#!/usr/bin/env perl # -*- perl -*- # $Id: incorporate,v 3.9 2002/04/16 09:31:45 eserte Exp $ # XXX Issues: # * Win32 compatibility # * preserve symbolic links? use File::Basename (); use File::Find; my $main_pid = $$; $SIG{INT} = sub { exit }; # /usr/local/bin vor /usr/bin, weil dort ein besseres tar/zcat zu finden ist $ENV{'PATH'} = "/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11/bin:$ENV{'PATH'}"; my($child_pid, $msg, $wait_done); my @checked_out_files; my $uudecode_file; my $use_direct_emacs = 0; my $tmp = tmpdir(); use constant SEL_BUFFER => 4096; &domainname; $default_fromdir = ($ENV{'FROMDIR'} eq '' ? '.' : $ENV{'FROMDIR'}); $default_todir = ($ENV{'TODIR'} eq '' ? $ENV{'HOME'} : $ENV{'TODIR'}); $copy_uncond = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.copy_uncond"; $backups = "$tmp/e/backups"; $includefile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.include_add"; $noexec = 0; #$home2 = 1; if (is_in_path("less")) { $pager = ($ENV{'DOMAINNAME'} =~ /herceg.de/ ? "less -E" : "less"); } else { $pager = "more"; } @echo = (); %fancy_diff = (); @unprocessed_files = (); $use_color = 1; $diffopts = "-u"; # options for diff --- I like unified diffs $ignorercs = 0; $fast_cmp = 0; $ignore_files = 1; $use_skip_file = 0; $skip_file_base_name = ".copynewer.SKIP"; $use_tk = 0; $quiet = 0; # Loop through the command-line args: for ($i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; ++$i) { $_ = $ARGV[$i]; ARGL: { /^-n$/ && do { $noexec = 1; last ARGL; }; /^-backup$/ && do { &backup_add; exit 0; last ARGL; }; /^-restore$/ && do { &restore_add; exit 0; last ARGL; }; #/^-nohome2$/ && do { $home2 = 0; last ARGL; }; /^-fromdir$/ && do { $fromdir = &get_arg(*i, *ARGV, "-fromdir", "$_"); last ARGL; }; /^-todir$/ && do { $todir = &get_arg(*i, *ARGV, "-todir", "$_"); last ARGL; }; /^-lastrestore$/ && do { $lastrestore = &get_arg(*i, *ARGV, "-lastrestore", "$_"); last ARGL; }; /^-img$/ && do { $fancy_diff{'img'}++; last ARGL; }; /^-nocolor$/ && do { $use_color = 0; last ARGL; }; /^-ignorercs$/ && do { $ignorercs = 1; last ARGL; }; /^-fastcmp$/ && do { $fast_cmp = 1; last ARGL; }; /^-noignorefiles$/ && do { $ignore_files = 0; last ARGL; }; /^-useskipfile$/ && do { $use_skip_file = 1; last ARGL; }; /^-skipfile$/ && do { $skip_file_base_name = &get_arg(*i, *ARGV, "-skipfile", "$_"); last ARGL; }; /^-directemacs$/ && do { if (!$ENV{DISPLAY} && $^O ne 'MSWin32') { warn "No DISPLAY defined --- disabling -directemacs option\n\n"; } else { $use_direct_emacs = 1; } last ARGL; }; /^-tk$/ && do { $use_tk = 1; last ARGL; }; /^-quiet$/ && do { $quiet = 1; last ARGL; }; /^-/ && do { &usage("bad argument: $_"); last ARGL; }; /^[^-]/ && do { if (!defined $fromdir) { $fromdir = $_; last ARGL; } if (!defined $todir) { $todir = $_; last ARGL; } &usage("bad argument: $_"); last ARGL; }; } } # end of the for loop. if ($0 =~ m;(/|^)tkincorporate(\.pl)?$;) { $use_tk = 1; } if (!defined $fromdir) { $fromdir = $default_fromdir; } if (!defined $todir) { # first try to guess destination if (-f $fromdir) { my $frombase = File::Basename::basename($fromdir); if ($frombase =~ /^copynewer(_.*)\.(tar\.gz|zip|tgz)$/) { my $guess_todir = $1; $guess_todir =~ s|_|/|g; if (-d $guess_todir && -w $guess_todir) { $todir = $guess_todir; } } } } if (!defined $todir) { $todir = $default_todir; } @echo = ('echo') if ($noexec); # echoing commands instead of executing them my $tmp_extract_dir; if (-f $fromdir) { if ($fromdir =~ /\.t(ar\.)?gz$/) { extract("tgz"); } elsif ($fromdir =~ /\.zip$/) { extract("zip"); } elsif (is_uuencoded($fromdir)) { extract("uudecode"); } } if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { # stat is not working... die "FROMDIR ($fromdir) must be not equal TODIR ($todir)" if $fromdir eq $todir; } else { die "FROMDIR ($fromdir) must be not equal TODIR ($todir)" if (stat($fromdir))[0] eq (stat($todir))[0] # compare devices && (stat($fromdir))[1] eq (stat($todir))[1]; # compare inodes } # strip slashes at tail $fromdir =~ s|/+$||; $todir =~ s|/+$||; # make absolute paths, if possible $fromdir = rel2abs($fromdir); $todir = rel2abs($todir); $redcolor = $bluecolor = $normalcolor = ''; if ($use_color && !