Net::API::Stripe - An interface to Stripe API

        my $stripe = Net::API::Stripe->new({
            debug => 3,
            conf_file => './stripe-settings.json',
            livemode => 0,
            ignore_unknown_parameters => 1,
            expand => 'all',
        }) || die( Net::API::Stripe->error );

    A Stripe json settings file looks like this:

            "livemode": false,
            "test_secret_key": "sk_test_1234567890abcdefg",
            "test_public_key": "pk_test_1234567890abcdefg",
            "live_secret_key": "sk_live_0987654321zyxwvut",
            "live_public_key": "pk_live_0987654321zyxwvut",
            "version": "2020-03-02",

    Create a customer:

        # Create an address object
        my $addr;
        if( $v->{street} || $v->{city} || $v->{postal_code} || $v->{country} )
            $addr = $stripe->address({
                line1 => $v->{street},
                line2 => $v->{building},
                city => $v->{city},
                postal_code => $v->{postal_code},
                state => $v->{state},
                country => $v->{country},
            }) || bailout( "Unable to create a postal address object: ", $stripe->error );
        my $cust_object = $stripe->customer({
            balance => 20000,
            address => $addr,
            # Must be set up previously before using it
            coupon => '2020DISCOUNT50',
            # Japanese Yen
            currency => 'jpy',
            description => 'VIP customer',
            email => '',
            invoice_prefix => 'VIP',
            # Default payment must be set up beforehand for it to be declared here
            invoice_settings => { default_payment_method => 'pm_fake1234567' },
            metadata => { db_id => 123, process_id => 456 },
            name => 'John Doe',
            phone => '+81-90-1234-5678',
            preferred_locales => [qw( en ja )],
            shipping => $addr,

        # Submit this customer to Stripe for creation
        my $cust = $stripe->customers( create => $cust_object ) || die( sprintf( "Failed with error message %s and code %d\n", $stripe->error->message, $stripe->error->code ) );

    Retrieve customer:

        my $cust = $stripe->customers( retrieve => 'cust_fake12345' );
        # or we can also pass a customer object
        my $cust = $stripe->customers( retrieve => $cust_object ) || do
            if( $stripe->http_response->code == 404 )
                die( "Customer ", $cust_object->id, " does not exist!\n" );
                die( "Some unexpected error occurred: ", $stripe->error, "\n" );

    Other methods are describe below and the parameters they take are
    documented in their respective module.


    This is a comprehensive Stripe API. It provides an object oriented
    friendly interface for which I put a lot of hard work so you could spend
    your time on other aspects of your development.

    It inherits from Module::Generic and Net::API::Stripe sub modules
    inherits from Net::API::Stripe::Generic

  new( %ARG )
    Creates a new Net::API::Stripe objects. It may also take an hash like
    arguments, that also are method of the same name.

        The base uri of the Stripe API. This should not be changed.

        The user agent id to use when making http api calls

        The file path to the configuration file. Each property in this
        configuration file is same as the parameters to instantiate a new
        Net::API::Stripe object.

        Toggles debug mode on/off

        Integer. Sets the depth level of expansion of Stripe objects. If
        objects are not expanded, Stripe API will return the object id, but
        when they are expanded, Stripe returns the entire object and its
        properties. You can then chain your code and do something like:

            print $cust->invoice_settings->default_payment_method->type

        Boolean. When this is on, this will ignore any properties sent back
        from Stripe API that are unknown to us. This happens frequently as
        Stripe updates its API. When this value is set to false, then
        unknown properties will cause this to stop processing and return an

        Boolean value to toggle test or live mode

        Toggles verbose mode on/off

        The version of the Stripe API to use. Example "2020-03-02"

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account::Link object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Address object.

    Provided with a number, this returns a Module::Generic::Number object,
    which extends Number::Format

    Returns the URI object of the Stripe api.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ApplicationFee object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ApplicationFee::Refund object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Issuing::Authorization object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Balance object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Balance::Transaction object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Bank object.

    Set or get the user agent string used when making calls to Stripe API.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account::Capability object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Issuing::Card::Holder object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Card object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Charge object.

    Given a code returned by Stripe upon error, this returns the
    corresponding string.

        my $cust = $stripe->customers( retrieve => $id ) || 
          die( $stripe->code2error( $stripe->error->code ), "\n" );

  conf_file( [ file path ] )
    Given a json configuration file, it will read the data, set the property
    *conf_data* to the decoded hash and return it. When called without
    argument, it returns the current value of *conf_data*.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Terminal::ConnectionToken object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::CountrySpec object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Coupon object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object.

    Set or get the 3-letter iso 4217 currency, such as "jpy" for Japanese
    yen or "eur" for Euro.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Customer object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Customer::BalanceTransaction object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Customer::TaxId object.

    Given a Stripe end point as a URI absolute path, and a payload as a hash
    reference, this will issue a "DELETE" http query and return a hash
    reference corresponding to the json data returned by Stripe, or, in case
    of error, it will return undef and set the error which can be accessed
    with "$stripe-"error> (a Module::Generic::Exception object).

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Discount object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Dispute object.

    Takes a bollean value. This is used to set whether the payload should be
    encoded with json. This should not be changed.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Event object.

    Integer. Sets or get the depth of Stripe object expansion. See Stripe
    api documentation for more information:

    Given an object type, this returns an array reference of all the methods
    (aka fields) for that module.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::File object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::File::Link object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Fraud object.

    Returns a uuid version 4. This uses Data::UUID to achieve that.

    Given a Stripe absolute uri and a hash reference, this will issue a http
    "GET" request and return a hash reference representing the json data
    returned by Stripe or undef if an error occurred. The error can then be
    retrieved like "$stripe-"error> which is a Module::Generic::Exception

    This returns the LWP::UserAgent object and create it if it is not yet

    Get or set the HTTP::Request based on the data provided.

