NAME Message::Passing - a simple way of doing messaging. SYNOPSIS message-pass --input STDIN --output STDOUT {"foo": "bar"} {"foo":"bar"} DESCRIPTION This implementation is currently a prototype, and as such should be considered alpha and subject to change at any point. A library for building high performance, loosely coupled and reliable/reseliant applications, structured as small services which communicate over the network by passing messages. BASIC PREMISE You have data for discrete events, represented by a hash (and serialized as JSON). This could be a text log line, an audit record of an API event, a metric emitted from your application that you wish to aggregate and process - anything that can be a simple hash really.. You want to be able to shove these events over the network easily, and aggregate them / filter and rewrite them / split them into worker queues. This module is designed as a simple framework for writing components that let you do all of these things, in a simple and easily extensible manor. For a practical example, You generate events from a source (e.g. ZeroMQ output of logs and performance metrics from your Catalyst FCGI or Starman workers) and run one script that will give you a central application log file, or push the logs into ElasticSearch. There are a growing set of components you can plug together to make your solution. Getting started is really easy - you can just use the "message-passing" command installed by the distribution. If you have a common config that you want to repeat, or you want to write your own server which does something more flexible than the normal script allows, then see Message::Passing::DSL. To dive straight in, see the documentation for the command line utility message-passing, and see the examples in Message::Passing::Manual::Cookbook. For more about how the system works, see Message::Passing::Manual::Concepts. COMPONENTS Below is a non-exhaustive list of components available. INPUTS Inputs receive data from a source (usually a network protocol). They are responsible for decoding the data into a hash before passing it onto the next stage. Inputs include: Message::Passing::Input::STDIN Message::Passing::Input::ZeroMQ Message::Passing::Input::STOMP Message::Passing::Input::AMQP Message::Passing::Input::Syslog Message::Passing::Input::Test You can easily write your own input, just use AnyEvent, and consume Message::Passing::Role::Input. FILTER Filters can transform a message in any way. Examples include: Message::Passing::Filter::Null - Returns the input unchanged. Message::Passing::Filter::All - Stops any messages it receives from being passed to the output. I.e. literally filters all input out. Message::Passing::Filter::T - Splits the incoming message to multiple outputs. You can easily write your own filter, just consume Message::Passing::Role::Filter. Note that filters can be chained, and a filter can return undef to stop a message being passed to the output. OUTPUTS Outputs send data to somewhere, i.e. they consume messages. Message::Passing::Output::STDOUT Message::Passing::Output::AMQP Message::Passing::Output::STOMP Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ Message::Passing::Output::WebHooks Message::Passing::Output::ElasticSearch - COMING SOON (<>) Message::Passing::Output::Test SEE ALSO Log::Message::Structured - For creating your log messages. Log::Dispatch::Message::Passing - use Message::Passing outputs from Log::Dispatch. THIS MODULE This is a simple MooseX::Getopt script, with one input, one filter and one output. METHODS build_chain Builds and returns the configured chain of input => filter => output start Class method to call the run_log_server function with the results of having constructed an instance of this class, parsed command line options and constructed a chain. This is the entry point for the script. AUTHOR Tomas (t0m) Doran <> SUPPORT Bugs Please log bugs at Each distribution has a bug tracker link in it's page. Discussion #message-passing on Source code Source code for all modules is available at <> and forks / patches are very welcome. SPONSORSHIP This module exists due to the wonderful people at Suretec Systems Ltd. <> who sponsored its development for its VoIP division called SureVoIP <> for use with the SureVoIP API - <> COPYRIGHT Copyright Suretec Systems Ltd. 2012. Logstash (upon which many ideas for this project is based, but which we do not reuse any code from) is copyright 2010 Jorden Sissel. LICENSE GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 If you feel this is too restrictive to be able to use this software, please talk to us as we'd be willing to consider re-licensing under less restrictive terms.