Ubic::Service::ServerStarter - Run programs using Server::Starter


version 0.003


    use Ubic::Service::ServerStarter;
    return Ubic::Service::ServerStarter->new({
        cmd => [
            '--env' => 'development',
            '--workers' => 5,
        args => {
            interval => 5,
            port => 5003,
            signal-on-hup => 'QUIT',
            signal-on-term => 'QUIT',
        ubic_log => '/var/log/app/ubic.log',
        stdout   => '/var/log/app/stdout.log',
        stderr   => '/var/log/app/stderr.log',
        user     => "www-data",


This service allows you to wrap any command with [Server::Starter](https://metacpan.org/pod/Server::Starter), which
enables graceful reloading of that app without any downtime.


Ubic::Service::ServerStarter - ubic service class for running commands
with [Server::Starter](https://metacpan.org/pod/Server::Starter)


- _args_ (optional)

    Arguments to send to `start_server`.

- _cmd_ (required)

    ArrayRef of command + options to run with server starter.  Everything passed
    here will go be put after the `--` in the `start_server` command:

        start_server [ args ] -- [ cmd ]

    This argument is required becasue we have to have something to run!

- _status_

    Coderef to special function, that will check status of your application.

- _ubic\_log_

    Path to ubic log.

- _stdout_

    Path to stdout log.

- _stderr_

    Path to stderr log.

- _proxy\_logs_

    Boolean flag. If enabled, `ubic-guardian` will replace daemon's stdout and
    stderr filehandles with pipes, proxy all data to the log files, and reopen
    them on `SIGHUP`.

- _user_

    User under which `start_server` will be started.

- _group_

    Group under which `start_server` will be started. Default is all user groups.

- _cwd_

    Change working directory before starting a daemon.

- _pidfile_

    Pidfile for `Ubic::Daemon` module.

    # AUTHOR

    William Wolf <throughnothing@gmail.com>


    William Wolf has dedicated the work to the Commons by waiving all of his
    or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or
    neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by

    Works under CC0 do not require attribution. When citing the work, you should
    not imply endorsement by the author.