NAME DBIx::Class::BitField - Store multiple boolean fields in one integer field VERSION version 0.13 SYNOPSIS package MySchema::Item; use base 'DBIx::Class'; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw(BitField Core)); __PACKAGE__->table('item'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( id => { data_type => 'integer' }, status => { data_type => 'integer', bitfield => [qw(active inactive foo bar)], }, advanced_status => { data_type => 'integer', bitfield => [qw(1 2 3 4)], bitfield_prefix => 'status_', accessor => '_foobar', is_nullable => 1, }, ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); __PACKAGE__->resultset_class('DBIx::Class::ResultSet::BitField'); 1; Somewhere in your code: my $rs = $schema->resultset('Item'); my $item = $rs->create({ status => [qw(active foo)], advanced_status => [qw(status_1 status_3)], }); $item2 = $rs->create({ active => 1, foo => 1, status_1 => 1, status_3 => 1, }); # $item->active == 1 # $item->foo == 1 # $item->status == ['active', 'foo'] # $item->_status == 5 # $item->status_1 == 1 # $item->status_3 == 1 $item->foo(0); $item->update; DESCRIPTION This module is useful if you manage data which has a lot of on/off attributes like *active, inactive, deleted, important, etc.*. If you do not want to add an extra column for each of those attributes you can easily specify them in one "integer" column. A bit field is a way to store multiple bit values on one integer field. The main benefit from this module is that you can add additional attributes to your result class whithout the need to deploy or change the schema on the data base. This module encourages to not normalize your schema. You should consider a "has_many" relationship to a table which holds all the flags instead of this module. Example A bit field "status" with "data_type" set to "int" or "integer" (case insensitive) and "active, inactive, deleted" will create the following accessors: "$row->status" This is not the value which is stored in the database. This accessor returns the status as an array ref. The array ref is empty if no status is applied. You can use this method to set the value as well: $row->status(['active', 'inactive']); # $row->status == ['active', 'inactive'] "$row->active", "$row->inactive", "$row->deleted" These accessors return either 1 or 0. If you add a parameter they will act like normal column accessors by returning that value. my $foo = $row->active(1); # $foo == 1 # $row->active == 1 # $row->status == ['active'] "$row->_status" This accessor will hold the internal integer representation of the bit field. $row->status(['active', 'inactive']); # $row->_status == 3 You can change the name of the accessor via the "accessor" attribute: __PACKAGE__->add_columns( status => { data_type => 'integer', bitfield => [qw(active inactive deleted)], accessor => '_status_accessor', }, ); ResultSet operations In order to use result set operations like "search" or "update" you need to set the result set class to "DBIx::Class::ResultSet::BitField" or to a class which inherits from it. __PACKAGE__->resultset_class('DBIx::Class::ResultSet::BitField'); update $rs->update({ status => ['active'] }); This will update the status of all items in the result to "active". This is done in a single SQL query. search_bitfield To search a result set for a specific value of the bitfield use "search_bitfield". You can either make a OR search: my $new_rs = $rs->search_bitfield([ status2 => 1, status3 => 1 ]); or AND: my $new_rs = $rs->search_bitfield({ status2 => 1, status3 => 1 }); This method uses bitwise operators in SQL. Depending on your database it is possible to create an index so the search is as fast as using a single boolean column. =head1 AUTHOR Moritz Onken <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2009 by Moritz Onken. This is free software, licensed under: The (three-clause) BSD License