NAME Text::PO - Read and write PO files SYNOPSIS use Text::PO; my $po = Text::PO->new; $po->debug( 2 ); $po->parse( $poFile ) || die( $po->error, "\n" ); my $hash = $po->as_hash; my $json = $po->as_json; # Add data: my $e = $po->add_element( msgid => 'Hello!', msgstr => 'Salut !', ); $po->remove_element( $e ); $po->elements->foreach(sub { my $e = shift( @_ ); # $_ is also available if( $e->msgid_as_text eq $other->msgid_as_text ) { # do something } }); Or, maybe using the object overloading directly: $po->elements->foreach(sub { my $e = shift( @_ ); # $_ is also available if( $e eq $other ) { # do something } }); # Write in a PO format to STDOUT $po->dump; # or to a file handle $po->dump( $io ); # Synchronise data $po->sync( '/some/where/com.example.api.po' ); $po->sync( $file_handle ); # or merge $po->merge( '/some/where/com.example.api.po' ); $po->merge( $file_handle ); VERSION v0.7.2 DESCRIPTION This module parse GNU PO (portable object) and POT (portable object template) files, making it possible to edit the localised text and write it back to a po file. Text::PO::MO reads and writes ".mo" (machine object) binary files. Thus, with those modules, you do not need to install "msgfmt", "msginit" of GNU. It is better if you have them though. Also, this distribution provides a way to export the "po" files in json format to be used from within JavaScript and a JavaScript class to load and use those files is also provided along with some command line scripts. See the "share" folder along with its own test units. Also, there is a script in "scripts" that can be used to transcode ".po" or "mo" files into json format and vice versa. CONSTRUCTOR new Create a new Text::PO object acting as an accessor. One object should be created per po file, because it stores internally the po data for that file in the Text::PO object instantiated. Returns the object. METHODS add_element Given either a Text::PO::Element object, or an hash ref with keys like "msgid" and "msgstr", or given a "msgid" followed by an optional hash ref, "add_element" will add this to the stack of elements. It returns the newly created element if it did not already exist, or the existing one found. Thus if you try to add an element data that already exists, this will prevent it and return the existing element object found. added Returns an array object (Module::Generic::Array) of Text::PO::Element objects added during synchronisation. as_json This takes an optional hash reference of option parameters and return a json formatted string. All options take a boolean value. Possible options are: * "indent" If true, JSON will indent the data. Default to false. * "pretty" If true, this will return a human-readable json data. * "sort" If true, this will instruct JSON to sort the keys. This makes it slower to generate. It defaults to false, which will use a pseudo random order set by perl. * "utf8" If true, JSON will utf8 encode the data. as_hash Return the data parsed as an hash reference. as_json Return the PO data parsed as json data. charset Sets or gets the character encoding for the po data. This will affect the "charset" parameter in "Content-Type" meta information. content_encoding Sets or gets the meta field value for "Content-Encoding" content_type Sets or gets the meta field value for "Content-Type" current_lang Returns the current language environment variable set, trying "LANGUAGE" and "LANG" decode Given a string, this will decode it using the character set specified with "encoding" domain Sets or gets the domain (or namespace) for this PO. Something like "com.example.api" dump Given an optional filehandle, or STDOUT by default, it will print to that filehandle in a format suitable to the po file. Thus, one could create a perl script, read a po file, then redirect the output of the dump back to another po file like ./ en_GB.po > new_en_GB.po It returns the Text::PO object used. elements Returns the array reference of all the Text::PO::Element objects encoding Sets or gets the character set encoding for the GNU PO file. Typically this should be "utf-8" exists Given a Text::PO::Element object, it will check if this object exists in its current stack. To achieve this, it will check if both the "msgid" and the "msgstr" exists and match. If you only want to check if the "msgid" exists, use the "msgid_only" option as explained below. It takes an optional hash or hash reference of options as follows: * "msgid_only" Boolean. If true, this will check only if the "msgid" already exists, and not the corresponding "msgstr" It returns true of false accordingly. hash Returns the data of the po file as an hash reference with each key representing a string and its value the localised version. header Access the headers data for this po file. The data is an array reference. language Sets or gets the meta field value for "Language" language_team Sets or gets the meta field value for "Language-Team" last_translator Sets or gets the meta field value for "Last-Translator" merge This takes the same parameters as "sync" and will merge the current data with the target data and return the newly created Text::PO object meta This sets or return the given meta information. The meta field name provided is case insensitive and you can replace dashes ("-") with underscore (<_>) $po->meta( 'Project-Id-Version' => 'MyProject 1.0' ); # or this will also work $po->meta( project_id_version => 'MyProject 1.0' ); It can take a hash ref, a hash, or a single element. If a single element is provided, it return its corresponding value. This returns its internal hash of meta information. meta_keys This is an hash reference of meta information. mime_version Sets or gets the meta field value for "MIME-Version" new_element Provided with an hash or hash reference of property-value pairs, and this will pass those information to Text::PO::Element and return the new object. normalise_meta Given a meta field, this will return a normalised version of it, ie a field name with the