$use_tk) { eval { require Term::Cap; if (-r "/etc/termcap") { # force colored xterm system(qw|fgrep|, ($^O ne 'solaris' ? "-q" : ()), qw|xterm-color /etc/termcap|); if (!$?) { $ENV{TERM} = "xterm-color" if ($ENV{TERM} eq 'xterm'); } } $terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap { TERM => undef, OSPEED => 9600 }; $terminal->Trequire(qw/AF op/); $redcolor = $terminal->Tgoto('AF', 1, 1); $bluecolor = $terminal->Tgoto('AF', 1, 4); $normalcolor = $terminal->Tputs('op', 1); }; if ($@) { $use_color = 0; warn "Don't use coloring because:\n$@"; } } if ($use_skip_file) { if (!open(SKIP, "$fromdir/$skip_file_base_name")) { warn "Skip file $fromdir/$skip_file_base_name requested, but: $!"; } else { while(<SKIP>) { chomp; push @use_manifest_skip, $_; } close SKIP; } } open(LOG, ">$tmp/incorporate_log.$$") || print STDERR "Can't open logfile\n"; # first copy all files from .copy_uncond without prompting if (open(COPYUNCOND, $copy_uncond)) { $shscript = ''; while(<COPYUNCOND>) { chop; # gather all commands for a sh script $shscript .= "cp -pr '$_' '" . &dirname("$todir/$_") . "' && rm -rf '$_'\n" if (-e $_); } if ($noexec) { print STDERR $shscript; } else { open(SHELL, "| sh -") || die "Can't exec shell"; print SHELL $shscript if (!$noexec); close(SHELL); } } if (-d $backups) { &restore_add; system(@echo, "rm", "-rf", $backups)/256 == 0 || print LOG "Can't remove $backups\n"; } # may be on a CDROM where nlink is not handled (e.g. FreeBSD's cd9660 fs) $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1; # process all files in the subtree find(\&wanted, $fromdir); sub wanted { #open(FIND, "find $fromdir -type f -print |") || die "Can't exec find"; #while(<FIND>) { # chop($file = $_); return if !-f $_; chomp($file = $File::Find::name); if ($ignore_files) { if ($file =~ /~$/ || $file =~ /^\#.*\#$/) { return; } } if (@use_manifest_skip) { foreach my $skip (@use_manifest_skip) { if ($file =~ /$skip/) { #warn "Ignore $n"; #XXX if $VERBOSE; # XXX #if (-d $_) { # $File::Find::prune = 1; #} return; } } } my $cmp; $file =~ s|^$fromdir/||; print STDERR "$file ... " unless $quiet; if ($ignorercs and $file =~ m#(^|/)(RCS|CVS)/#) { print STDERR "ignoring (RCS or CVS).\n" unless $quiet; return; } if (! -r "$fromdir/$file") { print STDERR "source file $fromdir/$file isn't readable.\n" unless $quiet; return; } if (! -r "$todir/$file") { print STDERR "does not exist\n" unless $quiet; push @dont_exist_files, $file; } elsif (!$fast_cmp && ($cmp = exact_cmp("$fromdir/$file", "$todir/$file")) == 0) { print STDERR "OK\n" unless $quiet; } elsif ($fast_cmp && ($cmp = fast_cmp("$fromdir/$file", "$todir/$file")) == 0) { print STDERR "[OK]\n" unless $quiet; } else { if ($cmp != 1) { warn "Problem while comparing $file, do not add to diff list...\n"; return; } print STDERR "diffs\n" unless $quiet; push @diff_files, $file; if ($use_tk) { system(qw/diff -q -I/, chr(36) . "Id:.*" . chr(36), "$fromdir/$file", "$todir/$file"); if ($? == 0) { push @rcs_change_only_files, $file; } } } } #close(FIND); if ($use_tk) { Incorporate::Tk::mw(); Incorporate::Tk::fill(-changed => \@diff_files, -rcschangeonly => \@rcs_change_only_files, -new => \@dont_exist_files); Incorporate::Tk::loop(); exit; } foreach my $file (@dont_exist_files) { if (! -r "$fromdir/$file") { warn "$fromdir/$file is being deleted...\n"; next; } print STDERR "$file does not exist\n"; &dontexist($file); } foreach my $file (@diff_files) { if (! -r "$fromdir/$file") { warn "$fromdir/$file is being deleted...\n"; next; } $local_file_newer = 0; if (-z "$fromdir/$file" && !((stat("$todir/$file"))[9] > (stat("$fromdir/$file"))[9])) { # empty file print STDERR "$file: empty file\nDelete destination? (y/n) "; chop($_ = <STDIN>); if ($_ eq 'y') { unlink "$todir/$file"; next; } } else { print STDERR "$file diffs"; if ((stat("$todir/$file"))[9] > (stat("$fromdir/$file"))[9]) { print STDERR ", ${redcolor}local file is newer${normalcolor}"; $local_file_newer = 1; } print STDERR "\n"; } difffiles($file); } # if ($home2 && ($_ = "$ENV{'HOME'}/export/home2.tgz") && -s $_) { # system("tar xfvzpP $_")/256 == 0 || # print LOG "Can't untar $_\n"; # rename($_, "$_~"); # } close(LOG); if (defined $lastrestore) { if (open(LAST, ">>$lastrestore")) { print LAST scalar localtime; print LAST "\n"; close LAST; } else { warn "Can't write to $lastrestore: $!