NAME Sub::Exception - Code block with exception handler. SYNOPSIS Usually, this module acts in use phase: use Redis; use Sub::Exception redis_cmds => sub { MyException->throw($_) }; # when some exception occurred in this block, exception MyException threw. redis_cmds { my $redis = Redis->new; $redis->multi; ... # redis commands $redis->exec; }; Optionally have class methods exporting code block to specified package. use Sub::Exception; Sub::Exception->export( name => 'redis_cmds', error_handler => sub { MyException->throw($_) }, package => 'Target::Package', ); DESCRIPTION Sub::Exception is code block generator that have own exception handler. IMPORT FUNCTION use Sub::Exception %name_handler_pairs; This is main usage of this module. You can set multiple sub name and error handler pairs at once. use Sub::Exception database_cmds => sub { die sprintf 'DB Error: %s', $_ }, redis_cmds => sub { die sprintf 'Redis Error: %s', $_ }; Above code is export two subs: "database_cmds" and "redis_cmds" into current package. And these subs has own error handlers. database_cmd { # some database functions }; Exceptions in this code block is caught by its error handler: sub { die sprintf 'DB Error: %s', $_ } So all exceptions wraps 'DB Error: ' prefix string and re-throw it. CLASS METHODS export( name => 'Str', error_handler => 'CodeRef', package => 'Str' ) Sub::Exception->export( name => 'redis_cmds', error_handler => sub { MyException->throw($_) }, package => 'Target::Package', ); Another way to export code blocks. use Sub::Exception func => sub { ... }; is equivalent to: use Sub::Exception; Sub::Exception->export( name => 'func', error_handler => sub { ... }, package => __PACKAGE__, ); This method is a bit verbosity but it's possible to export functions to any packages. AUTHOR Daisuke Murase <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2012 KAYAC Inc. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.