    Get or set the HTTP::Response based on the data provided.

    Boolean. When true, this module will ignore unknown properties returned
    from calls made to Stripe api. if set to false, and an unknown property
    is received, this will generate an error and return undef, stopping the
    flow of the request instead of ignoring it.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice::Item object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice::LineItem object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice::Settings object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Issuing::Card object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Issuing::Dispute object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Issuing::Transaction object.

    This returns a "JSON" object with option *allow_nonref* enabled.

    Provided with your Stripe api secret key, this will set this property
    accordingly, but will also set the auth property as well. auth is used
    to authenticate you when making calls to Stripe api. auth would be
    something like this:

        Basic c2tfMTIzNDU2Nzg5MGFiY2RlZmdoaWo6Cg

    Boolean. Set or get the livemode status. If it is true, then all api
    query will be mad in live mode.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Terminal::Location object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account::LoginLink object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Order object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Order::Item object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Intent object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payout object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Person object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Plan object.

    Given a Stripe end point absolute uri and a hash reference, this will
    issue a "POST" http request to the Stripe api and return a hash
    reference representing the object provided by Stripe or undef with an
    error set, which can be retrieved using the "error" method.

    If no *idempotency* parameter was provided, post will automatically
    create one.

  post_multipart( END POINT, HASH PAYLOAD )
    Given a Stripe end point absolute uri and a hash reference, this will
    issue a "POST" multipart http request to the Stripe api and return a
    hash reference representing the object returned by Stripe. If an error
    had occurred, it will return undef and set an error that can be
    retrieved using the "error" method.

    This method is used primarily when upload file. See the section below on

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Product object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Terminal::Reader object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Refund object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Order::Return object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Fraud::Review object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Session object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Sigma::ScheduledQueryRun object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Checkout::Session object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Intent::Setup object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Shipping object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Order::SKU object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Item object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::TaxID object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Tax::Rate object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Token object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::TopUp object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Transfer object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Transfer::Reversal object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::UsageRecord object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Fraud::ValueList object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Fraud::ValueList::Item object.

    Set or get the api version. This must be set on the Stripe dashboard

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::WebHook::Object object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Transfer object.

    Provided with optional hash parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Transfer object.

    You can retrieve the account balance.

    Provided a "balance" object or an id, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Balance object or undef upon error.

    Net::API::Stripe never dies, or at least not voluntarily. Instead, when
    an error occurs and is reported, it returns undef and the error can be
    retrieved with the "error" method, such as:

        my $prod = $stripe->products( retrieve => $prod_id ) || die( $stripe->error, "\n" );

    The error method returns the Module::Generic::Exception set. Please
    refer to the manual page of "error" in Module::Generic for more
    information, but essentially, the following methods are available with
    the error objects:

    This is triggered when the error object is stringified

    The error code returned by Stripe

    The file containing the error

    The line number of the error

    The actual error message

    The package name where the error occurred.

    Used to re-trigger the error

    The subroutine name where the error originates

    The full stack trace object. This is a Devel::StackTrace

    The error type, if any

    Everywhere Stripe returns a date or datetime, Net::API::Stripe will
    return a DateTime object so one can call the method like this:

        printf( "Object was created on %s\n", $product->created->iso8601 );

    When a number is returned by Stripe, Net::API::Stripe will return a
    Module::Generic::Number, so one could call the method representing a
    number like this:

        printf( "Charge was %s\n", $charge->amount->format_money( 2, '€' ) );
        # Assuming the charge amount is 100, this would produce: €100.00

    All api access methods below from "BALANCE TRANSACTIONS" and below also
    take the *expand* parameter, which can have value 'all' to expand all
    possible objects, or it can have an integer to set the depth of
    expanstion or it can be an array reference of object properties to
    expand. Sub levels of expansion are noted by a dot between properties.

        my $cust = $stripe->customers( retrieve => { id => $customer_id, expand => [qw( invoice_settings.default_payment_method invoice_settings.default_payment_method.customer )] })

    When providing an object as a parameter to an api method, *expand* will
    always set automatically to "all".

    You an retrieve balances.

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Balance object, or a hash reference,
    this will retrieve a Stripe balance and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Balance object.

    There is no argument.

    You can retrieve or list the balance transactions.

    This can take various parameter to influence the list of data returned
    by Stripe. It returns a Net::API::Stripe::List object of
    Net::API::Stripe::Balance::Transaction objects. Valid parameters are as
    follows. See Stripe API for more information:

        my $list = $stripe->balance_transactions( 'list' ) || die( $stripe->error );
        while( my $bt = $list->next )
            printf( <<EOT, $bt->id, $bt->amount, $bt->created->iso8601, $bt->currency, $bt->customer->name, $bt->description );
    Id: %s
    Amount: %s
    Created on: $s
    Currency: %s
    Cusomer name: %s
    Description: %s

    Possible parameters are:

        3-letter iso 4217 currency

        Stripe balance transaction id


        Only returns transactions of the given type

    Provided a "balance_transaction" object or an id, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::Balance::Transaction object or undef upon error.

    You can create, retrieve, update, delete or list bank acounts.

    Provided wuth a bank account object
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Bank that has its *account*
    property set, or simply a hash reference this will create a Stripe bank
    account and return its object as a

    Possible parameters are:

        A Stripe account id. This is required.

    *external_account* This is required. Either a token, like the ones
    returned by Stripe.js, or a hash reference containing a user’s bank
    account details with the following properties:

        *object* (required)
        *country* (required)
        *currency* (required)
        *account_number* (required)

    *default_for_currency* Boolean
        An arbitrary hash reference

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided wuth a bank account object
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Bank that has its *account*
    property set, or simply a hash reference this will retrieve a Stripe
    bank account and return its object as a

    Possible parameters are:

        A Stripe bank account id. This is required.

