I keep builds of several XS-based modules here.  They only run
with PPC and CFM68K versions of MacPerl.  You will need to drag the
appropriate files to the appropriate places.

Also, you may have to autosplit the modules after installing them.  To
do that, run this script:

  #!perl -w
  use AutoSplit;
  $dir    = "$ENV{MACPERL}site_perl";
  $module = 'Storable.pm';  # Set:Object.pm, Data:Dumper.pm, etc.
                            # note one colon, not two
  autosplit("$dir:$module", "$dir:auto", 0, 1, 1);

Don't forget to check your module files for Mac OS newlines instead of
Unix newlines.

If the module does not run at all, check with the MacPerl mailing list,
the MacPerl Book (MacPerl: Power and Ease), and maybe with me.  :-)  If
the module runs but there might be a bug in the module itself, consider
writing to the modules original author.

These modules were built with a combination of MPW and CodeWarrior Pro
2, using the process outlined in MacPerl: Power and Ease.  I cannot 
test CFM68K stuff.  No warranty expressed or implied.  Caveat usor.

If you have a module you want built for MacPerl, let me know, and I
will consider it.  No, I will not do DBI or Tk.  :-)

Consider seeing what modules are available for Mac OS at the CPAN
Testers page at:


It is not complete, but it gives you a good idea.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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