This is version 0.1 of UPS::Nut, a module to monitor a UPS via upsd, part 
of the Network UPS Tools package, available from  It's the first Perl module I've ever 
written, so please let me know if I've screwed something up.  :)

    Nut - a module to talk to a UPS via NUT (Network UPS Tools) upsd

     use UPS::Nut;

     $ups = new UPS::Nut( NAME => "myups",
                          HOST => "",
                          PORT => "3305",
                          USERNAME => "upsuser",
                          PASSWORD => "upspasswd",
                          TIMEOUT => 30,
                          DEBUG => 0,
                          DEBUGOUT => "/some/file/somewhere");
     if ($ups->Status() =~ /OB/) {
        print "Oh, no!  Power failure!\n";

    This is an object-oriented (whoo!) interface between Perl and upsd from
    the Network UPS Tools package ( It only
    does the things that it can do talking to upsd. It won't monitor your
    UPS continually - you'll have to write something that does that, like:

    for (;;) { if ($ups->Status() =~ /OB/) { # Ack! There's a power failure!
    Sure wish I had written some code to # deal with that situation... } }

    Shown with defaults: new UPS::Nut( NAME => "default", HOST =>
    "localhost", PORT => "3305", USERNAME => "", PASSWORD => "", DEBUG => 0,
    DEBUGOUT => ""); * NAME is the name of the UPS to monitor, as specified
    in ups.conf * HOST is the host running upsd * PORT is the port that upsd
    is running on * USERNAME and PASSWORD are those specified in upsd.conf.
    If these aren't specified, then you will only have access to the level
    of privileges in upsd.conf that do not require a password. This is
    configured in upsd.conf. * DEBUG turns on debugging output * DEBUGOUT is
    de thing you do when the s*** hits the fan. Actually, it's the filename
    where you want debugging output to go. If it's not specified, debugging
    output comes to STDOUT.

  Methods for querying UPS status

    Query(varname) returns value of the specified variable, if supported

    BattPercent() returns % of battery left

    LoadPercent() returns % of load, the UPS' available capacity

    LineVoltage() returns line voltage, useful if your UPS doesn't do
    voltage regulation.

    Status() returns status, one of "OL," "OB," or "LB," which are online
    (power OK), on battery (power failure), or low battery, respectively.

    Temperature() returns UPS temperature

  Other methods

      These all operate on the UPS specified in the NAME argument to the 

    Master() Use this to find out whether or not we have MASTER privileges
    for this UPS. Returns 1 if we have MASTER privileges, returns 0

    ListVars() Returns a list of all variables supported by the UPS.

    ListInstCmds() Returns a list of all instant commands supported by the

    InstCmd (command) Send an instant command to the UPS. Returns undef if
    the command can't be completed for whatever reason, otherwise returns 1.

    FSD() Set the FSD (forced shutdown) flag for the UPS. This means that
    we're planning on shutting down the UPS very soon, so the attached load
    should be shut down as well. Returns 1 on success, returns undef on
    failure for any reason. This cannot be unset, so don't set it unless you
    mean it.

    Error() why did the previous operation fail? The answer is here. It will
    return a concise, well-written, and brilliantly insightful few words as
    to why whatever you just did went bang. I promise that this method will
    never return "Error: This module doesn't like you. Go away."

    TimeLeft() at current load, how much time before battery is depleted.
    This isn't implemented yet.

Unimplemented commands to UPSD
      These are things that are listed in "protocol.txt" in the Nut 
      distribution that I haven't implemented yet.  Consult "protocol.txt" (in 
      the Nut distribution, under the docs/ subdirectory)  to see what these 
      commands do.


      Kit Peters

    Developed with the kind support of A World Of Difference, Inc.

    Many thanks to Ryan Jessen <> at CyberPower
    Systems for much-needed assistance.

    This module is distributed under the same license terms as Perl 