=head1 NAME

PPI::Prettify - A Perl HTML pretty printer to use with Google prettify CSS
skins, no JavaScript required!

=head1 VERSION

version 0.07


    use PPI::Prettify 'prettify';

    my $codeSample = q! # get todays date in Perl
                        use Time::Piece;
                        print Time::Piece->new;

    my $html = prettify({ code => $codeSample });

    # every Perl token wrapped in a span e.g. for "use PPI::Prettify;":
        <span class="kwd">use</span>
        <span class="pln"> </span>
        <span class="atn">PPI::Prettify</span>
        <span class="pln">;</span>

    my $htmlDebug = prettify({ code => $codeSample, debug => 1 });
    # with PPI::Token class, e.g. for "use PPI::Prettify;":
        <span class="kwd" title="PPI::Token::Function">use</span>
        <span class="pln" title="PPI::Token::Whitespace"> </span>
        <span class="atn" title="PPI::Token::Word">PPI::Prettify</span>
        <span class="pln" title="PPI::Token::Structure">;</span>


This module takes a string Perl code sample and returns the tokens of the code
surrounded with <span> tags. The class attributes are the same used by the
L<prettify.js|https://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/>. Using
L<PPI::Prettify> you can generate the prettified code for use in webpages
without using JavaScript but you can use all L<the CSS
developed for prettify.js. Also, because this module uses L<PPI::Document> to
tokenize the code, it's more accurate than prettify.js.

L<PPI::Prettify> exports prettify() and the $MARKUP_RULES hashref which is used
to match PPI::Token classes to the class attribute given to that token's <span>
tag. You can modify $MARKUP_RULES to tweak the mapping if you require it.

I wrote an article with more detail about the module for:


I wanted to generate marked-up Perl code without using JavaScript for
L<PerlTricks.com|http://perltricks.com>. I was dissatisfied with prettify.js as
it doesn't always tokenize Perl correctly and won't run if the user has
disabled JavaScript. I considered L<PPI::HTML> but it embeds the CSS in the
generated code, and I wanted to use the same markup class attributes as
prettify.js so I could reuse the existing CSS developed for it.


=over 4

=item *

What constitutes a function and a keyword is somewhat arbitrary in Perl.
L<PPI::Prettify> mostly uses L<B::Keywords> to help distinguish functions and
keywords. However, some words such as "if", "my" and "BEGIN" are given a
special class of "PPI::Token::KeywordFunction" which can be overridden in
$MARKUP_RULES, should you wish to display these as keywords instead of

=item *

This module does not yet process Perl code samples with heredocs correctly.

=item *

Line numbering needs to be added.



=head2 prettify

Takes a hashref consisting of $code and an optional debug flag. Every Perl code
token is given a <span> tag that corresponds to the tags used by Google's
prettify.js library. If debug => 1, then every token's span tag will be given a
title attribute with the value of the originating PPI::Token class. This can
help if you want to override the mappings in $MARKUP_RULES. See L</SYNOPSIS>
for examples.

=head2 getExampleHTML

Returns an HTML document as a string with built-in CSS to demo the syntax
highlighting capabilites of PPI::Prettify. At the command line:

    $ perl -MPPI::Prettify -e 'print PPI::Prettify::getExampleHTML()' > example.html


=head2 _decorate

Iterates through the tokens of a L<PPI::Document>, marking up each token with a
<span> tag.

=head2 _to_html

Marks up a token with a span tag with the appropriate class attribute and the
PPI::Token class.

=head2 _determine_token

Determines the PPI::Token type.



=head1 SEE ALSO

L<PPI::HTML> is another prettifier for Perl code samples that allows the
embedding of CSS directly into the HTML generation.

=head1 THANKS

Thanks to Adam Kennedy for developing L<PPI::Document>, without which this
module would not be possible.

=head1 AUTHOR

David Farrell <sillymoos@cpan.org> L<PerlTricks.com|http://perltricks.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by David Farrell.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.