URI::Find::Delimited - Find URIs which may be wrapped in enclosing

    Works like URI::Find, but is prepared for URIs in your text to be
    wrapped in a pair of delimiters and optionally have a title. This will
    be useful for processing text that already has some minimal markup in
    it, like bulletin board posts or wiki text.

      my $finder = URI::Find::Delimited->new;
      my $text = "This is a [ titled link].";
      print $text;

          my $finder = URI::Find::Delimited->new(
              callback      => \&callback,
              delimiter_re  => [ '\[', '\]' ],
              ignore_quoted => 1               # defaults to 0

        All arguments are optional; defaults are provided (see below).

        Creates a new URI::Find::Delimited object. This object works
        similarly to a URI::Find object, but as well as just looking for
        URIs it is also aware of the concept of a wrapped, titled URI. These
        look something like

          [ the foo website]


        * "[" is the opening delimiter
        * "]" is the closing delimiter
        * "" is the URI
        * "the foo website" is the title
        * the URI and title are separated by spaces and/or tabs

        The URI::Find::Delimited object will extract each of these parts
        separately and pass them to your callback.

            "callback" is a function which is called on each URI found. It
            is passed five arguments: the opening delimiter (if found), the
            closing delimiter (if found), the URI, the title (if found), and
            any whitespace found between the URI and title.

            The return value of the callback will replace the original URI
            in the text.

            If you do not supply your own callback, the object will create a
            default one which will put your URIs in 'a href' tags using the
            URI for the target and the title for the link text. If no title
            is provided for a URI then the URI itself will be used as the
            title. If the delimiters aren't balanced (eg if the opening one
            is present but no closing one is found) then the URI is treated
            as not being wrapped.

            Note: the default callback will not remove the delimiters from
            the text. It should be simple enough to write your own callback
            to remove them, based on the one in the source, if that's what
            you want. In fact there's an example in this distribution, in

            The "delimiter_re" parameter is optional. If you do supply it
            then it should be a ref to an array containing two regexes. It
            defaults to using single square brackets as the delimiters.

            Don't use capturing groupings "( )" in your delimiters or things
            will break. Use non-capturing "(?: )" instead.

            If the "ignore_quoted" parameter is supplied and set to a true
            value, then any URIs immediately preceded with a double-quote
            character will not be matched, ie your callback will not be
            executed for them and they'll be treated just as normal text.

            This is kinda lame but it's in here because I need to be able to
            ignore things like

              <img src="">

            A better implementation may happen at some point.


        Kake Pugh (

             Copyright (C) 2003 Kake Pugh.  All Rights Reserved.

        This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
        it under the same terms as Perl itself.

        Tim Bagot helped me stop faffing over the name, by pointing out that
        RFC 2396 Appendix E uses "delimited". Dave Hinton helped me fix the
        regex to make it work for delimited URIs with no title. Nick Cleaton
        helped me make "ignore_quoted" work. Some of the code was taken from