#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Safe; use Data::Dumper; use Socket; use Carp; use Pod::Usage; our $VERSION = '0.9.' . [qw$Revision: 17 $]->[1]; # in-memory stats my %history; # history for average/stdev my $window = 200; # window-size for average/stdev my $curdex = 0; # history double-buffer index my $readlast=0; # last time config was read my $alertm = 0; # first alert-count modify time my %opt; # command-line options $opt{conf} = "/etc/ganglia-alert.conf"; my %default; # default config values $default{pid_file} = "/var/run/ganglia-alert.pid"; $default{digest_secs} = 30; $default{sleep_secs} = 5; $default{group_by} = 'host'; my $prog = "ganglia-alert $VERSION\n"; GetOptions(\%opt, "daemon", "email_to|email=s", "conf|config=s", "gmetad_server|server=s", "log_file|log=s", "override=s@", "kill", "help", "report") || pod2usage(-message=>$prog, -exit=>2); if ($opt{help}) { pod2usage(-message=>$prog, -exit=>0, -verbose=>99, -sections=>"SYNOPSIS|DESCRIPTION|CONFIG") } my (%conf, %alcnt, %alconf); my $uid = getpwuid($<); if (!readconf()) { #TODO: Maybe create a simple default config for the user, and use that, rather than being rude die("Can't read $opt{conf} : $!\n"); } my $pid = 0; if (open(IN, $conf{pid_file})) { $pid = <IN>; close IN; } if ($opt{kill} || $opt{report}) { # stop daemon die "No pid in '$conf{pid_file}' to signal.\n" if (!$pid); my $sig = $opt{kill} ? 2 : 1; exit(kill($sig, 0+$pid)>0); } if ($opt{daemon}) { # start daemon if ($pid) { # already running? if (kill(0, $pid)) { die "Already running ($pid), not starting twice\n"; } } if (!fork) { # daemonize my $pidfile = $conf{pid_file}; open (P, ">$pidfile") || die "Can't open pidfile '$pidfile' : $!"; print P $$; close P; # save pid # OK, startup happened, from now on, all messages are reported via xlog... and are nonfatal xlog("info", "starting daemon"); my $int; $SIG{INT}=sub {$int=1;}; # interrupt handler $SIG{HUP}=sub {$alertm=1;}; # sig-HUP forces mail with current state while(!$int) { eval {dometa()}; eval {msgq()}; my $secs = $conf{sleep_secs} > 0 ? $conf{sleep_secs} : 5; sleep($secs); # snooze } unlink $conf{pid_file}; xlog("info", "stopping daemon"); } } else { # run once, send emails, exit dometa(); $conf{digest_secs} = -1; msgq(); } sub dometa { readconf(); my ($host,$port) = $conf{"gmetad_server"} =~ /^\s*([^:]+):?(\d+)?/; $host = "localhost" if !$host; $port = 8651 if !$port; my $iaddr = inet_aton($host) || fail("Can't connect to: $host\n"); my $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr); socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')); connect(SOCK, $paddr) || fail("Can't connect: $!"); my $dat = ''; while (defined(my $line = <SOCK>)) { $dat.=$line; } close SOCK; $dat = xtag($dat); # rudimentary parse $dat = $dat->{ganglia_xml}->[0]; # top tag, one entry for my $grid (keys(%{$dat->{grid}})) { for my $cluster (keys(%{$dat->{grid}->{$grid}->{cluster}})) { for my $host (keys(%{$dat->{grid}->{$grid}->{cluster}->{$cluster}->{host}})) { my $hdat = $dat->{grid}->{$grid}->{cluster}->{$cluster}->{host}->{$host}; my $key = "$grid:$cluster:$host"; metric_sum($key, $hdat); my $safe = safe_from_hdat($key, $hdat); for my $alert (values %alconf) { eval_alert($key, $hdat, $alert, $safe); } } } } } sub metric_sum { my ($key, $hdat) = @_; for my $metric (keys(%{$hdat->{metric}})) { next