Tk::FileTree - Tk::DirTree like widget for displaying & manipulating
    directories (and files).


            use Tk;

            use Tk::FileTree;

            my $bummer = ($^O =~ /MSWin/);

            my $top = MainWindow->new;

            my $tree = $top->Scrolled('FileTree',

                    -scrollbars => 'osoe',

                    -selectmode => 'extended',

                    -width => 40,

                    -height => 16,

                    -takefocus => 1,

            )->pack( -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);

            my $ok = $top->Button( qw/-text Show -underline 0/, -command => \&showme );

            my $cancel = $top->Button( qw/-text Quit -underline 0/, -command => sub { exit } );

            $ok->pack(     qw/-side left  -padx 10 -pady 10/ );

            $cancel->pack( qw/-side right -padx 10 -pady 10/ );

            my ($root, $home);

            if ($bummer) {

                    $home = $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'} . $ENV{'HOMEPATH'};

                    $home ||= $ENV{'USERPROFILE'};

                    ($root = $home) =~ s#\\[^\\]*$##;

            } else {

                    $root = '/home';

                    $home = "/home/$ENV{'USER'}";

                    $home = $root = '/'  unless (-d $home);


            print "--home=$home= root=$root=\n";

            $tree->set_dir($home, -root => $root);


            sub showme {

                    my @selection = $tree->selectionGet;

                    print "--Show me:  active=".$tree->index('active')."=\n";

                    print "--selected=".join('|',@selection)."=\n";

                    foreach my $i (@selection) {

                            print "-----$i selected.\n";


                    my $state = $tree->state();

                    print "--state=$state=\n";

                    print (($state =~ /d/) ? "--enabling.\n" : "--disabling.\n");

                    $tree->state(($state =~ /d/) ? 'normal' : 'disabled');


    Creates a widget to display a file-system (or part of it) in a tree
    format. Works very similar to Tk::DirTree, but displays both files and
    subdirectories. Each subdirectory includes an indicator icon resembling
    [+] or [-] to either expand and view it's contents (files and
    subdiretories) or collapse them respectively. A separate icon is
    displayed for files and subdirectories making it easier to tell them
    apart. Options allow users to select a file, a directory, or multiple
    entries (like a listbox) which can be returned to the program for
    further processing.

    This widget is derived from Tk::DirTreeB. It provides additional
    features, including listing files, in addition to the subdirectories,
    options (filters) to limit which files are displayed (by specificy
    including or excluding a list of file extensions), and additional
    bindings and functions to enable user- selection and interaction with
    specific files and directories from within other programs.

    I took Tk::DirTree, renamed it and modified it to create this module
    primarily to be able to add a "tree-view" option to my Perl-Tk based
    filemanager called JFM5, which allows users to select and perform common
    functions on files and directories on their system and others (via
    Net::xFTP). I have created other modules toward this effort, namely
    Tk::HMListbox and Tk::JThumbnail. These modules provide the different
    "views": Detailed list, Image list, and now Tree-view, respectively.

    -background -borderwidth -cursor -disabledforeground -exportselection
    -font -foreground -height -highlightbackground -highlightcolor
    -highlightthickness -relief -scrollbars -selectbackground
    -selectborderwidth -selectforeground -state -takefocus -width
    -xscrollcommand -yscrollcommand

    See Tk::options for details of the standard options.

    Name: activeForeground
    Class: activeForeground
    Switch: -activeforeground
        Specifies an alternate color for the foreground of the "active"
        entry (the one the text cursor is on). This entry is also shown with
        a hashed box around it. The "activebackground" color, however, is
        always fixed as the same color as the the widget's background.
        Default: same color as the widget's foreground color.

    Name: dirCmd
    Class: DirCmd
    Switch: -dircmd
        Callback function to obtain the list of directories and files for
        display. A sensible default is provided and it should not be
        overridden unless you know what you are doing. It takes three
        arguments: a widget object handle, a directory path, and a boolean
        value (TRUE for include hidden (dot) files or FALSE to exclude

    Name: dirTree
    Class: DirTree
    Switch: -dirtree
        Boolean option to only show directories (like Tk::DirTree) if TRUE,
        show both directories and files if FALSE. Use this to work as a
        drop-in replacement for Tk::DirTree.

        DEFAULT: *FALSE* (Show both directories and files).

    Name: exclude
    Class: Exclude
    Switch: -exclude
        Specify a reference to an array of file-extensions to be excluded.
        Note: Not applicable to directory names (case insensitive).

        DEFAULT: *[]* (Do not exclude any files).

        EXAMPLE: -exclude => ['exe', 'obj'] (Exclude M$-Windows object and
        executable files).

    Switch: -height
        Specifies the desired height for the window. I'm not sure what units
        it uses, so users will need to use trial and error and seems to work
        differently than the -width option. See also: -width.

    Name: fileimage
    Class: Image
    Switch: -fileimage
        Specify an alternate xpm (tiny icon) image to be displayed to the
        left of each file displayed which is not a directory).

    Name: image
    Class: Image
    Switch: -image
        Specify an alternate xpm (tiny icon) image to be displayed to the
        left of each directory).

    Name: include
    Class: Include
    Switch: -include
        Specify a reference to an array of file-extensions to be included,
        all other entensions will be excluded. Note: Not applied to
        directory names (case insensitive).

        DEFAULT: *[]* (Include all files).

        EXAMPLE: -include => ['pl', 'pm'] (Include only Perl files).

    Name: root
    Class: Directory
    Switch: -root
        Specify a "root path" above which the user will not be able to
        expand to view any other subdirectories or files (by clicking the
        little [-] icon next to each directory).

        DEFAULT: *"/"* (Allow user to expand any level).

    Name: selectMode
    Class: SelectMode
    Switch: -selectmode
        Specifies one of several styles for manipulating the selection. The
        value of the option may be arbitrary, but the default bindings
        expect it to be either single, browse, multiple, extended or

        DEFAULT: *browse*.

    Name: -showcursoralways
    Class: -showcursoralways
    Switch: -showcursoralways
        This option, when set to 1 always shows the active cursor. When set
        to 0, the active cursor is only shown when the widget has the
        keyboard focus. NOTE: The option: *-takefocus => 1* will cause the
        mouse to give keyboard focus to the widget when clicked on an item,
        which while activating the item clicked on will also make the active
        cursor visible.

        DEFAULT: *0* (Hide cursor when focus leaves the widget).

    Name: showHidden
    Class: ShowHidden
    Switch: -showhidden
        Boolean option to include hidden (dot) files and directories (if
        TRUE), otherwise, exclude them.

        DEFAULT: *FALSE* (Exclude hidden directories and files (those that
        begin with a dot (".").

    Switch: -state
        Specifies one of two states for the tree widget: normal or disabled.
        If the widget is disabled then items may not be selected, items are
        drawn in the -disabledforeground color, and selection cannot be
        modified and is not shown (though selection information is
        retained). Note: The active and any selected items are saved when
        disabling the widget, and restored when re-enabled.

    Name: takeFocus
    Class: TakeFocus
    Switch: -takefocus
        There are actually three different focusing options: Specify 1 to
        both allow the widget to take keyboard focus itself and to enable
        grabbing the keyboard focus when a user clicks on a row in the tree.
        Specify '' to allow the widget to take focus (via the <TAB>
        circulate order) but do not grab the focus when a user clicks on
        (selects) a row. This is the default focusing model. Specify 0 to
        not allow the widget to receive the keyboard focus. Disabling the
        widget will also prevent focus while disabled, but restore the
        previous focusing policy when re-enabled.

        DEFAULT: *""* (Empty string, also a "false" value, the default Tk
        focusing option, but different from *0* (zero), as explained above.

    Name: width
    Class: Width
    Switch: -width
        Seems to specify the desired width for the widget in tenths of
        inches, though I haven't confirmed if this is absolute. It also
        seems to work differently than the -height option. See also -height.

    The FileTree method creates a widget object. The widget object can also
    be created via Scrolled('FileTree'). This object supports the configure
    and cget methods described in Tk::options which can be used to enquire
    and modify the options described above. The widget also inherits the
    methods provided by the generic Tk::Widget, Tk::HList and Tk::Tree

    To create a FileTree widget:

    *$widget* = *$parent*->FileTree(?*options*?);

    The following additional methods are available for FileTree widgets:

        Sets the active element and the selection anchor to the one
        indicated by *index*. If *index* is outside the range of elements in
        the tree no element is activated. The active element is drawn with a
        thin hashed border, and its index may be retrieved with the index
        active or anchor. Note: The "*index*" for FileTree widgets (if not
        *active* or anchor, must be a full path-name to a file or directory
        in the tree. Also note, if the activated entry is not visible
        (inside a collapsed directory), the directories above it will be
        expanded (as if the user clicked the [+] icon) to make it visible
        (as the parent *Tk::Tree* widget requires this in order to be able
        to activate an entry.

    *$widget*->add_pathimage(*path*, *ExpandedImage [+]*, *CollapsedImage
        Overrides the default "[+]" and "[-]" icon images (black foreground)
        used for each directory in the tree. Normally, this is unnecessary,
        but one specific use (useful for users) is adding a matching set
        with a white foreground if setting the palette or background color
        to a "dark" color (where the foreground text is all set to white
        because a black text foreground is difficult to see). NOTE: Any
        program allowing users to change the color palette to be changed
        will also need to unpack, destroy, recreate, add the additional pair
        of images (with white foregrounds) and repack the FileTree widget if
        it determines that the foreground color is being changed from black
        to white (ie. palette has changed from a "light" to a "dark"
        background). The reason for this extra work is due to the fact that
        there is no know way to go through and reset and redraw all the
        icons displayed when the palette is changed. Tk does not include
        white-foreground bitmaps of these two images, so the author of such
        a program will need to also create these two bitmaps and include
        them in the Tk directory itself (ie. /usr/local/lib/site_perl/Tk)!

    *$widget*->chdir(*full_directory_path* [, *ops* ])
        Synonym for *$widget*->set_dir()*full_directory_path* [, *ops* ] - a
        holdover from Tk::DirTree. See *setdir* below.

        Collapses the display of the directory specified by *index*, if it
        is a directory and it is currently expanded (files and
        subdirectories are currently displayed. If successful, it also
        activates and scrolls the entry into view. See also

        Convenience method that returns a list containing the "indices"
        (values) of all of the elements in the HListbox that are currently
        selected. If there are no elements selected in the tree then an
        empty list is returned. The values returned are always
        fully-qualified file and directory names. It is equivalent to

        Deletes one or all elements of the HListbox. The "*index*" must
        eiter be must be a full path-name to a file or directory in the tree
        or "*all*", meaning delete the entire tree.

    *$widget*->hide([*-entry* =<gt> ] *index*)
        Given an *index*, sets the entry to "hidden" so that it does not
        display in the tree (but maintains it's index. The "*-entry*"
        argument is unnecessary, but retained for Tk::HList compatability.
        See also the *show* method.

        Returns the "normalized" version of the entry that corresponds to
        *index*. "normalized" means that file and directory paths are
        converted into a valid "*nix" format ("/" instead of "\"), any
        trailing "/" is removed unless the path is "/" (root). This can
        still be passed to any of the public methods, which will ensure
        they're in the proper format for the hosting operating system. Two
        special values may also be given for *index*: *active* and *anchor*,
        which are similar for *Tk::HList*-based widgets and return the
        current active element's index. The subtle difference is that
        "*anchor*" is not valid when the widget is disabled, but "*active*"
        will still return the saved anchor position.

    *$widget*->open(*index* [, *ops* ])
        Expands the display of the directory specified by *index*, if it is
        a directory and it is currently collapsed (files and subdirectories
        are currently not displayed. If successful, it also activates and
        scrolls the entry into view. The optional *ops* represents a hash of
        additional options. Currently, the only valid value is "*-silent =*
        1>", meaning just close, but don't activate or scroll the window
        position. See also *$widget*->open(*index*)

        Adjust the view in the tree so that the element given by *index* is
        visible. If the element is already visible then the command has no
        effect; if the element is near one edge of the window then the
        widget scrolls to bring the element into view at the edge. If
        *index* is hidden or not a valid entry, this function is ignored.

        If *index* is specified and it's element is currently selected, it
        will be unselected. The selection state is not changed for elements
        outside this range. If no *index* is specified, all selected items
        will be unselected, clearing the selection list.

        Returns 1 if the element indicated by *index* is currently selected,
        0 if it isn't.

        Adds entry specified by *index* to the selected list if it is not
        already selected. Note: Unlike listboxes, etc. only a single element
        may be selected per call. Ranges are not accepted.

        If the entry specified by *index* is currently selected, it will be
        unselected, otherwise, it will be selected.

    *$widget*->set_dir(*full_directory_path* [, *ops* ])
        Sets the directory path to be opened and displayed in the widget.
        The entire file-system (drive-letter in M$-Windows) will be
        accessible, but initially collapsed. It can add any new files and
        subdirectories it finds in the tree if it has changed since the
        previous call.

        To limit how far up the file-system that users can can expand,
        specify *-root* =<gt> "*directory_path*", for example:
        $widget->set_dir("/home/user/documents", -root => "/home/user").
        This would open the user "user"'s "documents" directory expanded,
        but not permit him to expand either root ("/" or "/home" to see
        their contents.

    *$widget*->show([*-entry* =<gt> ] *index*)
        Given an *index*, sets the hidden entry to visible so that it is
        displayed in the tree (but maintains it's index. The "*-entry*"
        argument is unnecessary, but retained for Tk::HList compatability.
        See also the *hide* method.

    Jim Turner, "<>".

    Copyright (c) 2022 Jim Turner.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy
    of the full license at:


    Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified
    Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or
    distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify,
    or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.

    If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made
    by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that
    your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.

    This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service
    mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.

    This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge
    patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and
    otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims
    licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the
    Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or
    counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes
    direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License
    to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed.


    Tk::FileTree is a derived work from Tk::DirTree: Perl/TK version by
    Chris Dean <>. Original Tcl/Tix version by Ioi Kim Lam.

    filetree dirtree filesystem

    Tk::DirTree, Tk::Tree, Tk::HList.