Math::Matlab README

The Math::Matlab package provides an interface for running Matlab
programs from Perl and capturing the output (what the Matlab program
prints to STDOUT) into a string. For more information on Matlab see The
MathWorks web-site at

Math::Matlab, the base class, provides the interface which is then
implemented by a number of sub-classes. Math::Matlab::Local is the
simplest such sub-class which requires that a Matlab executeable be
available on the machine running the Perl program.

Math::Matlab::Remote is a sub-class which passes the execution request
on to a Server (implemented using the mod_perl handler in

Math::Matlab::Pool is a sub-class which simply passes on the execution
request to another Math::Matlab object, selected sequentially from a
list (round-robin). Syncronization is done via file-locking to ensure
that multiple Perl processes using the same Pool configuration will
distribute execution requests sequentially to the members of the pool.

Note: This package require the Test::More module available as part of
the Test-Simple package on CPAN and included in perl-5.8.0 (and probably
later) for running the tests.

Copyright (c) 2002 PSERC. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Ray Zimmerman, <>

$Id: README,v 1.3 2002/11/01 20:51:04 ray Exp $