if $hdat->{metric}->{$metric}->{type} eq 'string'; $history{$key}->[$curdex]->{$metric}->{ssq} += $hdat->{metric}->{$metric}->{val} * $hdat->{metric}->{$metric}->{val}; $history{$key}->[$curdex]->{$metric}->{sum} += $hdat->{metric}->{$metric}->{val}; $history{$key}->[$curdex]->{$metric}->{cnt} += 1; } if (++$history{$key}->[$curdex]->{_cnt} >= $window) { $history{$key}->[1-$curdex] = $history{$key}->[$curdex]; $history{$key}->[$curdex] = {}; $curdex = 1-$curdex; } } sub safe_from_hdat { my ($key, $hdat) = @_; my $safe = new Safe; for my $metric (keys(%{$hdat->{metric}})) { ${$safe->varglob($metric)} = $hdat->{metric}->{$metric}->{val}; ${$safe->varglob($metric . "_tn")} = $hdat->{metric}->{$metric}->{tn}; if ($history{$key}->[$curdex]->{$metric} && $history{$key}->[$curdex]->{$metric}->{cnt} > 0) { my ($sum, $cnt, $ssq) = ($history{$key}->[$curdex]->{$metric}->{sum}, $history{$key}->[$curdex]->{$metric}->{cnt}, $history{$key}->[$curdex]->{$metric}->{ssq}); ${$safe->varglob($metric . "_avg")} = $sum/$cnt; if ($cnt > 5) { ${$safe->varglob($metric . "_stdev")} = sqrt((($cnt)*$ssq-$sum*$sum) / ($cnt*($cnt-1))); } else { ${$safe->varglob($metric . "_stdev")} = $sum/$cnt; } } else { ${$safe->varglob($metric . "_avg")} = 0; ${$safe->varglob($metric . "_stdev")} = 0; } } return $safe; } sub eval_alert { my ($key, $hdat, $alert, $safe) = @_; #${$safe->varglob('x')} = 5; #die $safe->reval("\$x+2"); my ($name, $expr, $lev) = ($alert->{name}, $alert->{expr}, $alert->{level}); for (keys(%{$alert->{host}})) { if ($hdat->{name} =~ /^\Q$_/) { $expr = $alert->{host}->{$_}->{expr}; $lev = $alert->{host}->{$_}->{level}; } } return if !$expr; # evaluate expression in context of metric data my $ret = $safe->reval($expr); if ($@) { fail("Can't evaluate '$expr': $@"); } if ($ret) { # alert triggered $alcnt{$name}->{$key}->{cnt}++; # passed thresh for first time? send an email if ($alcnt{$name}->{$key}->{cnt} == $lev) { $alertm = time(); # email first needed flag xlog('alert', $key, $name); } $alcnt{$name}->{$key}->{last} = time(); # last time alert was found $alcnt{$name}->{$key}->{first} = time() if $alcnt{$name}->{$key}->{cnt} == 1; # first time alert was found } else { # clear all alerts on an OK signal... this can lead to a "flicker-brownout" if the level is > 1 if ($alcnt{$name} && $alcnt{$name}->{$key}) { delete $alcnt{$name}->{$key}; delete $alcnt{$name} if 0 == scalar keys%{$alcnt{$name}}; } %alcnt = () if scalar keys %alcnt == 0; } return $ret; } sub xtag { my ($dat) = @_; my %r; while ($dat =~ s/<(\S+)([^<>]+)(\/?)>//s) { my ($tag, $vals, $close) = (lc($1), $2, $3); next if $tag =~ /^[?!]/; my @v = $vals =~ m/(\w+)\s*=\s*((?:"[^"]+")|(?:'[^']+')\S+)/g; grep s/^['"]//, @v; grep s/['"]$//, @v; for (my $i=0;$i<=$#v;$i+=2) {$v[$i]=lc($v[$i]);} my %vals = @v; if (!$close && $tag !~ /^[?!]/) { if ($dat =~ s/^(.*?)<\/$tag>//si) { my $tmp = xtag($1); for (keys(%$tmp)) { $vals{$_} = $tmp->{$_}; } } } if ($vals{name}) { $r{lc($tag)}->{$vals{name}} = \%vals; } else { push @{$r{lc($tag)}}, \%vals; } } return \%r; } # read config sub _readconf { my ($conf, $host) = @_; if (!open(IN, $conf)) { xlog("error", "Failed to open config $conf\n"); return undef; } while (<IN>) { next if /^\s*#/; if (/^\s*([^:]+?)\s*(?:\/(\d+))?