        A Stripe account id. This is required.

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided wuth a bank account object
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Bank that has its *account*
    property set, or simply a hash reference this will update a Stripe bank
    account and return its object as a

    Possible parameters are:

        A Stripe bank account id. This is required.

        A Stripe account id. This is required.

    *account_holder_name* String
    *account_holder_type* String
    *default_for_currency* Boolean
        An arbitrary hash reference

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided wuth a bank account object
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Bank that has its *account*
    property set, or simply a hash reference this will remove a Stripe bank
    account and return its object as a

    Possible parameters are:

        A Stripe bank account id. This is required.

        A Stripe account id. This is required.

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided wuth a bank account object
    Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Bank that has its *account*
    property set, or simply a hash reference this will list all Stripe bank
    accounts and return a list object as a Net::API::Stripe::List

    Possible parameters are:

        A Stripe account id. This is required.

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, delete or list cards.

    Provided a customer object Net::API::Stripe::Customer or a card object
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Card that has its *customer* property set, or
    simply a hash reference this will create a Stripe card and return its
    object as a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Card

    Possible parameters are:

        A customer id

        A hash reference with the following properties: object number
        exp_month exp_year cvc currency name metadata default_for_currency
        address_line1 address_line2 address_city address_state address_zip

    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference

    Provided a customer object Net::API::Stripe::Customer or a card object
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Card that has its *customer* property set, or
    simply a hash reference this will retrieve the customer card information
    as a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Card object

    Possible parameters are:

        Stripe card id

        Stripe customer id

    Provided a customer object Net::API::Stripe::Customer or a card object
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Card that has its *customer* property set, or
    simply a hash reference this will update the customer card information,
    but what can be updated is limited by Stripe and it is typically the
    expiration date or postal address

    Possible parameters are:

        Stripe card id

        Stripe customer id

    *address_city* City
        Country as 2-letters ISO 3166 country code

        Address first line

        Address second line

        State / region

        Postal code

        Expiration month

        Expiration year

        Arbitrary hash reference

        Name for this credit card

    Provided with a customer or a card object, or a hash reference, this
    will issue an api call to Stripe to remove the customer's card. It
    returns the card object that as deleted with its property *deleted* set
    to true.

    Possible parameters are:

        Stripe customer id

        Stripe card id

    Provided with a customer object, this issue an api call to get the list
    of all cards for a given customer.

    Possible parameters are:

        Stripe customer id

        A card id

    *limit* Integer
    *starting_after* A card id

    For more information, see Stripe api documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, capture or list charges.

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Charge object or a hash reference,
    this will create a Stripe charge and return a charge object

    Possible parameters are:

    *amount* Amount as integer. This is required
    *currency* A 3-letter iso 4217 code such sa "jpy" for Japanese Yen
    *application_fee_amount* Integer
    *capture* Boolean
    *customer* A customer id
    *description* An arbitrary text
    *destination* A hash with properties account and amount.
    *metadata* Arbitrary hash reference
    *on_behalf_of* Stripe account id
    *receipt_email* E-mail address
    *shipping* Shipping address as a hash reference with the following
    properties: address name carrier phone tracking_number. See also
    *source* A source id
    *statement_descriptor* Text
    *statement_descriptor_suffix* Text
    *transfer_data* A date
    *transfer_group* Text
    *idempotency* identifier

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Charge object or a hash reference,
    this will retrieve a Stripe charge and return its corresponding charge
    object Net::API::Stripe::Charge

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* Stripe charge id. This is required

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Charge object or a hash reference,
    this will update a Stripe charge and return its corresponding charge
    object Net::API::Stripe::Charge

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe charge id. This is required
    *customer* A customer id
    *description* An arbitrary text
    *fraud_details* A hash with one property: *user_report*
    *metadata* Arbitrary hash reference
    *receipt_email* E-mail address
    *shipping* Shipping address as a hash reference with the following
    properties: address name carrier phone tracking_number. See also
    *transfer_group* Text

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Charge object or a hash reference,
    this will capture a Stripe charge and return its corresponding charge
    object Net::API::Stripe::Charge

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe charge id. This is required
    *amount* Integer
    *application_fee_amount* Integer
    *destination* A hash reference with one property: *amount*
    *receipt_email* E-mail address
    *statement_descriptor* Text
    *statement_descriptor_suffix* String
    *transfer_data* A hash reference with one property: *amount*
    *transfer_group* Text

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    This will list all the charges for a given customer and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *created* A date that can also be expressed as a unix timestamp
    *customer* A Stripe customer id
    *ending_before* A Stripe charge id
    *limit* Integer
    *payment_intent* A payment intent Stripe id
    *source* A source Stripe id
    *starting_after* A Stripe charge id
    *transfer_group* Text

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, delete or list coupons.

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Coupon object or a hash
    reference, this will create a Stripe coupon and return a coupon object

    Possible parameters are:

    *duration* String that can be forever, once or repeating
    *amount_off* Integer
    *currency* Three-letters iso 4217 currency code such as "jpy" for
    Japanese Yen
    *duration_in_months* Integer
    *id* A Coupon id, which is also the coupon code, so you are encouraged
    to create it
    *max_redemptions* Integer
    *metadata* Arbitrary hash reference
    *name* String
    *percent_off* Percentage such as > 0 and <= 100
    *redeem_by* Date

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Coupon object or a hash
    reference, this will retrieve a Stripe coupon and return a coupon object

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe coupon id

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Coupon object or a hash
    reference, this will update a Stripe coupon and return a coupon object

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe coupon id
    *metadata* Arbitrary hash reference
    *name* String

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Coupon object or a hash
    reference, this will remove the Stripe coupon and return a coupon object
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Coupon with the property *deleted* set to

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    This will list all the coupons and return a Net::API::Stripe::List

    Possible parameters are:

    *created* A date that can also be expressed as a unix timestamp
    *customer* A Stripe customer id
    *ending_before* A Stripe charge id
    *limit* Integer
    *starting_after* A Stripe charge id

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    You can preview, create, lines, lines_preview, retrieve, update, void or
    list credit notes.

