
    for a user's timeline by user ID or screen name. Note that the embedded
    user objects will only contain an id to avoid excess duplication of the
    same user's information; use "get_user" to retrieve the user's

    Accepts the following options:


       count => 5

      Limit of tweets to try and retrieve per page. Actual returned count
      may be smaller due to filtering of content that is no longer
      available, RTs if the "exclude_rts" option is enabled, or replies if
      the "exclude_replies" option is enabled. Maximum 200, default 20.


       since_id => '12345'

      Restricts results to those more recent than the given tweet ID. IDs
      should be specified as a string to avoid issues with large integers.
      See here
      for more information on filtering results with since_id and max_id.


       max_id => '54321'

      Restricts results to those older than (or equal to) the given tweet
      ID. IDs should be specified as a string to avoid issues with large
      integers. See here
      for more information on filtering results with since_id and max_id.


       exclude_replies => 1

      If true, replies will be filtered from the results.


       exclude_rts => 1

      If true, RTs will be filtered from the results.



     my $tweet = $twitter->post_tweet($text, %options);
     $twitter->post_tweet($text, %options, sub {
            my ($twitter, $err, $tweet) = @_;
     my $p = $twitter->post_tweet_p($text, %options);

    Post a status update (tweet) and retrieve the resulting
    Mojo::WebService::Twitter::Tweet. Requires OAuth 1.0 authentication.
    Accepts the following options:


       in_reply_to_status_id => '12345'

      Indicates the tweet is in reply to an existing tweet ID. IDs should
      be specified as a string to avoid issues with large integers. This
      parameter will be ignored by the Twitter API unless the author of the
      referenced tweet is mentioned within the status text as @username.


       lat => '37.781157'

      The latitude of the location to attach to the tweet. This parameter
      will be ignored by the Twitter API unless it is within the range
      -90.0 to 90.0, and a corresponding long is specified. It is
      recommended to specify values as strings to avoid issues with
      floating-point representations.


       long => '-122.398720'

      The longitude of the location to attach to the tweet. This parameter
      will be ignored by the Twitter API unless it is within the range
      -180.0 to 180.0, and a corresponding lat is specified. It is
      recommended to specify values as strings to avoid issues with
      floating-point representations.


       place_id => 'df51dec6f4ee2b2c'

      A Twitter place ID <> to
      attach to the tweet.


       display_coordinates => 1

      If true, tweet will display the exact coordinates the tweet was sent



     my $tweet = $twitter->retweet($tweet_id);
     $twitter->retweet($tweet_id, sub {
       my ($twitter, $err, $tweet) = @_;
     my $p = $twitter->retweet_p($tweet_id);

    Retweet the tweet ID or Mojo::WebService::Twitter::Tweet object.
    Returns a Mojo::WebService::Twitter::Tweet representing the original
    tweet. Requires OAuth 1.0 authentication.



     my $tweets = $twitter->search_tweets($query);
     my $tweets = $twitter->search_tweets($query, %options);
     $twitter->search_tweets($query, %options, sub {
       my ($twitter, $err, $tweets) = @_;
     my $p = $twitter->search_tweets_p($query, %options);

    Search Twitter and return a Mojo::Collection of
    Mojo::WebService::Twitter::Tweet objects.

    Accepts the following options:


       geocode => '37.781157,-122.398720,1mi'
       geocode => ['37.781157','-122.398720','1mi']
       geocode => {latitude => '37.781157', longitude => '-122.398720', radius => '1mi'}

      Restricts tweets to the given radius of the given latitude/longitude.
      Radius must be specified as mi (miles) or km (kilometers). It is
      recommended to specify values as strings to avoid issues with
      floating-point representations.


       lang => 'eu'

      Restricts tweets to the given ISO 639-1
      <> language code.


       result_type => 'recent'

      Specifies what type of search results to receive. Valid values are
      recent, popular, and mixed (default).


       count => 5

      Limits the search results per page. Maximum 100, default 15.


       until => '2015-07-19'

      Restricts tweets to those created before the given date, in the
      format YYYY-MM-DD.


       since_id => '12345'

      Restricts results to those more recent than the given tweet ID. IDs
      should be specified as a string to avoid issues with large integers.
      See here
      for more information on filtering results with since_id and max_id.


       max_id => '54321'

      Restricts results to those older than (or equal to) the given tweet
      ID. IDs should be specified as a string to avoid issues with large
      integers. See here
      for more information on filtering results with since_id and max_id.



     my $user = $twitter->verify_credentials;
     $twitter->verify_credentials(sub {
       my ($twitter, $error, $user) = @_;
     my $p = $twitter->verify_credentials_p;

    Verify the authorizing user's credentials and return a representative
    Mojo::WebService::Twitter::User object. Requires OAuth 1.0


    Report any issues on the public bugtracker.


    Dan Book <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Dan Book.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)


    Twitter::API, WWW::OAuth