[](https://travis-ci.org/nnutter/Git-Repository-Plugin-Hooks) # NAME Git::Repository::Plugin::Hooks - Work with hooks in a Git::Repository # SYNOPSIS use Git::Repository 'Hooks'; my $r = Git::Repository->new(); $r->install_hook('my-hook-file', 'pre-receive'); # DESCRIPTION Git::Repository::Plugin::Hooks adds the `install_hook` and `hook_path` methods to a Git::Repository. # METHODS ## install\_hook($source, $target) Install a `$target`, e.g. 'pre-receive', hook into the repository. ## hook\_path($target) Returns the path to a hook of the type specified by `$target`. See `man githooks` for examples, e.g. `pre-commit`. # LICENSE Copyright (C) Nathaniel Nutter. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Nathaniel Nutter <nnutter@cpan.org>