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote or a hash
    reference, this will create a Stripe credit note preview and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object.

    *invoice* A Stripe invoice id. This is required.
    *amount* Integer
    *credit_amount* Integer
    *lines* An array of hash with properties: amount description
    invoice_line_item quantity tax_rates type unit_amount
    *memo* Text
    *metadata* Arbitrary hash reference
    *out_of_band_amount* Integer
    *reason* Text
    *refund* A Stripe refund id
    *refund_amount* Integer

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object or a hash
    reference, this will create a Stripe credit note and return a credit
    note Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *invoice* A Stripe invoice id. This is required.
    *amount* Integer
    *credit_amount* Integer
    *lines* An array of hash with properties: amount description
    invoice_line_item quantity tax_rates type unit_amount
    *memo* Text
    *metadata* Arbitrary hash reference
    *out_of_band_amount* Integer
    *reason* Text
    *refund* A Stripe refund id
    *refund_amount* Integer

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object or a hash
    reference, this gets the list of all the credit note line items and
    return a Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe credit note id. This is required.
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id.
    *limit* Integer
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id.

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object or a hash
    reference, this gets the list of all the credit note preview line items
    and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *amount* Integer
    *credit_amount* Integer
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id.
    *invoice* A Stripe invoice id. This is required.
    *limit* Integer
    *lines* An array of hash with properties: amount description
    invoice_line_item quantity tax_rates type unit_amount
    *memo* Text
    *metadata* Arbitrary hash reference
    *out_of_band_amount* Integer
    *reason* Text
    *refund* A Stripe refund id
    *refund_amount* Integer
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id.

    For more information see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object or a hash
    reference, this will retrieve the Stripe credit note and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object or a hash
    reference, this will update a Stripe credit note and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe credit note id. This is required
    *memo* Text
    *metadata* Arbitrary hash reference

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object or a hash
    reference, this will void a Stripe credit note and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::CreditNote object

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe credit note id. This is required

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Given a set of optional parameters, this get the list of credit notes
    and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    *created* Date or unix timestamp
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, delete, delete_discount or list

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Customer object or a hash reference,
    this will create a Stripe customer and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Customer object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *account_balance* Integer
    *address* A Net::API::Stripe::Address object or a hash reference with
    the following properties: line1 city country line2 postal_code state
    *balance* Integer
    *coupon* A string that matches an existing Stripe coupon.
    *description* Test
    *email* String
    *id* A customer id, or Stripe will create one
    *invoice_prefix* String
    *invoice_settings* A hash reference with the following properties:
    custom_fields default_payment_method footer
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *name* String. Customer name
    *payment_method* A Stripe payment method id
    *phone* String.
    *preferred_locales* An array of strings representing 2-letters ISO 639
    language codes such as "[qw( en fr ja )]"
    *shipping* A Net::API::Stripe::Address object or a hash reference with
    the following properties: line1 city country line2 postal_code state
    *tax_exempt* String that can be either *none*, *exempt* or *reverse*
    *tax_id_data* An array reference of string representing tax id or
    Net::API::Stripe::Customer::TaxId objects
    *tax_info* A Net::API::Stripe::Customer::TaxInfo object or a hash
    reference with the following properties: tax_id type

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Customer object or a hash reference,
    this will retrieve a Stripe customer and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Customer object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe customer id. This is required.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Customer object or a hash reference,
    this will update a Stripe customer and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Customer object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *account_balance* Integer
    *address* A Net::API::Stripe::Address object or a hash reference with
    the following properties: line1 city country line2 postal_code state
    *balance* Integer
    *coupon* A string that matches an existing Stripe coupon.
    *description* Test
    *email* String
    *id* A customer id, or Stripe will create one
    *invoice_prefix* String
    *invoice_settings* A hash reference with the following properties:
    custom_fields default_payment_method footer
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *name* String. Customer name
    *next_invoice_sequence* String
    *payment_method* A Stripe payment method id
    *phone* String.
    *preferred_locales* An array of strings representing 2-letters ISO 639
    language codes such as "[qw( en fr ja )]"
    *shipping* A Net::API::Stripe::Address object or a hash reference with
    the following properties: line1 city country line2 postal_code state
    *tax_exempt* String that can be either *none*, *exempt* or *reverse*
    *tax_id_data* An array reference of string representing tax id or
    Net::API::Stripe::Customer::TaxId objects
    *tax_info* A Net::API::Stripe::Customer::TaxInfo object or a hash
    reference with the following properties: tax_id type

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Customer object or a hash reference,
    this will remove a Stripe customer and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Customer object with the property *deleted* set to

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe customer id. This is required.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Customer object or a hash reference,
    this will remove a Stripe customer discount and return the discount
    removed as a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Discount object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe customer id. This is required.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with some optional parameters, this will get a list of Stripe
    customers and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *created* Date or unix timestamp
    *email* String. E-mail address
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can execute the following options: delete_customer or
    delete_subscription, such as:

        $stripe->discounts( delete_customer => { customer => $customer_id, id => $discount_id });

    They will call respectively "$self-"customers( delete_discount => @_ )>
    and "$self-"subscriptions( delete_discount => @_ )>