\n"; } } if (@unprocessed_files) { print STDERR "These files are unprocessed:\n"; print STDERR join("\n", map { "\t$_" } @unprocessed_files), "\n"; } if (@merged_files) { print STDERR "These files are merged:\n"; print STDERR join("\n", map { "\t$_" } @merged_files), "\n"; } if (@checked_out_files) { print STDERR "These files were checked out:\n"; print STDERR join("\n", map { "\t$_" } @checked_out_files), "\n"; my $emacs_s = "(progn\n" . join("\n", map { " (find-file \"$_\")" } @checked_out_files) . ")\n"; set_selection($emacs_s); if ($msg) { print STDERR "Print C-c to exit the program (the selection will be lost).\n"; sleep 60*10; } } ###################################################################### # prompt for copying the file sub copyfile { local($file) = @_; local($yesno, $mode) = ''; my $topath = "$todir/$file"; while ($yesno eq '') { print STDERR "copy (merge) $bluecolor", basename($file), "$normalcolor to " . $todir . "/$bluecolor" . dirname($file) . "$normalcolor?"; if ($local_file_newer) { print STDERR "${redcolor} (local file is newer)$normalcolor"; } print STDERR " (y/c/m/i/n/a/d/E/?) "; $_ = <STDIN>; if (/^[yjc]/i) { do_real_copy($file); $yesno = 'y'; } elsif (/^i/i) { # merge with interactive sdiff rename($topath, "$topath~") if (!$noexec); my(@cmd); if (@echo) { push @cmd, @echo } push(@cmd, "sdiff", "-o", $topath, "-s", "$fromdir/$file", "$topath~"); system(@cmd); $yesno = 'i'; } elsif (/^m/i) { # merge with merge require File::Copy; File::Copy::copy($topath, "$topath~") if (!$noexec); my(@cmd); if (@echo) { push @cmd, @echo } push(@cmd, "merge", $topath, $topath, "$fromdir/$file"); push @merged_files, $topath; system(@cmd); $yesno = 'm'; } elsif (/^n/i) { $yesno = 'n'; } elsif (/^a/i) { # XXX open etc. verwenden system(join(" ", @echo) . "cat '$fromdir/$file' >> '$topath'")/256 == 0 || print LOG "Problems appending $fromdir/$file to $topath\n"; } elsif (/^d/i) { &difffiles($file); last; # exit loop } elsif (/^E/) { my $emacs_s = get_emacs_lisp_diff_line($file); if ($use_direct_emacs) { next if call_emacs($emacs_s); # otherwise fall through... } print "$emacs_s\n"; set_selection($emacs_s); } else { # wrong input, try again print STDERR "y/c=cp; m=merge; i=inter.merge; E=emacs diff; n=nothing; a=append; d=diff\n"; $yesno = ''; } } &killprocs; } sub do_real_copy { my($file) = @_; my $topath = "$todir/$file"; if (-l $topath) { my $symlinkpath = File::Basename::dirname($topath) . "/" . readlink($topath); if (-e $symlinkpath) { if (common_yn("$topath is linked to $symlinkpath. Use orig file?", "yn")) { $topath = $symlinkpath; } } } my $was_checked_out = 0; if (-f $topath && !-w $topath && is_rcs_file($topath) && is_rcs_locked($topath)) { if (common_yn("Checkout file $topath?", "yn")) { checkout_file($topath); $was_checked_out++; push @checked_out_files, $topath; } } rename($topath, "$topath~") if (!$noexec); if (! -d &dirname($topath)) { system(@echo, "mkdirhier", &dirname($topath))/256 != 0 && print LOG "Can't mkdirhier $topath\n"; } # target file isn't writeable if (-f $topath && ! -w $topath) { my $mode = (stat(_))[2]; # XXX don't yet used # make file writeable chmod 200, $topath || print LOG "Can't chmod $topath\n"; } # -p resets right permissions my(@cmd); if (@echo) { push @cmd, @echo; } my @cp_args = ("-p"); if ($^O eq 'linux') { push @cp_args, "-b"; } push @cmd, "cp", @cp_args, "$fromdir/$file", $topath; my $ret = system(@cmd)/256; if ($ret != 0) { print LOG "Problems copying $fromdir/$file to $todir\n"; if (-z $topath && -e "$topath~") { print LOG "Try to restore old file $topath~...\n"; system("cp", "-p", "$topath~", $topath); } } if ($was_checked_out) { # correct write permission, so emacs does not get confused... my(@s) = stat($topath); if (@s) { my $mode = $s[2] | 0200; chmod $mode => $topath; } } } sub common_yn { my $text = shift; my $type = shift; if ($use_tk) { return 1 if ($Incorporate::Tk::mw->messageBox (-title => "Symlink", -text => $text, -icon => "question", -type => ($type =~ /^yn$/i ? "YesNo" : die), ) =~ /yes/i); } else { print STDERR "$text (Y/n) "; $_ = <STDIN>; return 1 if /^[yj]/i; } 0; } sub get_emacs_lisp_diff_line { my $file = shift; require Cwd; my $frompath; if (file_name_is_absolute($fromdir)) { $frompath = catfile($fromdir, $file); } else { $frompath = catfile(Cwd::cwd(), $fromdir, $file); } "(ediff-files \"$todir/$file\" \"$frompath\")"; } # what to do if a file does not exist ... sub dontexist { local($file) = @_; ©file($file); } # command for encountering differnces sub difffiles { local($file) = @_; local($fromfile) = "$fromdir/$file"; local($tofile) = "$todir/$file"; if ($fancy_diff{'img'} && &is_img($fromfile) && defined $ENV{DISPLAY}) { &cmd("xv", "-geometry", "+0+0", $fromfile); &cmd("xv", "-geometry", "-0+0", $tofile); } else { if ($file =~ /\.