# NAME XML::Diver - Dive XML with XML and first-class collection + alpha # SYNOPSIS use XML::Diver; my $xml_str = ...; my $diver = XML::Diver->load_xml(string => $xml_str); # same as XML::LibXML; my $images = $diver->dive('//img'); # $images is Class::Builtin::Array class! my $urls = $images->each(sub { my $node = shift; # this is img element node, but XML::Diver object! $node->attr('src'); # return image url }); $urls->each(sub { say shift }); # say image url # as oneline $diver->dive('//img')->each(sub{ say shift->attr('src') }); # or simple perl way my @images = $diver->dive('//img'); my @urls = map { $_->attr('src') } @images; say $_ for @urls; # DESCRIPTION XML::Diver is XML data parse tool class that inherits [XML::LibXML::XPathContext](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?XML::LibXML::XPathContext). # METHODS ## dive my $nodes = $diver->dive($xpath); # first-class collection (Class::Builtin::Array object) my @nodes = $diver->dive($xpath); # primitive array Returns Class::Builtin::Array object or primitive array. These contains XML::Diver objects. For this reason, It can as following. # case of first-class collection my $child_nodes = $nodes->each(sub{ my $node = shift; # !!! This is a XML::Diver object !!! $node->dive($some_xpath); }); # case of primitive array my @child_nodes = map {( $_->dive($some_xpath) )} @nodes; ## attr Returns string value of attribute that specified. ## text my $str = $diver->text($xpath); Returns string that contained in specified xpath element. $xpath is default '/'. ## to\_string Returns XML data as string. # MOTIVE I thought, I want a simple and easy XML parsing module. And its directivity are followings. 1\. Parsable with XPath 2\. Less Rules 3\. Depth Preference Parsing 4\. Iterative Processing to horizontally 5\. Lightweight Some months ago, I wrote XML::XPath::Diver as a concept release of above. But, that inherits [XML::XPath](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?XML::XPath). [XML::XPath](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?XML::XPath) has been abandoned for a long time (Last update is 26 Jan. 2003). For this reason, I decided to remove its dependency. Then, I wrote this module (without "XPath" string in dist-name!). # PERFORMANCE 300% or over faster than XML::XPath::Diver. See [https://gist.github.com/ytnobody/10354590/](https://gist.github.com/ytnobody/10354590/) # LICENSE Copyright (C) ytnobody. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR ytnobody <ytnobody@gmail.com>