RT::Extension::PreviewInSearch - preview tickets right from search
    results page

    RT's query builder (the ticket search interface) allows you to customize
    all of the columns that show up in search results, so you can usually
    customize a search and get all of the ticket metadata you need displayed
    on the search results page (e.g., current status, queue, owner, etc.).
    But sometimes you also need to see something from the history when you
    are looking for a ticket. This extension allows you to view the history
    of tickets at the bottom of the search results page without clicking
    over to the full display ticket page.

    With the extension installed, perform your search, then click anywhere
    in the ticket row in the search results. The history for that ticket
    will be displayed at the bottom of the page. With RT 5, if you have
    inline edit enabled for some search fields, click anywhere outside the
    inline edit fields. You'll see the pencil icon appear if you are in an
    inline edit area.

    To make it easier to see the ticket history with less scrolling, you can
    set the Rows per page setting on the search to a smaller number. A
    "$SideBySidePreview" mode is also available.

    Works with RT 4.2, 4.4, 5.0

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
        May need root permissions

    Patch RT
        For RT 5 prior to 5.0.6, apply the patches:

            patch -d /opt/rt5 -p1 < 0001-Add-ModifyPaths-Callback.patch

    Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/
        Add this line:

            Plugin( "RT::Extension::PreviewInSearch" );

    Clear your mason cache
            rm -rf /opt/rt5/var/mason_data/obj

    Restart your webserver

    Set this option to divide the search results page in half and display
    the selected ticket history on the right of search results.

        Set($SideBySidePreview, 1);

    Best Practical Solutions, LLC

    All bugs should be reported via email to

    or via the web at

    This software is Copyright (c) 2007-2023 by Best Practical Solutions,

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991