Locale::SubCountry - Convert state, province, county etc. names to/from ISO 3166-2 codes, get all states in a country

    use Locale::SubCountry;
    my $fr = Locale::SubCountry->new('France');
    if ( not $fr )
        die "Invalid country or code: France\n";
        print($fr->country,"\n");        # France
        print($fr->country_code,"\n");   # FR

        if (  $fr->has_sub_countries )
            print($fr->code('Hautes-Alpes '),"\n");       # 05
            print($fr->full_name('03'),"\n");             # Allier
            my $upper_case = 1;
            print($fr->full_name('02',$upper_case),"\n"); # AINSE
            print($fr->level('02'),"\n");                 # Metropolitan department
            print($fr->level('A'),"\n");                  # Metropolitan region
            print($fr->level('BL'),"\n");                 # Overseas territorial collectivity
            print($fr->levels,"\n");                      # Metropolitan region => 22, Metropolitan department => 96 ... 
            my @fr_names  = $fr->all_full_names;    # Ain, Ainse, Allier...
            my @fr_codes   = $fr->all_codes;        # 01, 02, 03 ...
            my %fr_names_keyed_by_code  = $fr->code_full_name_hash;  # 01 => Ain...
            my %fr_codes_keyed_by_name  = $fr->full_name_code_hash;  # Ain => 01 ...

            foreach my $code ( sort keys %fr_names_keyed_by_code )
               printf("%-3s : %s\n",$code,$fr_names_keyed_by_code{$code});            

    # Methods for fetching all country codes and names in the world

    my $world = Locale::SubCountry::World->new();
    my @all_countries     = $world->all_full_names;
    my @all_country_codes = $world->all_codes;

    my %all_countries_keyed_by_name = $world->full_name_code_hash;
    my %all_country_keyed_by_code   = $world->code_full_name_hash;


This module allows you to convert the full name for a country's administrative
region to the code commonly used for postal addressing. The reverse look up
can also be done.

Lists of sub country codes are useful for web applications that require a valid
state, county etc to be entered as part of a users location.

Sub countries are termed as states in the US and Australia, provinces
in Canada and counties in the UK and Ireland. Other terms include region,
department, city and territory. Countries such as France have several
levels of sub countries, such as Metropolitan department, Metropolitan region etc.

Names and ISO 3166-2 codes for all sub countries in a country can be
returned as either a hash or an array.

Names and ISO 3166-1 codes for all countries in the world can be
returned as either a hash or an array. This in turn can be used to
fetch every sub country from every country (see examples/

Sub country codes are defined in "ISO 3166-2,
Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions".