Copyright (c) 1998 by Brian Guarraci. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

MVPoly is a multi-variable polynomial algebra library and command interpreter.  It implements the core algebraic functionality to support operations upto and including determining Groebner Basis.  Four monomial orderings are supported: grlex, grevlex, lex, and total degree.  Variable orderings are also supported.  A parser is included as a means to construct a simple command-line interfaces similar to that of Maple.

Version 0.8b is the first releast of MVPoly.  The largest weakness is the Parser.  It needs to be simplified.  The algebra library will be extended as time allows.

To install MVPoly, run the standard sequence:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install

The included pod docs have been pre-converted to HTML for you and
placed in the htdocs/ directory. The MVPoly overview (a good place to
start) is in MVPoly.html.

MVPoly is provided "as is" and without any express or implied
warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of
merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.  MVPoly is
released under the same terms as Perl itself.  For more information
see the "README" or "Artistic" files provided with the Perl

Send feedback, questions, bug reports, etc. to the mod_perl list
(; see for more information);
that way other folks will benefit from the communciation. Or, if you
prefer, send directly to

For all bug reports indicate your architecture, Apache/Perl/module
versions, etc. For installation problems send your and
httpd.conf. For component problems try to isolate the bug in a single
small component or set of components, and send those.