Roguelike-Library - Roguelike Library for Perl

 package myworld;
 use base 'Games::Roguelike::World';

 $r = myworld->new(w=>80,h=>50,dispw=>40,disph=>18);     # creates a world with specified width/height & map display width/height
 $r->area(new Games::Roguelike::Area(name=>'1'));                       # create a new area in this world called "1"
 $r->area->genmaze2();                                   # make a cavelike maze
 $char = Games::Roguelike::Mob->new($r->area, sym=>'@', pov=>8);      # add a mobile object with symbol '@'
 $r->setvp($char);                                       # set viewpoint to be from $char's perspective
 $r->drawmap();                                          # draw the active area map from the current perspective
 while (!((my $c = $r->getch()) eq 'q')) {

    Library for pulling together field of view, character handling and map
    drawing code.

            * ::World is the main "world" object
            * uses the ::Console library to draw the map
            * assumes the user will be using overridden ::Mob's as characters in the game

    Please also see the examples and test scripts located in the "scripts" directory included
    with this distribution.  Some of the examples are fully working mini-games.

    Erik Aronesty ""

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    See <> or the included
    LICENSE file.