Error-Base version v0.1.4 J'avais cru plus difficile de mourir. -- Louis XIV Die early, die often. Make frequent sanity checks and die when a check fails. See neat dumps of the caller stack with each error. Construct a group of error messages in one object or write error text ad hoc. Trap an error object and examine the contents; or let it tell its sad tale and end it. Error::Base usage can be simple or complex. For quick sanity checks, construct and throw a simple fatal error in one line. At the other extreme, you can override methods in your own error subclasses. Error::Base is lightweight. It defines no global variables, uses no non-core modules (and few of those), exports no symbols, and is purely object-oriented. I hope you will be able to use it commonly instead of a simple die(). You are not required to subclass it. INSTALLATION To install this module with Module::Build, run the following commands: perl Build.PL Build Build test Build install DEPENDENCIES perl 5.8.8 or better. For Perl module dependencies, please see Build.PL. This module has no non-core dependencies. LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011 Xiong Changnian <> This library and its contents are released under Artistic License 2.0: (