What is it?
This base package contains Perl extensions for Topic Maps


With it you can

  - manipulate topic maps via an API
  - navigate through TMs via a TMDM-like API (almost TMAPI)
  - read AsTMa 1.x and 2.x resources
  - create virtualized topic maps
  - use a topic map backend store
  - add drivers for your own native store
  - add indices to speed up things
  - query topic maps via TMQL (query language, in the working)
  - a command line driven workbench (tm)
  - and more

Future releases will add (please bear with me until I have this all
consolidated and documented):

  - read/write XTM files (TODO)


Of course, TM::* relies heavily on other Perl packages. Most of them
(hopefully all) should be resolved automatically if you use the CPAN


This module should be completely installable via the cpan frontend.
To build the extensions manually, unpack this distribution somewhere,
and exercise the usual incantation:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

You will need perl version 5.8 or better to install these modules.

There may also be Debian packages for this generation.


You can learn about Topic Maps in general at

  http://www.isotopicmaps.org/  (standards)
  http://kill.devc.at/taxonomy/term/22 (my blog)

  http://topicmaps.bond.edu.au/ (tutorials, other stuff)
  http://easytopicmaps.com/     (tutorials, lotta links and hints)

  http://astma.it.bond.edu.au/  (shorthand notation used by the authors)


You can either

  - mail to the author (rho@devc.at), or
  - discuss this in one of the topicmap mailing lists, or
  - find me in the freenode #topicmaps IRC channel (clever choice), or
  - create a bug entry in rt.cpan.org (preferred)

Copyright 200[1-8] Robert Barta, rho@devc.at

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.