NEWS ---- 1.3.0 is a completely user-contributed release! Large parts of Parallel::Pvm were rewritten by Ulrich Pfeifer, while preserving the original API. (And a great job he did!) - unpack() now accepts an extra parameter for the size of the message, removing the previous 100.000 char limit. - The pvm group functions are now implemented. - Memory leaks in the config(), tasks() and hostsync() functions were fixed. - There is now also a very nice setup for test scripts - they reside in the "t" directory. This work was sponsored by Neopoly AG. Benjamin Holzman contributed support for the pmv_start_pvmd() API call. PERL-PVM -------- This is a perl extension for the parallel virtual machine (PVM) message-passing system. Before you begin installation you must have already installed PVM (the most recent version of PVM may be found at You must also set the environment variables setenv PVM_ROOT <pvm root directory> setenv PVM_ARCH `$PVM_ROOT/lib/pvmgetarch` For a correct installation you will also need perl5.005 or greater. Once all the preliminaries have been done, the installation sequence is as follows: tar xvf Parallel-Pvm-1.3.0.tar cd Parallel-Pvm-1.3.0 Have a look into Makefile.PL to see if you have to make any changes. Afterwhich do perl5 Makefile.PL make make test make install Please read the man page, ie. perldoc Parallel::Pvm Any questions, critisims or suggestions are welcome. - eddie Copyright (c) 1996 Edward Walker (c) 2000,2001 Denis Leconte. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ------------------------------------------------------------- Current maintainer: Denis Leconte Email: WWW: Original author: Dr Edward Walker National Supercomputing Research Centre 81, Science Park Drive Singapore 0511 Email: WWW: