Net-xFTP Net::xFTP is a wrapper class to combine common functions of Net::FTP, Net::SSH2, and Net::SFTP, and now Net::FTPSSL, Net::FSP, Net::SFTP::Foreign, and Net::OpenSSH all into a single set of functions allowing one to switch seemlessly between the two without having to make non-trivial code changes. Only functionality common to all protocols has been implemented here with the intent and invitation to add more functions and features and maybe other *FTP-ish modules in the future. The module has also been re-implemented into a modular fashion allowing for the easy addition of other protocols in the future. The methods have been tested and seem to work properly for normal cases. Two Perl/Tk GUI applications currently exist as wrappers around Net::xFTP: ptkftp (file-transfer gui) and jfm3 (graphical file-manager). PURPOSE I created this module when I had developed several web application programs which FTP'd data to and from a central server via Net::FTP. The client changed to a new remote server that required Net::SFTP. Faced with rewriting these programs without changing functionality (since for some reason Net::FTP and Net::SFTP use slightly different methods and conventions). I decided instead to simply create a common module that would use the same method calls to do the same things and allow me to specify the protocol in a single place. I also am the author of I<ptkftp>, a Perl/Tk graphical user-interface to Net::FTP and Net::SFTP. I now intend to rewrite it to use Net::xFTP and greatly reduce and simplify the code for that application. Hopelfully others will find this module useful. Patches adding needed functionality are welcome. See the manpage for more detailed and up- to-date information. SYNOPSIS use Net::xFTP; #Test for needed protocol module. die "..This server connection needs Net::SFTP!" unless (Net::xFTP->haveModule('Net::SFTP')); #Example 1: Establish a new SFTP connection to a remote host. $ftp = Net::xFTP->new('SFTP', "", Debug => 0, user => 'userid', password => 'opensesme') or die "Cannot connect to $@"; #Example 2: Establish a "local" (simulated connection) to self. $ftp = Net::xFTP->new(); # -OR- $ftp = Net::xFTP->new('Local'); #Change the current working directory on the remote host. $ftp->cwd('/pub') or die "Cannot change working directory ", $ftp->message(); #Get the current working directory on the remote host. my $current_remote_path = $ftp->pwd(); #Get a list of files and subdirectories in "/pub". my @filesAndSubfolders = $ftp->ls('/pub'); #Get a detailed (ls -l) list of files and subdirectories. my @ls_l_details = $ftp->dir('/pub'); #Create a new subdirectory. $ftp->mkdir('myownfolder') or die "Cannot make subdirectory ", $ftp->message(); #Remove an empty subdirectory. $ftp->rmdir('myownfolder') or die "Cannot remove subdirectory ", $ftp->message(); #Get the contents of a file on the remote server. $ftp->get('remote.file', 'local.file') or die "get failed ", $ftp->message(); #Get the contents of a remote file and write to an open filehandle. open FHANDLE, ">local.file" or die "Could not open local file ($!)"; print FHANDLE "A Header Line!\n"; flush FHANDLE; $ftp->get('remote.file', *FHANDLE) or die "get failed ", $ftp->message(); print FHANDLE "A Footer Line!\n"; close FHANDLE; #Put a local file onto the remote server. $ftp->put('local.file', 'remote.file') or die "put failed ", $ftp->message(); #Read from a file handle putting the content in a remote file. open FHANDLE "<local.file" or die "Could not open local file ($!)"; $ftp->put(*FHANDLE, 'remote.file') or die "put failed ", $ftp->message(); close FHANDLE; #Delete a remote file. $ftp->delete('some.file') or die "Cannot delete file ", $ftp->message(); #Rename a remote file. $ftp->rename('oldfilename', 'newfilename') or die "Cannot delete file ", $ftp->message(); #Change permissions of a remote file. $ftp->chmod(755, 'some.file.or.dir') or die "Cannot change permissions ", $ftp->message(); #Fetch the size of a remote file. print "remote.file has ".$ftp->size('remote.file')." bytes.\n"; #Fetch the modification time of a remote file. print "remote.file has ".$ftp->mdtm('remote.file')." bytes.\n"; #Copy a remote file to a new remote location. $ftp->copy('remote.fileA','remote.fileB') or die "Cannot copy the file ", $ftp->message(); #Move a remote file to a new remote location. $ftp->move('old/path/old.filename', 'new/path/new.filename') or die "Cannot move the file ", $ftp->message(); #Call a protocol-specific method. $result = $ftp->method('timeout',100) #Disconnect an existing connection. $ftp->quit(); INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Jim Turner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.