NAME RT::Extension::Nagios - Merge and resolve Nagios tickets DESCRIPTION Used to merge and resolve Nagios tickets automatically. Based on, thanks, Todd Chapman! INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make install make initdb # first time only with RT 3.8 or later, you need to update "Plugins" configuration: Set( @Plugins, qw(... RT::Extension::Nagios) ); below are the extra options: (check out lib/RT/Extension/ if you are confused): Set($NagiosSearchAllQueues, 1); Set($NagiosMergeTickets, 0); # false, don't merge Set($NagiosMergeTickets, 1); # merge into the newest ticket. Set($NagiosMergeTickets, -1); # merge into the oldest ticket. Set($NagiosResolvedStatus, "resolved"); AUTHOR sunnavy C<< <> >> LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT RT-Extension-Nagios is Copyright 2009-2011 Best Practical Solutions, LLC. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.