NAME Cookies - Cookies API for Server & Client SYNOPSIS use Cookies; my $jar = Cookies->new( request => $r ) || return( $self->error( "An error occurred while trying to get the cookie jar." ) ); # set the default host $jar->host( '' ); $jar->fetch; # or using a HTTP::Request object # Retrieve cookies from Cookie header sent from client $jar->fetch( request => $http_request ); if( $jar->exists( 'my-cookie' ) ) { # do something } # get the cookie my $sid = $jar->get( 'my-cookie' ); # set a new cookie $jar->set( 'my-cookie' => $cookie_object ); # Remove cookie from jar $jar->delete( 'my-cookie' ); # or using the object itself: $jar->delete( $cookie_object ); # Create and add cookie to jar $jar->add( name => 'session', value => 'lang=en-GB', path => '/', secure => 1, same_site => 'Lax', ) || die( $jar->error ); # or add an existing cookie $jar->add( $some_cookie_object ); return( $jar->make({ name => 'my-cookie', domain => '', value => 'sid1234567', path => '/', expires => '+10D', # or alternatively maxage => 864000 # to make it exclusively accessible by regular http request and not ajax http_only => 1, # should it be used under ssl only? secure => 1, }) ); # Add the Set-Cookie headers $jar->add_response_header; # Alternatively, using a HTTP::Response object or equivalent $jar->add_response_header( $http_response ); $jar->delete( 'some_cookie' ); $jar->do(sub { # cookie object is available as $_ or as first argument in @_ }); # For client side # Takes a HTTP::Response object or equivalent # Extract cookies from Set-Cookie headers received from server $jar->extract( $http_response ); # get by domain; by default sort it my $all = $jar->get_by_domain( '' ); # Reverse sort $all = $jar->get_by_domain( '', sort => 0 ); # Save cookies repository as json $jar->save( '/some/where/mycookies.json' ) || die( $jar->error ); # Load cookies into jar $jar->load( '/some/where/mycookies.json' ) || die( $jar->error ); # Save encrypted $jar->save( '/some/where/mycookies.json', { encrypt => 1, key => $key, iv => $iv, algo => 'AES', }) || die( $jar->error ); # Load cookies from encrypted file $jar->load( '/some/where/mycookies.json', { decrypt => 1, key => $key, iv => $iv, algo => 'AES' }) || die( $jar->error ); # Merge repository $jar->merge( $jar2 ) || die( $jar->error ); VERSION v0.1.0 DESCRIPTION This is a module to handle cookies, according to the latest standard as set by rfc6265 <>, both by the http server and the client. Most modules out there are either antiquated, i.e. they do not support latest cookie rfc6265 <>, or they focus only on http client side. For example, Apache2::Cookie does not work well in decoding cookies, and Cookie::Baker "Set-Cookie" timestamp format is wrong. They use Mon-09-Jan 2020 12:17:30 GMT where it should be, as per rfc 6265 Mon, 09 Jan 2020 12:17:30 GMT Also APR::Request::Cookie and Apache2::Cookie which is a wrapper around APR::Request::Cookie return a cookie object that returns the value of the cookie upon stringification instead of the full "Set-Cookie" parameters. Clearly they designed it with a bias leaned toward collecting cookies from the browser. This module supports modperl and uses a Apache2::RequestRec if provided, or can use package objects that implement similar interface as HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response, or if none of those above are available or provided, this module returns its results as a string. This module is also compatible with LWP::UserAgent, so you can use like this: use LWP::UserAgent; use Cookies; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => Cookies->new ); This module does not die upon error, but instead returns "undef" and sets an error, so you should always check the return value of a method. METHODS new This initiates the package and takes the following parameters: *request* This is an optional parameter to provide a Apache2::RequestRec object. When provided, it will be used in various methods to get or set cookies from or onto http headers. package MyApacheHandler; use Apache2::Request (); use Cookies; sub handler : method { my( $class, $r ) = @_; my $jar = Cookies->new( $r ); # Load cookies; $jar->fetch; $r->log_error( "$class: Found ", $jar->repo->length, " cookies." ); $jar->add( name => 'session', value => 'lang=en-GB', path => '/', secure => 1, same_site => 'Lax', ); # Will use Apache2::RequestRec object to set the Set-Cookie headers $jar->add_response_header || do { $r->log_reason( "Unable to add Set-Cookie to response header: ", $jar->error ); return( Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); }; # Do some more computing return( Apache2::Const::OK ); } *debug* Optional. If set with a positive integer, this will activate verbose debugging message add Provided with an hash or hash reference of cookie parameters (see Cookie) and this will create a new cookie and add it to the cookie repository. Alternatively, you can also provide directly an existing cookie object my $c = $jar->add( $cookie_object ) || die( $jar->error ); add_request_header Provided with a request object, such as, but not limited to HTTP::Request and this will add all relevant cookies in the repository into the "Cookie" http request header. As long as the object provided supports the "uri" and "header" method, you can provide any class of object you want. Please refer to the rfc6265 <> for more information on the applicable rule when adding cookies to the outgoing request header. add_response_header # Adding cookie to the repository $jar->add( name => 'session', value => 'lang=en-GB', path => '/', secure => 1, same_site => 'Lax', ) || die( $jar->error ); # then placing it onto the response header $jar->add_response_header; This is the alter ego to "add_request_header", in that it performs the equivalent function, but for the server side. You can optionally provide, as unique argument, an object, such as but not limited to, HTTP::Response, as long as that class supports the "header" method Alternatively, if an Apache object has been set upon object instantiation or later using the "request" method, then it will be used to set the outgoing "Set-Cookie" headers (there is one for every cookie sent). If no response, nor Apache2 object were set, then this will simply return a list of "Set-Cookie" in list context, or a string of possibly multiline "Set-Cookie" headers, or an empty string if there is no cookie found to be sent. Be careful not to do the following: # get cookies sent by the http client $jar->fetch || die( $jar->error ); # set the response headers with the cookies from our repository $jar->add_response_header; Why? Well, because "fetch" retrieves the cookies sent by the http client and store them into the repository. However, cookies sent by the http client only contain the cookie name and value, such as: GET /my/path/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Cookie: session_token=eyJleHAiOjE2MzYwNzEwMzksImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJqdGkiOiJkMDg2Zjk0OS1mYWJmLTRiMzgtOTE1ZC1hMDJkNzM0Y2ZmNzAiLCJmaXJzdF9uYW1lIjoiSm9obiIsImlhdCI6MTYzNTk4NDYzOSwiYXpwIjoiNGQ0YWFiYWQtYmJiMy00ODgwLThlM2ItNTA0OWMwZTczNjBlIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJlbWFpbCI6ImpvaG4uZG9lQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwibGFzdF9uYW1lIjoiRG9lIiwic3ViIjoiYXV0aHxlNzg5OTgyMi0wYzlkLTQyODctYjc4Ni02NTE3MjkyYTVlODIiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJiZTI3N2VkYi01MDgzLTRjMWEtYTM4MC03Y2ZhMTc5YzA2ZWQiLCJleHAiOjE2MzYwNzEwMzksImF1ZCI6IjRkNGFhYmFkLWJiYjMtNDg4MC04ZTNiLTUwNDljMGU3MzYwZSJ9.VSiSkGIh41xXIVKn9B6qGjfzcLlnJAZ9jGOPVgXASp0; csrf_token=9849724969dbcffd48c074b894c8fbda14610dc0ae62fac0f78b2aa091216e0b.1635825594; site_prefs=lang%3Den-GB As you can see, 3 cookies were sent: "session_token", "csrf_token" and "site_prefs" So, when "fetch" creates an object for each one and store them, those cookies have no "path" value and no other attribute, and when "add_response_header" is then called, it stringifies the cookies and create a "Set-Cookie" header for each one, but only with their value and no other attribute. The http client, when receiving those cookies will derive the missing cookie path to be "/my/path", i.e. the current uri path, and will override the previously stored cookie with the same name for that host that had the path set to "/" So you can create a repository and use it to store the cookies sent by the http client using "fetch", but in preparation of the server response, either use a separate repository with, for example, "my $jar_out = Cookies-"new> or use "set" which will still add the cookie to the repository, but also before set the "Set-Cookie" header for that cookie. # Add Set-Cookie header for that cookie and add cookie to repository $jar->set( $cookie_object ); delete Given a cookie name and an optional host or a Cookie object, and this will remove it from the cookie repository. However, this will NOT remove it from the web browser by sending a Set-Cookie header. For that, you might want to look at the "elapse" in Cookie method. It returns the cookie object removed. my $c = $jar->delete( 'my-cookie' ); # alternatively my $c = $jar->delete( 'my-cookie' => '' ); # or my $c = $jar->delete( $my_cookie_object ); print( "Cookie value removed was: ", $c->value, "\n" ); If you are interested in telling the http client to remove all your cookies, you can set the "Clear-Site-Data" header: Clear-Site-Data: "cookies" You can instruct the http client to remove other data like local storage: Clear-Site-Data: "cookies", "cache", "storage", "executionContexts" Although this is widely supported, there is no guarantee the http client will actually comply with this request. See Mozilla documentation < ta> for more information. do Provided with an anonymous code or reference to a subroutine, and this will call that code for every cookie in the repository, passing it the cookie object as the sole argument. Also, that cookie object is accessible using $_. If the code return "undef", it will end the loop, and it the code returns true, this will have the current cookie object added to an array object returned upon completion of the loop. my $found = $jar->do(sub { # Part of the path if( index( $path, $_->path ) == 0 ) { return(1); } return(0); }); print( "Found cookies: ", $found->map(sub{$_->name})->join( ',' ), "\n" ); exists Given a cookie name, this will check if it exists. It returns 1 if it does, or 0 if it does not. extract Provided with a response object, such as, but not limited to HTTP::Response, and this will retrieve any cookie sent from the remote server, parse them and add their respective to the repository. As per the rfc6265 specifications <> if there are duplicate cookies for the same domain, only the last one will be retained. If the cookie received does not contain any "Domain" specification, then, in line with rfc6265 specifications, it will take the root of the current domain as the default domain value. Since finding out what is the root for a domain name is a non-trivial exercise, this method relies on Cookies::Domain. fetch This method does the equivalent of "extract", but for the server. It retrieves all possible cookies from the http request received from the web browser. It takes an optional hash or hash reference of parameters, such as "host". If it is not provided, the value set with "host" is used instead. If the parameter "request" containing an http request object, such as, but not limited to HTTP::Request, is provided, it will use it to get the "Cookie" header value. Alternatively, if a value for "request" has been set, it will use it to get the "Cookie" header value from Apache modperl. You can also provide the "Cookie" string to parse by providing the "string" option to this method. $jar->fetch( string => q{foo=bar; site_prefs=lang%3Den-GB} ) || die( $jar->error ); Ultimately, if none of those are available, it will use the environment variable "HTTP_COOKIE" In void context, this method, will add the fetched cookies to its repository. It returns an hash reference of cookie key => cookie object A cookie key is made of the host (possibly empty) and the cookie name separated by ";" # Cookies added to the repository $jar->fetch || die( $jar->error ); # Cookies returned, but NOT added to the repository my $cookies = $jar->fetch || die( $jar->error ); get Given a cookie name and an optional host, this will retrieve its value and return it. If not found, it will try to return a value with just the cookie name. If nothing is found, this will return "undef", so do not try to check for error if "undef" is returned. This method cannot produce an error, thus if nothing is found, it is guaranteed to mean the cookie does not exist. # Wrong, an undefined returned value here only means there is no such cookie my $c = $jar->get( 