\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/) { my ($n, $mod, $v) = (lc($1), $2, $3); if ($n eq 'include') { _readconf($v, $host); } elsif ($n eq 'host') { $host = $v; } elsif ($n =~ m/^\!/ || $n eq 'alert') { my $k = $v; $k = $1 if ($n =~ m/^!(\w+)/); $mod = $mod ? $mod : 1; if ($host) { for my $h (split /\s+/, $host) { $alconf{$k}->{name} = $k; $alconf{$k}->{host}->{$h}->{expr} = $v; $alconf{$k}->{host}->{$h}->{level} = $mod; } } else { $alconf{$k}->{name} = $k; $alconf{$k}->{expr} = $v; $alconf{$k}->{level} = $mod; } } else { $conf{$n} = $v; } } } close IN; return 1; } sub readconf { my $modtime = (stat($opt{conf}))[9]; return if $readlast == $modtime; return if !open IN, $opt{conf}; close IN; %conf = %default; # set log file from options $conf{log_file} = $opt{log_file} if defined $opt{log_file}; xlog("info", "Reading config: $opt{conf}") if ($opt{daemon}); _readconf($opt{conf}); # override config from command-line for (qw(gmetad_server log_file email_to)) { $conf{$_} = $opt{$_} if defined $opt{$_}; } for (@{$opt{override}}) { if (/^\s*([a-z][^:]+?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i) { # only support regular vars in command line my ($n, $v) = (lc($1), $2); $conf{$n} = $v; } else { # die if command line is wrong fail("Invalid override option: $_"); } } if ($conf{email_to}) { if (!$conf{sendmail_path}) { eval { require MIME::Lite; }; if ($@) { $conf{sendmail_path} = `which sendmail 2> /dev/null`; chomp $conf{sendmail_path}; if (!$conf{sendmail_path}) { xlog("error", "Can't send email without MIME::Lite or sendmail installed, disabling email reports."); $conf{email_to} = ''; } } } } $readlast = $modtime; return 1; } sub fail { xlog("error", @_); croak @_; } sub msgq { if ($alertm > 0 && $alertm < (time() - $conf{digest_secs})) { my (%grid, %clus, %host); my ($rpt, $cnt); for my $name (sort keys %alcnt) { $rpt .= "alert $name:\n" if $conf{group_by} eq 'alert'; for my $key (sort keys %{$alcnt{$name}}) { my $d = $alcnt{$name}->{$key}; if ($d->{cnt} > 0) { my ($grid, $cluster, $host) = split(/:/,$key); ++$grid{$grid}; ++$clus{"$grid:$cluster"}; ++$host{$key}; $key =~ s/unspecified://; if ($conf{group_by} eq 'alert') { $rpt .= "\t"; $rpt .= $key . "\t"; $rpt .= $d->{cnt} . "\t"; $rpt .= scalar(localtime($d->{first})); if ($d->{first} != $d->{last}) { $rpt .= "\t" . scalar(localtime($d->{last})); } $rpt .= "\n"; ++$cnt; } } } } if ($conf{group_by} eq 'host') { for my $key (keys %host) { my $host = $key; $host =~ s/^unspecified:?//; $rpt .= "host $host:\n"; for my $name (keys %alcnt) { my $d = $alcnt{$name}->{$key}; if ($d && $d->{cnt} > 0) { $rpt .= "\t"; $rpt .= $name . "\t"; $rpt .= $d->{cnt} . "\t"; $rpt .= scalar(localtime($d->{first})); if ($d->{first} != $d->{last}) { $rpt .= "\t" . scalar(localtime($d->{last})); } $rpt .= "\n"; ++$cnt; } } } } # this is all to get the most specific id my $id = 'Multiple Grids'; if (keys(%grid)==1) { $id = (keys(%grid))[0]; if (keys(%clus)==1) { $id = (keys(%clus))[0]; if (keys(%host)==1) { $id = (keys(%host))[0]; } else { $id .= ":Multiple Hosts"; } } else { $id .= ":Multiple Clusters"; } $id =~ s/^unspecified:?//; } $id = "All" if (keys(%grid)==0); my $subject = $conf{subject}; if (!