    You can close, retrieve, update or list disputes

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Dispute object or an hash reference
    and this will close a Stripe dispute and return
    Net::API::Stripe::Dispute object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe dispute id.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Dispute or a hash reference of
    parameters, this will retrieve the Stripe dispute and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Dispute object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe dispute id. This is required.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Dispute or a hash reference of
    parameters, this will update a Stripe dispute and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Dispute object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe dispute id. This is required.
    *evidence* This is a hash reference with following possible properties:


    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with some optional parameters and this will issue a Stripe api
    call to get the list of disputes and return a Net::API::Stripe::List

    Possible parameters are:

    *created* Date or unix timestamp
    *charge* A Stripe charge id
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *payment_intent* A Stripe payment intent id
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve or list files

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::File or a hash reference of
    parameters, this will create a Stripe file and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::File object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *file* File path.
        It will check if the file exists, is not zero length, is readable
        and make the file path absolute if it is relative (using

    *file_link_data* A hash reference with the following properties: create
    expires_at metadata
    *purpose* String that can be either *business_icon* *business_logo*
    *customer_signature* *dispute_evidence* *identity_document*
    *pci_document* or *tax_document_user_upload*

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::File or a hash reference of
    parameters, this will retrieve the Stripe file and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::File object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe file id. This is required.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with some optional parameters and this will issue a Stripe api
    call to get the list of files and return a Net::API::Stripe::List

    Possible parameters are:

    *created* Date or unix timestamp
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *purpose* String.
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create delete finalise lines lines_upcoming invoice_write_off
    upcoming pay retrieve send update void list invoices

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference, this will create a Stripe invoice and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *customer* A Stripe customer id. This is required.
    *application_fee_amount* Integer
    *auto_advance* Boolean
    *collection_method* String. Either "charge_automatically", or
    *custom_fields* An array of hash reference with key and value
    *days_until_due* Integer
    *default_payment_method* A Stripe payment method id
    *default_source* String
    *default_tax_rates* Array reference of decimal amount
    *description* Text
    *due_date* Date or unix timestamp
    *footer* Text
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *statement_descriptor* Text
    *subscription* A Stripe subscription id
    *tax_percent* Decimal value

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    This is to remove draft invoice. When provided with a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash reference of
    parameters, this will remove the draft invoice and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe draft invoice id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    When provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an
    hash reference of parameters, this will set the draft invoice as
    finalised and return a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe draft invoice id
    *auto_advance* Boolean

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will retrieve the list of invoice lines
    and return a <Net:API::Stripe::List>

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe invoice id. This is required.
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will retrieve the list of upcoming invoice
    lines and return a <Net:API::Stripe::List>

    Possible parameters are:

    *customer* A Stripe customer id. This is required
    *coupon* String
    *ending_before* A Stripe invoice id
    *invoice_items* An array of hash with the following properties:


    *limit* Integer
    *schedule* A Stripe schedule id
    *starting_after* A Stripe invoice id
    *subscription* A Stripe subscription id
    *subscription_billing_cycle_anchor* A timestamp
    *subscription_cancel_at* A timestamp
    *subscription_cancel_at_period_end* Boolean
    *subscription_cancel_now* Boolean
    *subscription_default_tax_rates* Array of tax rates
    *subscription_items* List of subscription items, each with an attached
    *subscription_prorate* String. If previewing an update to a
    subscription, this decides whether the preview will show the result of
    applying prorations or not. If set, one of subscription_items or
    subscription, and one of subscription_items or subscription_trial_end
    are required.
    *subscription_proration_behavior* String. Determines how to handle
    prorations when the billing cycle changes.
    *subscription_proration_date* Date/timestamp. If previewing an update to
    a subscription, and doing proration, subscription_proration_date forces
    the proration to be calculated as though the update was done at the
    specified time.
    *subscription_start_date* Date/timestamp.
    *subscription_tax_percent* Decimal
    *subscription_trial_end* Boolean. If set, one of subscription_items or
    subscription is required.
    *subscription_trial_from_plan* Boolean. Indicates if a plan’s
    trial_period_days should be applied to the subscription. Setting this
    flag to true together with subscription_trial_end is not allowed.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will write off an invoice and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe invoice id. This is required.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will retrieve an upcoming invoice and
    return its Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *customer* A Stripe customer id. This is required
    *coupon* String
    *invoice_items* An array of hash with the following properties:


    *schedule* A Stripe schedule id
    *subscription* A Stripe subscription id
    *subscription_billing_cycle_anchor* A timestamp
    *subscription_cancel_at* A timestamp
    *subscription_cancel_at_period_end* Boolean
    *subscription_cancel_now* Boolean
    *subscription_default_tax_rates* Array of tax rates
    *subscription_items* List of subscription items, each with an attached
    *subscription_prorate* String. If previewing an update to a
    subscription, this decides whether the preview will show the result of
    applying prorations or not. If set, one of subscription_items or
    subscription, and one of subscription_items or subscription_trial_end
    are required.
    *subscription_proration_behavior* String. Determines how to handle
    prorations when the billing cycle changes.
    *subscription_proration_date* Date/timestamp. If previewing an update to
    a subscription, and doing proration, subscription_proration_date forces
    the proration to be calculated as though the update was done at the
    specified time.
    *subscription_start_date* Date/timestamp.
    *subscription_tax_percent* Decimal
    *subscription_trial_end* Boolean. If set, one of subscription_items or
    subscription is required.
    *subscription_trial_from_plan* Boolean. Indicates if a plan’s
    trial_period_days should be applied to the subscription. Setting this
    flag to true together with subscription_trial_end is not allowed.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will mark an invoice as paid and return
    its Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe invoice id. This is required.
    *forgive* Boolean
    *off_session* Boolean
    *paid_out_of_band* Boolean to signify this was paid outside of Stripe
    *payment_method* A Stripe payment method id
    *source* A Stripe source id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will retrieve an invoice and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe invoice id. This is required.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will send an invoice to a recipient to get
    payment and return its Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe invoice id. This is required.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will update an invoice and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *application_fee_amount* Integer
    *auto_advance* Boolean
    *collection_method* String. Either "charge_automatically", or
    *custom_fields* An array of hash reference with key and value
    *days_until_due* Integer
    *default_payment_method* A Stripe payment method id
    *default_source* String
    *default_tax_rates* Array reference of decimal amount
    *description* Text
    *due_date* Date or unix timestamp
    *footer* Text
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *statement_descriptor* Text
    *tax_percent* Decimal value

