Moo::Role::ToJSON - a Moo role for a TO_JSON method


        package My::Message;
        use Moo;
        with 'Moo::Role::ToJSON';
        has feel_like_sharing => (is => 'rw', default => 0);
        has message => (is => 'ro', default => 'Hi Mum!');
        has secret  => (is => 'ro', default => 'I do not like eating healthily');
        sub _build_serializable_attributes { [qw/message secret/] }
        # optional instance method to selectively serialize an attribute
        sub is_attribute_serializable {
            my ($self, $attr) = @_;
            if ($attr eq 'secret' && !$self->feel_like_sharing) {
                # returning a false value won't include attribute when serializing
                return 0;
            return 1;
        # t/test.t
        use Test2::Bundle::More;
        use Test2::Tools::Compare;
        my $message = My::Message->new();
        is $message->TO_JSON => {message => 'Hi Mum!'};
        is $message->TO_JSON =>
            {message => 'Hi Mum!', secret => 'I do not like eating healthily'};


    Moo::Role::ToJSON is a Moo::Role which provides a "TO_JSON" method for
    your classes. The TO_JSON method will returns a HASH reference of all
    the "serializable_attributes". It is your responsibility to ensure the
    attributes in your classes can be directly encoded into JSON.


    Moo::Role::ToJSON implements the following attributes.


        # optionally override serialized attributes on instantiation
        my $message = My::Message->new(
            serializable_attributes => [qw/feel_like_sharing message secret/]

    An ARRAY reference of attributes to serialize. Typically this would be
    set directly in your class, but the default attributes can be
    overridden per instance as in the example above.

    This attribute is provided as a lazy Moo attribute, as such, the
    "_build_serializable_attributes" builder should be used to set the
    default serializable attributes.

    All of the attributes must return data that can be directly encoded
    into JSON.


    Moo::Role::ToJSON implements the following methods.


        sub _build_serializable_attributes { [qw/message secret/] }

    The builder method returning the list of attributes to serialize. This
    method must return an ARRAY reference.


        use Mojo::JSON 'encode_json';
        my $message = My::Message->new();
        say encode_json $message;

    Returns a HASH reference representing your object. This is intended to
    be used by any encode_json function that checks for the availability of
    the TO_JSON method for blessed objects.


    See t/complete.t for a complete example.


    Paul Williams <>


    Copyright 2018- Paul Williams


    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.


    DBIx::Class::Helper::Row::ToJSON, Moo::Role.