# z2folio - the Z39.50-to-FOLIO gateway

Copyright (C) 2018-2024 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License,
Version 2.0. See the file "[LICENSE](LICENSE)" for more information.

<!-- md2toc -l 2 README.md -->
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Running](#running)
* [Building and running from Docker](#building-and-running-from-docker)
* [Authentication](#authentication)
* [Access via SRU](#access-via-sru)
* [Obtaining information about loans](#obtaining-information-about-loans)
* [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
* [Additional information](#additional-information)
    * [Other documentation](#other-documentation)
    * [Issue tracker](#issue-tracker)

## Introduction

[`z2folio`](bin/z2folio) is a Z39.50 server for FOLIO bibliographic and holdings data, supporting record retrieval in USMARC, OPAC, XML and JSON formats. The functionality is all provided by [the `Net::Z3950::FOLIO` library](lib/Net/Z3950/FOLIO.pm), which is also part of this distribution. It is written in Perl, and follows standard Perl-module conventions.

The name of the Docker container is `mod-z3950`.

## Dependencies

Dependencies are defined in the [module descriptor](ModuleDescriptor.json) but since the FOLIO Z39.50 server is strictly a client to the rest of FOLIO it does not need to be installed as a part of FOLIO itself, and can run outside of a FOLIO installation provided it is pointing to an Okapi server with the following modules enabled:

* [`mod-graphql`](https://github.com/folio-org/mod-graphql)
* [`mod-search`](https://github.com/folio-org/mod-search)
* [`mod-inventory`](https://github.com/folio-org/mod-inventory)
* [`mod-inventory-storage`](https://github.com/folio-org/mod-inventory-storage)
* [`mod-source-record-storage`](https://github.com/folio-org/mod-source-record-storage)

Of these, the last three are fairly ubiquitous in FOLIO installations, but mod-graphql may need to be added.

The Okapi connection details (url, tenant, username, password) are defined in [the configuration file](etc/config.json) or via environment variables: see **Authentication** below.

## Installation

To install this module type the following:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

On some platforms (e.g. my MacBook running MacOS 10.13.6 with YAZ and libxml2 installed from Homebrew 1.8.4), installing the prerequisite SimpleServer with `cpan install Net::Z3950::SimpleServer` fails. I fixed it using:

    C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.4_3/include/libxml2 cpan install Net::Z3950::SimpleServer

## Running

If you don't want to install, you can run directly from the development checkout as:

    perl -I lib bin/z2folio -c etc/config -- -f etc/yazgfs.xml

## Building and running from Docker

    terminal1$ docker build -t zfolio .
    terminal1$ docker run -it --rm -p9997:9997 -e OKAPI_PASSWORD=swordfish --name run-zfolio zfolio

    terminal2$ yaz-client @:9997
    Z> find @attr 1=4 a
    Z> format opac
    Z> show 1

Note: if running in Kubernetes, it may be useful to turn off session logging by adding the `-v-session` parameter to the arguments. For example, `perl -I lib bin/z2folio -c etc/config -- -f etc/yazgfs.xml -v-session`. Session logs can be quite noisy on Kubernetes due to tcp healthchecks.

Docker containers get published as [folioorg/mod-z3950](https://hub.docker.com/r/folioorg/mod-z3950/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated) and [folioci/mod-z3950](https://hub.docker.com/r/folioci/mod-z3950/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated).

## Authentication

Whichever approach to running the server you prefer, the [default configuration file](etc/config.json) specifies that the password used to authenticate onto the back-end FOLIO system must be specified in the `FOLIO_PASSWORD` environment variable. You can provide that however seems best to you -- e.g. injecting it into a Docker container with the `-e name=value` as above -- or indeed use a different configuration file that hardwires the credentials.

## Access via SRU

Thanks to the magic of the protocol-polyglot [YAZ GFS](https://software.indexdata.com/yaz/doc/server.html), the FOLIO Z39.50 server also serves the SRU (REST-like) and SRW (SOAP-based) protocols. For example, if running the server on your local host, you can use the following to obtain an XML-formatted OPAC record containing both bibliographic metadata in MARCXML format and holdings-and-item information such as might be used by an OPAC. Replace placeholder <dbname> with the real database name (or tenant id).


## Obtaining information about loans

The Z39.50 server obtains information about the holdings and items associated with each instance record from FOLIO using `mod-graphql`, which behind the scenes performs searches for each holding record associated with the instance, and for each item in each of those holdings -- returning the aggregated tree-shaped record. This process can be expensive on the back-end.

In order to obtain information about loans -- specifically, the availability date of those items that are on loan -- it is unfortunately necessary to have `mod-graphql` run yet another search for each item in the response, fetching information about that item's open loans. For records with many items, this is likely to nearly double the load on the back-end system, and the response time when fetching the record.

Rather than impose this burden on all users of the FOLIO Z39.50 service, the default configuration does not request information about loans. However, as well as the regular GraphQL query `mod-search.graphql-query`, which is used by the default Z39.50 server configuration, the supplied set of configuration files also includes `etc/mod-search-with-loans.graphql-query`, which is identical except that it _does_ request the loan information. Clients that need availability dates should use this extended version of the GraphQL query. The easiest way to do this is to append the string `|withLoans` to the end of the Z39.50 database name: for example, instead of the database name `books`, use `books|withLoans`. This version of the database will include the `availabilityDate` field in its OPAC records.

Fetching information about loans requires the FOLIO installation to provide version 1.4 or better of the `graphql` interface, most likely though `mod-graphql` version 1.13.1 or higher.

## Troubleshooting

If when you perform a search your Z39.50 client reports

> Cannot query field "search_instances" on type "Query".

The problem is that the back-end FOLIO service you are searching in does not have `mod-search` (ElasticSearch-based searching in inventory), which was first released in FOLIO R1-2021 (Iris). In this case, you should configure the Z39.50 server to use the older approach of searching directly in `mod-inventory-storage`. You can most easily do this by changing the `graphqlQuery` entry in [`etc/config.json`](etc/config.json) from "mod-search.graphql-query" to "instances.graphql-query". Note, however, that as of FOLIO R2-2022 (Morning Glory), searching directly in inventory will no longer work for full-text searches such as author and title, only for exact-value searches such as HRID and ISBN.

## Additional information

### Other documentation

* [Capabilities of this Z39.50/SRU server](doc/capabilities.md)
* [The change-log for this module.](Changes.md)
* [The `z2folio` program.](doc/from-pod/z2folio.md)
* [The underlying library.](doc/from-pod/Net-Z3950-FOLIO.md)
* [The configuration file format.](doc/from-pod/Net-Z3950-FOLIO-Config.md)
* The FOLIO-inventory fields that are [used to make holdings information](doc/inventory-fields-used.md)
* Developer documentation about [the source code](doc/source-code-overview.md)
* Developer documentation about [the release procedure](doc/release-procedure.md)
* Developer documentation about [FOLIO's SRS system](doc/srs/using-srs.md), which the Z-server uses to obtain MARC records.
* Developer documentation about [the Z39.50 OPAC record format](doc/opac/README.md) and the YAZ toolkit's XML equivalent.

Other [modules](https://dev.folio.org/source-code/) are described,
with further FOLIO Developer documentation at [dev.folio.org](https://dev.folio.org/)

### Issue tracker

See project [ZF](https://issues.folio.org/browse/ZF)
at the [FOLIO issue tracker](https://dev.folio.org/guidelines/issue-tracker).