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will void (i.e. cancel) an invoice and
    return its Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Invoice object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe invoice id. This is required.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with an hash reference of parameters, this returns a
    Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *collection_method* String that can be charge_automatically or
    *created* Date or unix timestamp
    *customer* A Stripe customer id.
    *due_date* Date / timestamp
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id
    *status* String. Status of the invoice, which can be one of draft, open,
    paid, uncollectible and void
    *subscription* A Stripe subscription id.

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, list, attach, detach, payment methods.

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object or an hash
    reference and this will create a Stripe payment method and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *type* String. Any of card, fpx, ideal or sepa_debit
    *billing_details* An hash reference with the following properties: address.line1 address.line2
    address.postal_code address.state email name phone
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *card* An hash reference with the following properties: exp_month
    exp_year number cvc
    *fpx* An hash reference with the property *bank*
    *ideal* An hash reference with the property *bank*
    *sepa_debit* An hash reference with the property *iban*

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object or an hash
    reference and this will retrieve a Stripe payment method and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe payment method id. This is required

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object or an hash
    reference and this will update the Stripe payment method and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe payment method id. This is required.
    *billing_details* An hash reference with the following properties: address.line1 address.line2
    address.postal_code address.state email name phone
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference.
    *card* An hash reference with the following properties: exp_month
    *sepa_debit* An hash reference with the following property: iban

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with an hash reference of parameters, and this will get a list
    of payment methods and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *customer* A Stripe customer id
    *type* String. One of card fpx ideal or sepa_debit
    *ending_before* A Stripe payment method id
    *limit* Integer
    *starting_after* A Stripe payment method id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Customer or a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object or an hash reference and this
    will attach the Stripe payment method to the given customer and return
    its Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe payment method id
    *customer* A Stripe customer id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Customer or a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object or an hash reference and this
    will dettach the Stripe payment method from the given customer and
    return its Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Method object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe payment method id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, list, delete plans.

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Plan object or an hash
    reference of parameters and this will create a Stripe plan and return
    its Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Plan object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe plan id (optional)
    *active* Boolean
    *aggregate_usage* String
    *amount* Integer
    *amount_decimal* Decimal
    *billing_scheme* String. One of per_unit or tiered
    *currency* A 3-letter ISO 4217 code such as "jpy" for Japanese Yen or
    "eur" for Euro
    *interval* String. One of day, week, month or year
    *interval_count* Integer
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *nickname* String
    *product* A Stripe product id
    *tiers* An hash reference with the following properties: up_to
    flat_amount flat_amount_decimal unit_amount unit_amount_decimal
    *tiers_mode* String. One of graduated or volume
    *transform_usage* An hash reference with the following properties:
    divide_by round
    *trial_period_days* Integer
    *usage_type* String. One of metered|licensed

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Plan object or an hash
    reference of parameters and this will retrieve a Stripe plan and return
    its Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Plan object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe plan id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Plan object or an hash
    reference of parameters and this will update a Stripe plan and return
    its Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Plan object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe plan id (optional)
    *active* Boolean
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *nickname* String
    *product* A Stripe product id
    *trial_period_days* Integer

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with an hash reference of parameters, this will get the list of
    Stripe plans and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *created* Date or unix timestamp
    *email* String. E-mail address
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *product* A Stripe product id
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Plan object or an hash
    reference of parameters and this will remove a Stripe plan and return
    its Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Plan object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe plan id. This is required

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, list products

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Price object or an hash reference of
    parameters and this will create a Stripe product and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Price object

    Possible parameters are:

    *active* boolean
        Whether the price is currently active. Defaults to true.

    *billing_scheme* string
    *currency* String
        Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported

    *lookup_key* string
    *metadata* Hash
        Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be
        useful for storing additional information about the object in a
        structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty
        value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to

    *nickname* String
        A brief description of the price, hidden from customers.

        A hash or Net::API::Stripe::Product

    *unit_amount* A number
        A positive integer in JPY (or 0 for a free price) representing how
        much to charge.

        This is required only if *billing-scheme* is set to "perl-unit"

        The recurring components of a price such as interval and usage_type.

        Possible properties are :

        *interval* string
        *aggregate_usage* string
        *interval_count* number
        *trial_period_days* number
        *usage_type* string

    *tiers* hash
        See Net::API::Stripe::Price for details

    *tiers_mode* string
    *transfer_lookup_key* string
    *transform_quantity* number
    *unit_amount_decimal* number

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Price object or an hash reference of
    parameters and this will retrieve a Stripe price and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Price object

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe price id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Price object or an hash reference of
    parameters and this will update a Stripe price and return its updated
    Net::API::Stripe::Price object

    As per the Stripe documentation, "After prices are created, you can only
    update their metadata, nickname, and active fields." (see Products and
    Prices <|>)

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe price id
    *active* boolean
        Whether the price is currently active. Defaults to true.

    *lookup_key* string
    *metadata* Hash
        Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be
        useful for storing additional information about the object in a
        structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty
        value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to

    *nickname* String
        A brief description of the price, hidden from customers.

        The recurring components of a price such as interval and usage_type.

