    Train a sudoku strategy
    Get the next strategy for continuation
    Get the next value for continuation
Supported sudoku strategies
Starting SudokuTrainer
Display the documentation

This document informs about SudokuTrainer version 0.01.5.

SudokuTrainer applies a series of sudoku strategies to find a
continuation in solving the user's sudoku game, starting with
the easiest strategies. The user may pause this process at 
various events to see what SudokuTrainer has achieved.

SudokuTrainer may help the user in three areas:
- Train a certain sudoku strategy
- See which strategy is used in the current state of the game
- Get a new value to continue solving the game
Each of these usage areas has it's own documentation.

Train a sudoku strategy
The user pauses SudokuTrainer when it just found the desired strategy.
At this moment the consequences of the finding are not yet shown on
the visible sudoku board. So the user may try to find the strategy
himself. If he isn't successful he may ask SudokuTrainer for clues.
The aim is to find the strategy with minimum help.

Get the next strategy for continuation
All currently known values (the preset and the found) are used as the
initial puzzle. The user lets run SudokuTrainer a single step. Then he
may try to detect the finding, or just see all the clues at once. The
game may go on.

Get the next value for continuation
This aid is well suited for sudoku players that don't know about
strategies. All currently known values (the preset and the found) are 
used as the initial puzzle. The user lets pause SudokuTrainer when the
next value is found. He can't see it on the visible sudoku board, so he
lets run SudokuTrainer to the next value. Now the previous finding is
shown (and marked) on the board. The game may go on.

This version of SudokuTrainer supports the following strategies:
    Bivalue Universal Grave
    Block-Line Interaction
    Full House
    Hidden Pair
    Hidden Single
    Line-Block Interaction
    Naked Pair
    Naked Single
    Turbot Fish
    Two-String Kite
    Unique Rectangle Type 1
    Unique Rectangle Type 2
    X Wing
    XY Wing

See the separate file INSTALL for instructions.

On Linux:   (in any directory)

On Windows: sudokutrainer      (in any directory)

SudokuTrainer aims at 3 groups of users (cf. section DESCRIPTION above).
So the docu is devided into several sections. They can be read by
    perldoc Games::Sudoku::Trainer::General_info   (General info)
    perldoc Games::Sudoku::Trainer::Training       (Train a strategy)
    perldoc Games::Sudoku::Trainer::Obstacle       (Get next strategy)
    perldoc Games::Sudoku::Trainer::Nextvalue      (Get next value)
    perldoc                       (Enter preset values)

SudokuTrainer never uses trial and error to proceed. As a 
consequence, SudokuTrainer cannot completely solve sudoku games 
that have multiple solutions.

SudokuTrainer deals with classical 9x9 sudoku games only.

SudokuTrainer is neither a sudoku teacher nor a sudoku player.