# NAME Vector::QRCode::IntoPDF - A module to append QRCode as vector data into PDF # SYNOPSIS use Vector::QRCode::IntoPDF; my $target = Vector::QRCode::IntoPDF->new(pdf_file => '/path/to/source.pdf'); $target->imprint( page => 2, x => 200, y => 300, text => 'Hello, world!', size => 6, unit => 'cm', ); $target->save('/path/to/new.pdf'); # DESCRIPTION Vector::QRCode::IntoPDF makes to imprint QRCode as vector-data into PDF file. # OPTIONS FOR CONSTRUCTOR / ACCESSOR METHODS - pdf\_file Required. A path to source pdf. - workdir Optional. A directory to use like temporary storage. Default is [File::Temp](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?File::Temp)::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); # METHODS ## pdf Return PDF::API2 object for source pdf. ## imprint Imprint a qrcode. You may use options for [Vector::QRCode::EPS](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Vector::QRCode::EPS)::generate(), and following options. - page Page number of target in pdf - x Horizontal position of left-bottom of qrcode for imprinting (Left edge is criteria) - y Vertical position of left-bottom of QRCode for imprinting (Bottom edge is criteria) ## save Shortcut for $self->pdf->saveas(...); Overwrite source pdf when arguments empty. # LICENSE Copyright (C) ytnobody. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR ytnobody <ytnobody@gmail.com>