Tk::SMListbox Module 1.10

Tk::SMListbox is a derivitive of MListbox that adds optional tiny up and 
down arrow graphics to columns in the SMListbox that the data is 
currently sorted on indicating ascending and/or descending order.

Sorting is done by clicking on one of the column headings in the 
widget. The first click will sort the data with the selected column as 
key, a new click will reverse the sort order.  Sorting can also now be 
done when the widget has the focus by pressing <Alt-hotkeyletter> where 
a column's header text contains "~hotkeyletter".

Tk::SMListbox supports all the options provided by Tk::MListbox:

Tk::MListbox lets the user resize the columns by dragging a separator bar
between each column. The user might change the order of the column by dragging
the column headers. The data in the widget might be sorted by clicking one of
the column headers. A new click, and the sort order is reversed.

Tk::SMListbox is scrollable and supports the Scrolled() method.

Tk::SMListbox is designed for displaying reports like the result of a database
query or the contents of a directory. is a very simple file browser for unix/windows.

To install, type

	$ perl Makefile.PL
	$ make
	$ make test
	$ make install contains pod documentation.