right case and dash instead of underscore characters. parse Given a filepath to a po file or a file handle, this will parse the po file and return a new Text::PO object. For each new entry that "parse" find, it creates a Text::PO::Element object. The list of all elements found can then be accessed using "elements" It returns the current Text::PO object parse_date_to_object Provided with a date string and this returns a DateTime object parse_header_value Takes a header value such as "text/plain; charset="utf-8"" and this returns a "Text::PO::HeaderValue" object parse2hash Whether the pod file is stored as standard GNU po data or as json data, this method will read its data and return an hash reference of it. parse2object Takes a file path, parse the po file and loads its data onto the current object. It returns the current object. plural Sets or gets the plurality definition for this domain and locale used in the current object. If set, this will expect 2 parameters: 1) an integer representing the possible plurality for the given locale and 2) the expression that will be evaluated to assess which plural form to use. It returns an array reference representing those 2 values. plural_forms Sets or gets the meta field value for "Plural-Forms" po_revision_date Sets or gets the meta field value for "PO-Revision-Date" pot_creation_date Sets or gets the meta field value for "POT-Creation-Date" project_id_version Sets or gets the meta field value for "Project-Id-Version" quote Given a string, it will escape carriage return, double quote and return it, remove_duplicates Takes a boolean value to enable or disable the removal of duplicates in the po file. remove_element Given a Text::PO::Element and this will remove it from the object elements list. If the value provided is not an Text::PO::Element object it will return an error. It returns a true value representing the number of elements removed or 0 if none could be found. removed Sets or gets this boolean value. report_bugs_to Sets or gets the meta field value for "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To" quote Takes a string and escape the characters that needs to be and returns it. remove_duplicates Takes a boolean value and if true, this will remove duplicate msgid. removed Returns an array object (Module::Generic::Array) of Text::PO::Element removed during synchronisation. source Sets or gets an hash reference of parameters providing information about the source of the data. It could have an attribute "handle" with a glob as value or an attribute "file" with a filepath as value. sync $po->sync( '/some/where/com.example.api.po' ); # or $po->sync({ file => '/some/where/com.example.api.po' }); # or $po->sync({ handle => $file_handle }); # or, if source of data has been set previously by parse() $po->parse( '/some/where/com.example.api.po' ); # Do some change to the data, then: $po->sync; Given a file or a file handle, it will read the po file, and our current object will synchronise against it. It takes an hash or hash reference passed as argument, as optional parameters with the following properties: *file* File path *handle* Opened file handle This means that our object is the source and the file or filehandle representing the target po file is the recipient of the synchronisation. This method will return an error a file is provided, already exists, but is either a symbolic link or not a regular file ("-f" test), or a file handle is provided, but not currently opened. If a file path is provided, and the file does not yet exist, it will attempt to create it or return an error if it cannot. In this case, it will use "dump" to write all its data to file. If the target file was created, it will return the current object, otherwise it returns the newly created Text::PO representing the data synchronised. sync_fh Takes a file handle as its unique argument and synchronise the object data with the file handle. This means, the file handle provided must be opened in both read and write mode. What it does is that, after creating a new Text::PO object, it will first call "parse" on the file handle to load its data, and then add all of the current object data to the newly created object, and finally dump all back to the file handle using "dump" It will set two array of data: one for the elements that did not exist in the recipient data and thus were added and one for those elements in the target data that did not exist in the source object and thus were removed. If the option *append* is specified, however, it will not remove those elements in the target that doe not exist in the source one. You can get the same result by calling the method "merge" instead of "sync" You can get the data of each of those 2 arrays by calling the methods "added" and "removed" respectively. It returns the newly created Text::PO object containing the synchronised data. unquote Takes a string, unescape it and returns it. use_json Takes a boolean value and if true, this will save the data as json instead of regular po format. Saving data as json makes it quicker to load, but also enable the data to be used by JavaScript. PRIVATE METHODS _can_write_fh Given a filehandle, returns true if it can be written to it or false otherwise. _set_get_meta_date Takes a meta field name for a date-type field and sets its value, if one is provided, or returns a DateTime object. If a value is provided, even a string, it will be converted to a DateTime object and a DateTime::Format::Strptime will be attached to it as a formatter so the stringification of the object produces a date compliant with PO format. _set_get_meta_value Takes a meta field name and sets or gets its value. AUTHOR Jacques Deguest <> SEE ALSO Text::PO::Element, Text::PO::MO, Text::PO::Gettext <>, <> GNU documentation on header format < > COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 2020-2021 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd. You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.