(z|Z|gz)$/) { $diffprg = "zdiff"; } else { $diffprg = "diff"; } # XXX better solution system("$diffprg $diffopts " . quote_single($tofile) . " " . quote_single($fromfile) . " | $pager"); } ©file($file); } # do a backup of additional files (.include_add) sub backup_add { local($count, $local, $remote, $base) = 1; if (!open(INCLUDEFILE, $includefile)) { print STDERR "No $includefile\n"; } else { umask 077; # make backup directory system(@echo, "mkdirhier", $backups) if ( ! -d $backups ); # process all files/directories in .include_add while(<INCLUDEFILE>) { chop; ($local, $remote) = split(/\t/); if (-r $local) { if (-f $local) { chdir &dirname($local); } else { chdir $local; } $base = &basename($local); $base = '.' if ($base eq ''); system(@echo, "gtar", "cfvzp", "$backups/$count.tgz", $base); $count++; } else { print STDERR "No such file or directory: $local\n"; } } close(INCLUDEFILE); } } # restore a archive made by backup_add sub restore_add { local($count) = 1; if (!open(INCLUDEFILE, $includefile)) { print STDERR "No $includefile\n"; } else { while(<INCLUDEFILE>) { chop; ($local, $remote) = split(/\t/); if (-d $remote) { # check it XXX chdir $remote; system(@echo, "gtar", "xfvzp", "$backups/$count.tgz"); } $count++; } close(INCLUDEFILE); } } # ermittelt die Domain sub domainname { ($ENV{'DOMAINNAME'} eq '') && chop($ENV{'DOMAINNAME'} = `domainname`); } # basename sub basename { local($pathname) = @_; $pathname =~ /([^\/]*)$/; $1; } # dirname sub dirname { local($pathname) = @_; $pathname =~ s|/[^/]+$||; $pathname; } sub cmd { local(@cmd) = @_; local($pid); $pid = fork; if (!$pid) { # child exec @cmd; die $!; } $waitpids{$pid}++; } sub killprocs { local($k); while($k = each %waitpids) { kill 15, $k; delete $waitpids{$k}; } } sub is_img { local($file) = @_; # XXX vielleicht auch magic verwenden $file =~ /\.(gif|jpe?g|p[pngb]m|x[bp]m|tiff?|bmp|ras|rgb|tga|fts|iff|i?lbm)$/i; } # print out how to use this program. # the string argument passed to it is printed at the end, with a nl. sub usage { local ($problem) = @_; die "usage:", &basename($0), "[-n] [-backup] [-restore] [-nohome] [-fromdir dir] [-todir dir] [-img] Incorporate changes from cs to cabulja and vice versa \n" . "$problem\n"; } # Get the argument, which may be directly after this switch, or the # next word entirely. This works like getopts, in a way. sub get_arg { local(*index, *array, $prefix, $arg) = @_; # kein my!!! if ($arg =~ m/^$prefix$/) { ++$index; die "Too few args - last arg was $arg\n" if ($index > $#array); return "$array[$index]"; } else { $arg =~ s/^$prefix//; return "$arg"; } } sub is_rcs_file { my $file = shift; my $dir = dirname($file); my $base = basename($file); -f $file && -d "$dir/RCS" && -f "$dir/RCS/$base,v"; } sub is_rcs_locked { my $file = shift; open(RLOG, "rlog $file|"); while(<RLOG>) { if (/^locks:/) { my $nextline = scalar <RLOG>; if ($nextline =~ /^\s/) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } } close RLOG; 0; } sub checkout_file { my $file = shift; system(qw/co -l/, $file); } # REPO BEGIN # REPO NAME is_in_path /home/e/eserte/src/repository # REPO MD5 8ef726a767d6a3291c0cd8569ce761b1 =head2 is_in_path($prog) Return the pathname of $prog, if the program is in the PATH, or undef otherwise. DEPENDENCY: file_name_is_absolute =cut sub is_in_path { my($prog) = @_; return $prog if (file_name_is_absolute($prog) and -x $prog); require Config; my $sep = $Config::Config{'path_sep'} || ':'; foreach (split(/$sep/o, $ENV{PATH})) { return "$_/$prog" if -x "$_/$prog"; } undef; } # REPO END # REPO BEGIN # REPO NAME file_name_is_absolute /home/e/eserte/src/repository # REPO MD5 47355e35bcf03edac9ea12c6f8fff9a3 =head2 file_name_is_absolute($file) Return true, if supplied file name is absolute. This is only necessary for older perls where File::Spec is not part of the system. =cut sub file_name_is_absolute { my $file = shift; my $r; eval { require File::Spec; $r = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($file); }; if ($@) { if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $r = ($file =~ m;^([a-z]:(/|\\)|\\\\|//);i); } else { $r = ($file =~ m|^/|); } } $r; } # REPO END # REPO BEGIN # REPO NAME rel2abs /home/e/eserte/src/repository # REPO MD5 bc5f1345a60d58768f98dc20a434cd0c sub rel2abs { my($path, $base) = @_; require File::Spec; if (File::Spec->can("rel2abs")) { File::Spec->rel2abs($path, $base); } else { if ( ! file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) { # Figure out the effective $base and clean it up. if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) { require Cwd; $base = Cwd::cwd() ; } elsif ( ! file_name_is_absolute( $base ) ) { $base = rel2abs( $base ) ; } else { $base = File::Spec->canonpath( $base ); } # Glom them together $path = File::Spec->catdir( $base, $path ) ; } return File::Spec->canonpath( $path ) ; } } # REPO END # REPO BEGIN # REPO NAME catfile /home/e/eserte/src/repository # REPO MD5 0c04863c43c3eb9e92772bc0b73ad923 =head2 catfile($dirname, $dirname, ..., $basename) Take dirname and basename portions and return an entire path. This is only necessary for older perls where File::Spec is not part of the system. =cut sub catfile { my(@args) = @_; my $path; eval { require File::Spec; $path = File::Spec->catfile(@args); }; if ($@) { $path = join("/", @args); } $path; } # REPO END # XXX maybe use gnuclient instead... sub call_emacs { my $elisp_code = shift; my $elisp_file = "$tmp/incorporate.el"; if (open(F, ">$elisp_file")) { print F "$elisp_code\n"; close F; system("emacs -q -l $elisp_file &"); return 1; } else { warn "Can't create $elisp_file"; return 0; } } sub create_hidden_sel_window { if (!defined $msg) { $msg = 0; # complex IPC code for X11 selection... eval q{use IPC::Msg; use IPC::SysV qw(IPC_PRIVATE S_IRWXU S_IRWXG S_IRWXO); use Tk; $msg = new IPC::Msg(IPC_PRIVATE, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); $SIG{INT} = sub { exit }; END { $msg->remove if $msg } $childpid = fork; if (!$childpid) { my $buf; my $top; my $pending; my $handler = sub { if (!$top) { $pending = 1; return; } $msg->rcv($buf, SEL_BUFFER); ($buf) = split(/\0/, $buf, 1); $top->SelectionOwn; $top->SelectionHandle(sub { $buf }); }; $SIG{USR1} = $handler; $top = new MainWindow; $top->withdraw; if ($pending) { $handler->(); } MainLoop; CORE::exit(0); } }; warn $@ if $@; $msg = 0 if $@; } } sub send_selection_to_process { my $sel_string = shift; if (defined $msg and $msg != 0) { select(undef,undef,undef,0.05) if !$wait_done; $wait_done++; my $buf = "\0" x SEL_BUFFER; substr($buf, 0) = $sel_string; $msg->snd(1, $buf); kill USR1 => $childpid } } sub set_selection { my $sel_string = shift; create_hidden_sel_window(); send_selection_to_process($sel_string); } sub quote_single { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; "'" . $s . "'"; } # cmp functions: return 0 if the files are the same sub exact_cmp { my($from, $to) = @_; system("cmp", "-s", $from, $to)/256; } # be optimistic: if the files have the same modtime and size, then they # are the same sub fast_cmp { my($from, $to) = @_; my @s1 = stat($from); my @s2 = stat($to); return 1 if !@s1 || !@s2; # one file is missing # different modtimes and the files are really differing return exact_cmp($from, $to) if $s1[9] != $s2[9]; return 1 if $s1[7] != $s2[7]; 0; } sub extract { my $archiver = shift || ""; $tmp_extract_dir = "$tmp/incorporate-extract-$archiver-$$"; if (-d $tmp_extract_dir) { undef $tmp_extract_dir; die "Extract directory $tmp_extract_dir already exists"; } require File::Path; File::Path::mkpath([$tmp_extract_dir], 1, 0700); require Cwd; my $cwd = Cwd::cwd(); my $fromtgz = (file_name_is_absolute($fromdir) ? $fromdir : catfile($cwd, $fromdir) ); chdir $tmp_extract_dir || die "Can't chdir to $tmp_extract_dir: $!"; if ($archiver eq "") { # guess... if ($fromtgz =~ /\.t(ar\.)