NAME MooseX::Types::DateTime::MySQL - Joins MooseX::Types::DateTime and DateTime::Format::MySQL DESCRIPTION Defines a "MySQLDateTime" type which will round-trip coerce to the "DateTime" type from MooseX::Types::DateTime. TYPES MySQLDateTime Coerces to and from "DateTime". MySQLDate Coerces to and from "DateTime" and will coerce to "MySQLDateTime". MySQLTime Coerces from "Int" (duration) and "DateTime" (by extracting only the time part). BUGS The MySQL datetime detection regex is imperfect as it just looks for " \d "s, rather than things which are known valid months. Probably more AUTHOR Tomas Doran (t0m) "<"> COPYRIGHT Copyright state51. LICENSE Copyright 2009 the above author(s). This sofware is free software, and is licensed under the same terms as perl itself.