Regexp::Common::time v0.02

This is a Regexp::Common plugin that provides regular expressions for
parsing dates and times.  It can handle most date formats, such as:

      y/m/d               m/d/y               d/m/y
    2005/04/02          4/2/2005            2/4/05
    05.04.02            04.02.05            02.04.2005
    2005 April 2        April 2, 2005       2 APR 05
    05APRIL02           APR022005           02 April 2005
    20050402            040205              02042005

It can also handle time formats like:

    9:03 p.m.

Furthermore, you can easily piece together time and date component
patterns (in the style of Time::Format or POSIX's strftime) to build
arbitrarily complex custom regexes that can parse just about any time
or date pattern imaginable.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Build.PL
   perl Build
   perl Build test
   perl Build install

If you do not have Module::Build, you can use the older steps:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

On Windows, you will need to use nmake instead of make.


This module requires this other modules and libraries:

  I18N::Langinfo (optional, but needed for internationalization)

Also, Time::Normalize is likely to be useful to you.


Copyright (c) 2005-2008 by Eric J. Roode, ROODE I<-at-> cpan I<-dot-> org

All rights reserved.

This module is copyrighted only to ensure proper attribution of
authorship and to ensure that it remains available to all.  This
module is free, open-source software.  This module may be freely used
for any purpose, commercial, public, or private, provided that proper
credit is given, and that no more-restrictive license is applied to
derivative (not dependent) works.

Substantial efforts have been made to ensure that this software meets
high quality standards; however, no guarantee can be made that there
are no undiscovered bugs, and no warranty is made as to suitability to
any given use, including merchantability.  Should this module cause
your house to burn down, your dog to collapse, your heart-lung machine
to fail, your spouse to desert you, or George Bush to be re-elected, I
can offer only my sincere sympathy and apologies, and promise to
endeavor to improve the software.