Otogiri - A lightweight medicine for using database


    use Otogiri;
    my $db = Otogiri->new(connect_info => ['dbi:SQLite:...', '', '']);

    my $row = $db->insert(book => {title => 'mybook1', author => 'me', ...});
    print 'Title: '. $row->{title}. "\n";

    my @rows = $db->select(book => {price => {'>=' => 500}});
    for my $r (@rows) {
        printf "Title: %s \nPrice: %s yen\n", $r->{title}, $r->{price};

    $db->update(book => [author => 'oreore'], {author => 'me'});

    $db->delete(book => {author => 'me'});

    ### insert without row-data in response
    $db->fast_insert(book => {title => 'someone', ...});

    ### using transaction
    do {
        my $txn = $db->txn_scope;
        $db->insert(book => ...);
        $db->insert(store => ...);


Otogiri is one of ORM. A slogan is "Schema-less, Fat-less".


## connect\_info (required)

    connect_info => [$dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass],

You have to specify dsn, dbuser, and dbpass, to connect to database.

## inflate (optional)

    use JSON;
    inflate => sub {
        my ($data, $tablename) = @_;
        if (defined $data->{json}) {
            $data->{json} = decode_json($data->{json});
        $data->{table} = $tablename;

You may specify column inflation logic. 

Specified code is called internally when called select(), search\_by\_sql(), and single().

## deflate (optional)

    use JSON;
    deflate => sub {
        my ($data, $tablename) = @_;
        if (defined $data->{json}) {
            $data->{json} = encode_json($data->{json});
        delete $data->{table};

You may specify column deflation logic.

Specified code is called internally when called insert(), update(), and delete().


## new

    my $db = Otogiri->new( connect_info => [$dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass] );

Instantiate and connect to db.

Please see ATTRIBUTE section.

## insert

    my $row = $db->insert($table_name => $columns_in_hashref);

Insert data. Then, returns row data.

## fast\_insert

    $db->fast_insert($table_name => $columns_in_hashref);

Insert data simply.

## select

    my @rows = $db->select($table_name => $conditions_in_hashref [,@options]);

Select from specified table. Then, returns matched rows as array.

## single

    my $row = $db->single($table_name => $conditions_in_hashref [,@options]);

Select from specified table. Then, returns first of matched rows.

## search\_by\_sql

    my @rows = $db->search_by_sql($sql, \@bind_vals [, $table_name]);

Select by specified SQL. Then, returns matched rows as array. $table\_name is optional and used for inflate parameter.

## update

    $db->update($table_name => [update_col_1 => $new_value_1, ...], $conditions_in_hashref);

Update rows that matched to $conditions\_in\_hashref.

## delete

    $db->delete($table_name => $conditions_in_hashref);

Delete rows that matched to $conditions\_in\_hashref.

## do

    $db->do($sql, @bind_vals);

Execute specified SQL.

## txn\_scope 

    my $txn = $db->txn_scope;

returns DBIx::TransactionManager::ScopeGuard's instance. See [DBIx::TransactionManager](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DBIx::TransactionManager) to more information.

## last\_insert\_id 

    my $id = $db->last_insert_id([@args]);

returns last\_insert\_id. (mysql\_insertid in MySQL or last\_insert\_rowid in SQLite)


Copyright (C) ytnobody.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


ytnobody <ytnobody@gmail.com>


