In your weaver.ini:

     include_modules = ^Foo::Bar$
     ;include_files  = REGEX
     code = sub { my ($self, %args)=@_; use Module::Load; load $args{module}; my $document = $args{document}; push @{$document->children}, ... }


    DEPRECATION NOTICE: This module is deprecated in favor of

    This plugin evaluates Perl code specified in your weaver.ini (or
    dist.ini). It can be used to do various stuffs that might be too
    trivial/short to build a dedicated Pod::Weaver::Plugin for.

    I first created this module to insert list of border styles and color
    themes contained in %border_styles package variable in
    Text::ANSITable::BorderStyle::* modules and %color_themes variable in
    Text::ANSITable::ColorTheme::* modules.

    Yes, it's a dirty (and ugly) hack. But it's quick :-)


 include_files => STR

    Value should be a regex, e.g. /Foo/Bar/.

 include_modules => REGEX

    Value should be a regex, e.g. ^Foo::Bar$.

 code => STR

    Should be something like:

     sub { my ($self, %args) = @_; ... }

    sub { and } will be added if code does not have it. Code will be called
    with %args containing these keys:

      * filename => STR

      * package => STR

      * module => STR

      Alias for package.

      * args => ARRAY

      The original @_ passed to weave_section(). Note that weave_section()
      is passed:

       ($self, $document, $input)

      * document => OBJ

      Document object passed to weave_section(). This is the output POD we
      are building and this is what we're mostly interested in, usually. It
      can also be retrieved from args.

      * input => OBJ

      The input object passed to weave_section(). It contains information
      about the input (original) document. Can also be retrieved from args.