        Possible properties are :

        *interval* string
        *aggregate_usage* string
        *interval_count* number
        *trial_period_days* number
        *usage_type* string

    *transfer_lookup_key* string

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with an hash reference of parameters, this will retrieve a list
    of Stripe prices and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object

    Possible parameters are:

    *active* Boolean
    *created* Date or unix timestamp
    *currency* String
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *lookup_key* String
    *product* Net::API::String::Product id or object
    *recurring* Hash with "inerval" and "usage_type" properties
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id
    *type* String. One of "recurring" or "one_time"

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, list, delete products

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Product object or an hash reference of
    parameters and this will create a Stripe product and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Product object

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* An id to be used as a Stripe product id
    *active* Boolean
    *attributes* An array of up to 5 elements
    *caption* String
    *deactivate_on* Date or timestamp
    *description* Text
    *images* An array of up to 8 images
    *metadata* An arbitrary of hash reference
    *name* Stripe. Max length of 250 characters
    *package_dimensions* An hash reference with the following properties:
    height, length, weight and width
    *shippable* Boolean
    *statement_descriptor* Text
    *type* String. One of good or service
    *unit_label* String
    *url* An url. For goods

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Product object or an hash reference of
    parameters and this will retrieve a Stripe product and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Product object

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe product id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe product id
    *active* Boolean
    *attributes* An array of up to 5 elements
    *caption* String
    *deactivate_on* Date or timestamp
    *description* Text
    *images* An array of up to 8 images
    *metadata* An arbitrary of hash reference
    *name* Stripe. Max length of 250 characters
    *package_dimensions* An hash reference with the following properties:
    height, length, weight and width
    *shippable* Boolean
    *statement_descriptor* Text
    *type* String. One of good or service
    *unit_label* String
    *url* An url. For goods

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with an hash reference of parameters, this will retrieve a list
    of Stripe products and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object

    Possible parameters are:

    *active* Boolean
    *created* Date or unix timestamp
    *email* String. E-mail address
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *ids* An array
    *limit* Integer
    *shippable* Boolean
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id
    *type* String. One of service or good
    *url* The product url

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Product object or an hash reference of
    parameters and this will remove a Stripe product and return its
    Net::API::Stripe::Product object with its property *deleted* set to

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe product id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, list, cancel or release schedules

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object
    or an hash reference of parameters and this will create a Stripe
    subscription schedule and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *customer* A Stripe customer id
    *default_settings* An hash reference with the following properties:
    billing_thresholds.reset_billing_cycle_anchor collection_method
    default_payment_method invoice_settings.days_until_due
    *end_behavior* String. One of release or cancel
    *from_subscription* Stripe subscription id
    *metadata* An aribitrary hash reference
    *phases* An array of hash reference with following properties: plan
    application_fee_percent billing_thresholds collection_method coupon
    default_payment_method default_tax_rates end_date invoice_settings
    iterations tax_percent trial trial_end
    *start_date* Date or timestamp or the word 'now'

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object
    or an hash reference of parameters and this will retrieve a Stripe
    subscription schedule and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe subscription schedule id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object
    or an hash reference of parameters and this will update a Stripe
    subscription schedule and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe subscription id
    *default_settings* An hash reference with the following properties:
    billing_thresholds.reset_billing_cycle_anchor collection_method
    default_payment_method invoice_settings.days_until_due
    *end_behavior* String. One of release or cancel
    *from_subscription* Stripe subscription id
    *metadata* An aribitrary hash reference
    *phases* An array of hash reference with following properties: plan
    application_fee_percent billing_thresholds collection_method coupon
    default_payment_method default_tax_rates end_date invoice_settings
    iterations tax_percent trial trial_end
    *prorate* Boolean

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with an hash reference of parameters this will get the list of
    subscription schedules and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object

    Possible parameters are:

    *canceled_at* Unix timestamp
    *completed_at* Unix timestamp
    *created* Unix timestamp
    *customer* A Stripe customer id
    *email* String. E-mail address
    *ending_before* A Stripe subscription schedule id
    *limit* Integer
    *released_at* Unix timestamp
    *scheduled* Boolean
    *starting_after* A Stripe subscription schedule id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object
    or an hash reference of parameters and this will cancel a Stripe
    subscription schedule and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe subscription schedule. This is required.
    *invoice_now* Boolean
    *prorate* Boolean

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object
    or an hash reference of parameters and this will release a Stripe
    subscription schedule and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription::Schedule object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe subscription schedule. This is required.
    *preserve_cancel_date* Boolean

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create or retrieve checkout sessions

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Checkout::Session object or an hash
    reference of parameters and this will create a Stripe checkout session
    and return a Net::API::Stripe::Checkout::Session object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *cancel_url* URL
    *payment_method_types* String. One of card or ideal
    *success_url* URL
    *billing_address_collection* String. One of auto or required
    *client_reference_id* String
    *customer* A Stripe customer id
    *customer_email* String
    *line_items* An array of hash reference with the following properties:
    amount currency name quantity description images
    *locale* a 2-letter iso 639, such as "fr" or "ja" or "local"
    *mode* String. One of setup or subscription
    *payment_intent_data* An hash reference with the following properties:
    application_fee_amount capture_method description metadata on_behalf_of
    receipt_email setup_future_usage
    *setup_intent_data* An hash reference with the following properties:
    description metadata on_behalf_of
    *submit_type* String. One of auto, book, donate or pay
    *subscription_data* An hash reference with the following properties:
    items application_fee_percent metadata trial_end trial_from_plan

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Checkout::Session object or an hash
    reference of parameters and this will retrieve a Stripe checkout session
    and return a Net::API::Stripe::Checkout::Session object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe checkout session

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with an hash reference of parameters, this will get the list of
    checkout sessions and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *payment_intent* A Stripe payment intent id
    *subscription* A Stripe subscription id
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, update, detach or attach sources