$subject) { $subject = "$cnt alerts for $id"; } else { $subject =~ s/\$count\b/$cnt/g; $subject =~ s/\$id\b/$id/g; } my $addr = $conf{email_to}; xlog("info", "sending email", "$subject"); if ($addr eq '-') { printf STDERR "Would have sent email with subject: $subject\n"; $alertm = 0; } else { my $ok = 0; my $from = $conf{email_from} ? $conf{email_from} : ("$uid\@" . ($ENV{HOST} ? $ENV{HOST} : 'localhost')); if ($conf{sendmail_path}) { $ok = open(SM, "|$conf{sendmail_path} -f $from -t $addr"); $ok = $ok && print(SM "From: $from\nTo: $addr\nSubject: $subject\n\n$rpt"); $ok = $ok && close(SM); } else { my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From => $from, To => $addr, Subject => $subject, Type => 'text/plain', Data => $rpt ); $ok = $msg->send; } if ($ok) { $alertm = 0; } else { xlog("error", "Failed to send mail using " . ($conf{sendmail_path} ? "sendmail" : "MIME::Lite") . "\n"); } } } } sub xlog { my $m = join("\t", @_); $m =~ s/\n/ /g; my $line = scalar(localtime) . "\t" . $m . "\n"; my $log = $conf{"log_file"}; if ($log && ! ($log eq '-')) { open LOG, ">>" . $log; print LOG $line; close LOG; } else { print $line; } return $line; } sub uniq { my %a; for (@_) { $a{$_}=1; } return keys %a; } __END__ =head1 NAME B<ganglia-alert> - Use gmetad data to send email alerts =head1 SYNOPSIS B<ganglia-alert> [-d|-k] <options> -d|--daemon start the alert daemon -k|--kill kill the currently running daemon (-INT) -r|--report send a report now (-HUP) -c|--conf FILE config file location (/etc/ganglia-alert.conf) -h|--help documentation These options override config settings: -s|--server HOST:PORT gmetad_server info (localhost:8651) -e|--email ADDR email_to address (none) -l|--log FILE log_file (standard output) =head1 DESCRIPTION Connects to a gmetad server, runs a bunch of tests on the data contained therein, and emails someone if one or more of those tests return a nonzero result. Simple monitoring on a cluster. =head1 CONFIG The config file (by default /etc/ganglia-alert.conf) controls the operation of the alert daemon. It contains a list of config variables, and a list of alerts. Config variables (default, if any, is in parenthesis): email_to comma-delimited list of email addresses to send alerts to report email_from from-address for email (userid@HOST) sendmail_path path to sendmail, if MIME::Lite is not installed subject subject template for email ($id: $cnt alerts) group_by either 'host' or 'alert', for reporting (host) log_file logfile used to write first-alerts, and daemon info to (standard output) pid_file pidfile to write pid to for daemon-mode (/var/run/ganglia-alert.pid) gmetad_server gmetad server to connect to (localhost:8651) digest_secs number of seconds to spool alerts before sending an email (10) sleep_secs number of seconds to sleep before polling gmetad (5) include include another config file Example configuration: email_to: earonesty@example.com log_file: /var/log/ganglia-alert.log alert: $disk_free < .05 * $disk_total alert/3: $load_one > $cpu_num * 2 alert: $load_one_tn > 5000 =head1 AVAILABILITY Project website: L<http://ganglia-alert.googlecode.com/>, latest version: L<http://ganglia-alert.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ganglia-alert> =head1 COREQUISITES C<MIME::Lite> module to send alerts. =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES UNIX : System_administration =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2011 Erik Aronesty C<earonesty@cpan.org> =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>. =cut =head1