?gz$/) { $archiver = "tgz"; } elsif ($fromtgz =~ /\.zip$/) { $archiver = "zip"; } } if ($archiver eq 'tgz') { #system("tar", "xfvzp", "$fromtgz"); system("zcat $fromtgz | tar xfvp -"); } elsif ($archiver eq 'zip') { system("unzip", "$fromtgz"); } elsif ($archiver eq 'uudecode') { die "No uudecode file given" unless defined $uudecode_file; system("uudecode", "$fromtgz"); $fromdir = $uudecode_file; return extract(); } else { die "$archiver?"; } my(@extracted) = glob("*"); if (@extracted != 1 || !-d $extracted[0]) { die "Archive contents are ambiguous (not a single directory)"; } $fromdir = $tmp_extract_dir . "/" . $extracted[0]; chdir $cwd || die "Can't chdir back to $cwd: $!"; } sub is_uuencoded { my $file = shift; my $is_uuencoded = 0; if (open(F, $file)) { while(<F>) { chomp; /^begin\s+[0-7]+\s+(.*)/ and do { $uudecode_file = $1; $is_uuencoded++; last; }; } close F; } else { die "Can't open $file: $!"; } $is_uuencoded; } sub tmpdir { foreach my $d ($ENV{TMPDIR}, $ENV{TEMP}, "/tmp", "/var/tmp", "/usr/tmp", "/temp") { next if !defined $d; next if !-d $d || !-w $d; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $d =~ s|\\|/|g; } return $d; } undef; } END { if ($$ == $main_pid && defined $tmp_extract_dir && -d $tmp_extract_dir && $tmp_extract_dir =~ m|^$tmp|) { system("rm", "-rf", $tmp_extract_dir); } } # stolen from tkpop package Tk::MyHList; BEGIN { @ISA = qw(Tk::HList) } sub Button1 { my $w = shift; my $Ev = $w->XEvent; delete $w->{'shiftanchor'}; delete $w->{tixindicator}; $w->focus() if($w->cget('-takefocus')); my $mode = $w->cget('-selectmode'); if ($mode eq 'dragdrop') { # $w->Send_WaitDrag($Ev->y); return; } my $ent = $w->GetNearest($Ev->y, 1); if (!defined($ent) || !length($ent)) { $w->selectionClear; $w->anchorClear; return; } my @info = $w->info('item',$Ev->x, $Ev->y); if (@info) { die 'Assert' unless $info[0] eq $ent; } else { @info = $ent; } if (defined($info[1]) && $info[1] eq 'indicator') { $w->{tixindicator} = $ent; $w->Callback(-indicatorcmd => $ent, '<Arm>'); } else { my $browse = 0; if ($mode eq 'single') { $w->anchorSet($ent); } elsif ($mode eq 'browse') { $w->anchorSet($ent); $w->selectionClear; $w->selectionSet($ent); $browse = 1; } elsif ($mode eq 'multiple') { $w->selectionClear; $w->anchorSet($ent); $w->selectionSet($ent); $browse = 1; } elsif ($mode eq 'extended') { if ($w->selectionIncludes($ent)) { $w->selectionClear($ent); } else { $w->selectionSet($ent); } $w->{'LastEnt'} = $ent; $browse = 1; } if ($browse) { $w->Callback(-browsecmd => @info); } } } sub CtrlButton1 { # my $w = shift; # my $Ev = $w->XEvent; # delete $w->{'shiftanchor'}; # my $ent = $w->GetNearest($Ev->y); # return unless (defined($ent) and length($ent)); # my $mode = $w->cget('-selectmode'); # if($mode eq "extended") { # # $w->anchor('set', $ent) unless( $w->info('anchor') ); # if($w->select('includes', $ent)) { # $w->select('clear', $ent); # warn "undef 2"; # undef $w->{'LastEnt'}; # } else { # $w->select('set', $ent); # $w->{'LastEnt'} = $ent; # } # $w->Callback(-browsecmd =>$ent); # } } sub ButtonRelease1 { my ($w, $Ev) = @_; my ($x, $y) = ($Ev->x, $Ev->y); my $ent = $w->GetNearest($y, 1); return unless defined $ent; return unless $w->{ReleaseCommand}; $w->{ReleaseCommand}->($w, $ent); } sub Button1Motion { my $w = shift; my $Ev = $w->XEvent; delete $w->{'shiftanchor'}; my $mode = $w->cget('-selectmode'); if ($mode eq "dragdrop") { # $w->Send_StartDrag(); return; } my $ent = $w->GetNearest($Ev->y); return unless (defined($ent) and length($ent)); if($w->{tixindicator}) { my $event_type = $w->{tixindicator} eq $ent ? "<Arm>" : "<Disarm>"; $w->Callback(-indicatorcmd => $w->{tixindicator}, $event_type ); return; } if (!defined $w->{'LastEnt'} || $w->{'LastEnt'} ne $ent) { if ($w->selectionIncludes($ent)) { $w->selectionClear($ent); } else { $w->selectionSet($ent); } $w->{'LastEnt'} = $ent; } if ($mode ne "single") { $w->Callback(-browsecmd =>$ent); } } package Incorporate::Tk; use strict; use vars qw($mw $redstyle $greenstyle); sub mw { require Tk; require Tk::HList; require Tk::ItemStyle; require Tk::ROText; eval { package Tk::MyHList; Tk::Widget->Construct('MyHList'); }; die $@ if $@; $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->title("$main::fromdir => $main::todir"); for (qw(Entry NumEntry Listbox KListbox K2Listbox TixHList HList MyHList Text ROText BrowseEntry.Entry)) { $mw->optionAdd("*$_.background", "grey95", "userDefault"); } $mw->optionAdd("*MyHList.selectBackground", "green"); my $src_f = $mw->Frame->packAdjust(-side => "left", -fill => "both", -expand => 1); my $dest_f = $mw->Frame->packAdjust(-side => "left", -fill => "both", -expand => 1); my $diff_f = $mw->Frame->pack(-side => "left", -fill => "both", -expand => 1); $redstyle = $mw->ItemStyle("text", -foreground => "red", -background => "grey95"); $greenstyle = $mw->ItemStyle("text", -foreground => "darkgreen", -background => "grey95"); $src_f->Label(-text => "New files:")->pack; my $new_files_hl = $src_f->Scrolled("MyHList", -selectmode => 'extended', -scrollbars => "osoe")->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); $src_f->Label(-text => "Changed files:")->pack; my $changed_files_hl = $src_f->Scrolled("MyHList", -selectmode => 'extended', -scrollbars => "osoe")->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); my $std_height = 6; $dest_f->Label(-text => "Don't copy:")->pack; my $dont_copy_hl = $dest_f->Scrolled("MyHList", -height => $std_height, -selectmode => 'extended', -scrollbars => "osoe")->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); $dest_f->Label(-text => "Never copy:")->pack; my $never_copy_hl = $dest_f->Scrolled("MyHList", -height => $std_height, -selectmode => 'extended', -scrollbars => "osoe")->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); $dest_f->Label(-text => "Copy:")->pack; my $copy_hl = $dest_f->Scrolled("MyHList", -height => $std_height, -selectmode => 'extended', -scrollbars => "osoe")->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); $dest_f->Label(-text => "Merge:")->pack; my $merge_hl = $dest_f->Scrolled("MyHList", -height => $std_height, -selectmode => 'extended', -scrollbars => "osoe")->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); $diff_f->Label(-text => "Diff:")->pack; my $diff_txt = $diff_f->Scrolled("ROText", -width => 40, -wrap => "none", -font => "fixed", -scrollbars => "osoe")->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1); my $bf = $diff_f->Frame->pack(-fill => "x"); $bf->Button(-text => "Cancel", -command => sub { $mw->destroy }, )->pack(-side => "left", -fill => "x", -expand => 1); $bf->Button(-text => "Do it!", -command => \&do_it, )->pack(-side => "left", -fill => "x", -expand => 1); $mw->Advertise("NewFiles" => $new_files_hl); $mw->Advertise("ChangedFiles" => $changed_files_hl); $mw->Advertise("DontCopy" => $dont_copy_hl); $mw->Advertise("NeverCopy" => $never_copy_hl); $mw->Advertise("Copy" => $copy_hl); $mw->Advertise("Merge" => $merge_hl); $mw->Advertise("Diff" => $diff_txt); my $new_files_popup_menu = $new_files_hl->Menu; $new_files_popup_menu->command (-label => "don't copy", -command => sub { move_items($new_files_hl, $dont_copy_hl) } ); $new_files_popup_menu->command (-label => "never copy", -command => sub { move_items($new_files_hl, $never_copy_hl) } ); $new_files_popup_menu->command (-label => "copy", -command => sub { move_items($new_files_hl, $copy_hl) } ); $new_files_hl->bind("<ButtonPress-3>" => sub { my $e = $_[0]->XEvent; $new_files_popup_menu->Post($e->X, $e->Y); }); my $changed_files_popup_menu = $changed_files_hl->Menu; $changed_files_popup_menu->command (-label => "don't copy", -command => sub { move_items($changed_files_hl, $dont_copy_hl) } ); $changed_files_popup_menu->command (-label => "never copy", -command => sub { move_items($changed_files_hl, $never_copy_hl) } ); $changed_files_popup_menu->command (-label => "copy", -command => sub { move_items($changed_files_hl, $copy_hl) } ); $changed_files_popup_menu->command (-label => "merge", -command => sub { move_items($changed_files_hl, $merge_hl) } ); $changed_files_hl->bind("<ButtonPress-3>" => sub { my $e = $_[0]->XEvent; $changed_files_popup_menu->Post($e->X, $e->Y); }); foreach my $w ($dont_copy_hl, $never_copy_hl, $copy_hl, $merge_hl) { my $menu = $w->Menu; $menu->command(-label => "dismiss", -command => [sub { dismiss(@_) }, $w], ); $w->bind("<ButtonPress-3>" => sub { my $e = $_[0]->XEvent; $menu->Post($e->X, $e->Y); }); } foreach my $w ($dont_copy_hl, $never_copy_hl, $copy_hl, $merge_hl, $changed_files_hl) { my $ww = $w; $ww->Subwidget("scrolled")->{ReleaseCommand} = sub { show_diff($ww->entrycget($_[1], "-text")) }; } } sub fill { my(%args) = @_; my($diff_files_ref, $dont_exist_files_ref) = ($args{-changed}, $args{-new}); my %only_rcs_change_files; if ($args{-rcschangeonly}) { %only_rcs_change_files = map { ($_ => 1) } @{ $args{-rcschangeonly} }; } my $new_files_hl = $mw->Subwidget("NewFiles"); my $changed_files_hl = $mw->Subwidget("ChangedFiles"); my $never_copy_hl = $mw->Subwidget("NeverCopy"); $new_files_hl->delete("all"); $changed_files_hl->delete("all"); $never_copy_hl->delete("all"); my %never_copy_files; if (open(NEVERCOPY, "$main::todir/.incorporate.nevercopy")) { my $i = 0; while(<NEVERCOPY>) { chomp; $never_copy_files{$_}++; $never_copy_hl->add($i, -text => $_, -itemtype => "text"); $i++; } close NEVERCOPY; } my $i = 0; foreach my $file (@$dont_exist_files_ref) { next if $never_copy_files{$file}; $new_files_hl->add($i, -text => $file, -itemtype => "text"); $i++; } $i = 0; foreach my $file (@$diff_files_ref) { next if $never_copy_files{$file}; my %args; if ($only_rcs_change_files{$file}) { $args{-style} = $greenstyle; } if ((stat("$main::todir/$file"))[9] > (stat("$main::fromdir/$file"))[9]) { $args{-style} = $redstyle; } $changed_files_hl->add($i, -text => $file, -itemtype => "text", %args); $i++; } } sub move_items { my($from, $to) = @_; my $last_in_to = ($to->info("children"))[-1]; foreach my $item ($from->info("selection")) { my $f = $from->entrycget($item, "-text"); $last_in_to++; $to->add($last_in_to, -text => $f, -data => {'Src' => $from, 'SrcEntry' => $item, 'SrcStyle' => $from->entrycget($item, "-style"), }); $from->delete("entry", $item); } } sub dismiss { my($from) = @_; foreach my $item ($from->info("selection")) { my $data = $from->info("data", $item); next unless ref $data eq 'HASH'; my $to = $data->{Src}; next unless $to; my $to_entry = $data->{SrcEntry}; my $f = $from->entrycget($item, "-text"); $to->add($to_entry, -text => $f, -itemtype => "text", ($data->{SrcStyle} ? (-style => $data->{SrcStyle}) : ()), ); $from->delete("entry", $item); } } sub show_diff { my $file = shift; my $fromfile = "$main::fromdir/$file"; my $tofile = "$main::todir/$file"; return unless -r "$main::todir/$file"; my $diff_result = `diff -u $tofile $fromfile`; my $diff_txt = $mw->Subwidget("Diff"); $diff_txt->delete("1.0", "end"); $diff_txt->insert("end", $diff_result); } sub loop { Tk::MainLoop(); } sub do_it { # ignore dont_copy # copy: my $copy_hl = $mw->Subwidget("Copy"); foreach my $item ($copy_hl->info("children")) { my $file = $copy_hl->entrycget($item, "-text"); main::do_real_copy($file); } # merge: my $emacs_s = "(progn\n"; my $merge_hl = $mw->Subwidget("Merge"); foreach my $item ($merge_hl->info("children")) { my $file = $merge_hl->entrycget($item, "-text"); $emacs_s .= main::get_emacs_lisp_diff_line($file) . "\n"; } $emacs_s .= ")\n"; print $emacs_s; # XXX und nun??? # never copy: my $never_copy_s = ""; my $never_copy_hl = $mw->Subwidget("NeverCopy"); foreach my $item ($never_copy_hl->info("children")) { my $file = $never_copy_hl->entrycget($item, "-text"); $never_copy_s .= $file . "\n"; } if ($never_copy_s ne "") { if (open(NEVERCOPY, ">$main::todir/.incorporate.nevercopy")) { print NEVERCOPY $never_copy_s; close NEVERCOPY; } else { warn "Can't write .incorporate.nevercopy file: $!"; } } $mw->destroy; } __END__ =head1 NAME incorporate - interactively integrate two directory trees =head1 SYNOPSIS incorporate [-n] [-ignorercs] [-tk] fromdir todir =head1 DESCRIPTION B<incorporate> is a program for restoring a backup archive. For each file in the directory C<fromdir>, the program prompts whether the file should be copied to C<todir>. It works interactively with C<sdiff> to merge differences between the archived and local file. If invoked with the C<-tk> switch (or as C<tkincorporate>), then a Tk GUI will be used instead, if Tk is available. =head2 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -n Display the commands that would have been executed, but do not actually execute them. =item -ignorercs Ignore RCS or CVS files. =item -tk Use the Tk interface. =back =head1 PREREQUISITES Only standard perl modules. =head1 COREQUISITES C<Tk>, C<Term::Cap> =head1 OSNAMES only tested on Unix =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES ??? =head1 AUTHOR Slaven Rezic <slaven.rezic@berlin.de> =head1 SEE ALSO sdiff(1). =cut