    Provided with Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will create a Stripe source and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *type* String. This is required.
    *amount* Integer
    *currency* A 3-letter iso 4217 code such as "jpy" or "eur"
    *flow* String. One of redirect, receiver, code_verification, none
    *mandate* An hash reference with the following properties: acceptance
    amount currency interval notification_method
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *owner* An hash reference with the following properties: address email
    name phone
    *receiver* An hash reference with the following property:
    *redirect* An hash reference with the following property: return_url
    *source_order* An hash reference with the following properties: items
    *statement_descriptor* Text
    *token* String
    *usage* String. One of reusable or single_use

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will retrieve a Stripe source and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe source id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will update a Stripe source and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe source id
    *amount* Integer
    *mandate* An hash reference with the following properties: acceptance
    amount currency interval notification_method
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *owner* An hash reference with the following properties: address email
    name phone
    *source_order* An hash reference with the following properties: items

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Customer object or a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object or an hash reference of
    parameters, this will detach a Stripe source from the customer and
    return a Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe customer id
    *source* A Stripe source id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Customer object or a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object or an hash reference of
    parameters, this will attach a Stripe source to a customer and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Payment::Source object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe customer id
    *source* A Stripe source id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, delete_discount, retrieve, update, list or cancel

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object or an
    hash reference of parameters, this will create a Stripe subscription and
    return a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *customer* A Strip customer id. This is required.
    *application_fee_percent* Decimal
    *backdate_start_date* Date or timestamp
    *billing_cycle_anchor* Date or timestamp
    *billing_thresholds* An hash reference with the following properties:
    amount_gte reset_billing_cycle_anchor
    *cancel_at* Date or timestamp
    *cancel_at_period_end* Boolean
    *collection_method* String. One of charge_automatically, or send_invoice
    *coupon* String
    *days_until_due* Integer
    *default_payment_method* A Stripe payment method id
    *default_source* A Stripe source id
    *default_tax_rates* Array of string
    *items* An array of hash reference with the following properties: plan
    billing_thresholds metadata quantity tax_rates
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *off_session* Boolean
    *payment_behavior* String. One of allow_incomplete error_if_incomplete
    or pending_if_incomplete
    *pending_invoice_item_interval* An hash reference with the following
    properties: interval interval_count
    *prorate* Boolean
    *proration_behavior* String. One of billing_cycle_anchor,
    create_prorations or none
    *tax_percent* Decimal
    *trial_end* Unix timestamp or 'now'
    *trial_from_plan* Boolean
    *trial_period_days* Integer

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object or an
    hash reference of parameters, this will remove its discount and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe subscription id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object or an
    hash reference of parameters, this will retrieve a Stripe subscription
    and return a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe subscription id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object or an
    hash reference of parameters, this will update a Stripe subscription and
    return a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe subscription id
    *application_fee_percent* Decimal
    *billing_cycle_anchor* Date or timestamp
    *billing_thresholds* An hash reference with the following properties:
    amount_gte reset_billing_cycle_anchor
    *cancel_at* Date or timestamp
    *cancel_at_period_end* Boolean
    *collection_method* String. One of charge_automatically, or send_invoice
    *coupon* String
    *days_until_due* Integer
    *default_payment_method* A Stripe payment method id
    *default_source* A Stripe source id
    *default_tax_rates* Array of string
    *items* An array of hash reference with the following properties: plan
    billing_thresholds metadata quantity tax_rates
    *metadata* An arbitrary hash reference
    *off_session* Boolean
    *pause_collection* An hash reference with the following properties:
    behavior resumes_at
    *payment_behavior* String. One of allow_incomplete error_if_incomplete
    or pending_if_incomplete
    *pending_invoice_item_interval* An hash reference with the following
    properties: interval interval_count
    *prorate* Boolean
    *prorate_date* A Date or timestamp
    *tax_percent* Decimal
    *trial_end* Unix timestamp or 'now'
    *trial_from_plan* Boolean

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object or an
    hash reference of parameters, this will create a Stripe subscription and
    return a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *active* Boolean
    *created* Date or unix timestamp
    *ids* Array reference
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *shippable* Boolean
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object or an
    hash reference of parameters, this will cancel a Stripe subscription and
    return a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe subscription id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    You can create, retrieve, delete or list tax ids

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::TaxID object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will cancel a Stripe tax id and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::TaxID object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *customer* A Stripe customer id
    *type* String, such as au_abn, ch_vat, eu_vat, in_gst, mx_rfc, no_vat,
    nz_gst, or za_vat
    *value* String

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::TaxID object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will cancel a Stripe tax id and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::TaxID object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe tax id. This is required
    *customer* A Stripe customer id. This is required

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with a Net::API::Stripe::Billing::TaxID object or an hash
    reference of parameters, this will cancel a Stripe tax id and return a
    Net::API::Stripe::Billing::TaxID object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe tax id. This is required
    *customer* A Stripe customer id. This is required

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

    Provided with an hash reference of parameters, this will get the list of
    Stripe tax id and return a Net::API::Stripe::List object.

    Possible parameters are:

    *id* A Stripe customer id. This is required
    *ending_before* A Stripe credit note id
    *limit* Integer
    *starting_after* A Stripe credit note id

    For more information, see Stripe documentation here:

          "object": "balance",
          "available": [
              "amount": 0,
              "currency": "jpy",
              "source_types": {
                "card": 0
          "connect_reserved": [
              "amount": 0,
              "currency": "jpy"
          "livemode": false,
          "pending": [
              "amount": 7712,
              "currency": "jpy",
              "source_types": {
                "card": 7712

    <> for Stripe API version history.

    Jacques Deguest <>

    Stripe API documentation:


    List of server-side libraries:

    Net::Stripe, another Stripe API, but which uses Moose

    Copyright (c) 2018-2019 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

    You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated
    files under the same terms as Perl itself.