'my-cookie' ); die( $jar->error ) if( !defined( $c ) ); # Correct my $c = $jar->get( 'my-cookie' ) || die( "No cookie my-cookie found\n" ); get_by_domain Provided with a host and an optional hash or hash reference of parameters, and this returns an array object of cookie objects matching the domain specified. If a "sort" parameter has been provided and its value is true, this will sort the cookies by path alphabetically. If the sort value exists, but is false, this will sort the cookies by path but in a reverse alphabetical order. By default, the cookies are sorted. host Sets or gets the default host. This is especially useful for cookies repository used on the server side. key Provided with a cookie name and an optional host and this returns a key used to add an entry in the hash repository. If no host is provided, the key is just the cookie, otherwise the resulting key is the cookie name and host separated just by ";" You should not need to use this method as it is used internally only. load $jar->load( '/home/joe/cookies.json' ) || die( $jar->error ); # or loading cookies from encrypted file $jar->load( '/home/joe/cookies_encrypted.json', { decrypt => 1, key => $key, iv => $iv, algo => 'AES' }) || die( $jar->error ); Give a json cookie file, and an hash or hash reference of options, and this will load its data into the repository. If there are duplicates (same cookie name and host), the latest one added takes precedence, as per the rfc6265 specifications. Supported options are: *algo* string Algorithm to use to decrypt the cookie file. It can be any of AES, Anubis, Blowfish, CAST5, Camellia, DES, DES_EDE, KASUMI, Khazad, MULTI2, Noekeon, RC2, RC5, RC6, SAFERP, SAFER_K128, SAFER_K64, SAFER_SK128, SAFER_SK64, SEED, Skipjack, Twofish, XTEA, IDEA, Serpent or simply any <NAME> for which there exists Crypt::Cipher::<NAME> *decrypt* boolean Must be set to true to enable decryption. *iv* string Set the Initialisation Vector <> used for file encryption and decryption. This must be the same value used for encryption. See "save" *key* string Set the encryption key used to decrypt the cookies file. The key must be the same one used to encrypt the file. See "save" "load" returns the current object upon success and "undef" and sets an error upon error. load_as_lwp $jar->load_as_lwp( '/home/joe/cookies_lwp.txt' ) || die( "Unable to load cookies from file: ", $jar->error ); # or loading an encrypted file $jar->load_as_lwp( '/home/joe/cookies_encrypted_lwp.txt', { encrypt => 1, key => $key, iv => $iv, algo => 'AES', }) || die( $jar->error ); Given a file path to an LWP-style cookie file (see below a snapshot of what it looks like), and an hash or hash reference of options, and this method will read the cookies from the file and add them to our repository, possibly overwriting previous cookies with the same name and domain name. The supported options are the same as for "load" LWP-style cookie files are ancient, and barely used anymore, but no matter; if you need to load cookies from such file, it looks like this: #LWP-Cookies-1.0 Set-Cookie3: cookie1=value1;; path=; path_spec; secure; version=2 Set-Cookie3: cookie2=value2;; path=; path_spec; secure; version=2 Set-Cookie3: cookie3=value3;; path=; path_spec; secure; version=2 It returns the current object upon success, or "undef" and sets an error upon error. load_as_netscape $jar->save_as_netscape( '/home/joe/cookies_netscape.txt' ) || die( "Unable to save cookies file: ", $jar->error ); # or saving as an encrypted file $jar->save_as_netscape( '/home/joe/cookies_encrypted_netscape.txt', { encrypt => 1, key => $key, iv => $iv, algo => 'AES', }) || die( $jar->error ); Given a file path to a Netscape-style cookie file, and this method will read cookies from the file and add them to our repository, possibly overwriting previous cookies with the same name and domain name. It returns the current object upon success, or "undef" and sets an error upon error. make Provided with some parameters and this will instantiate a new Cookie object with those parameters and return the new object. This does not add the newly created cookie object to the cookies repository. For a list of supported parameters, refer to the Cookie documentation # Make an encrypted cookie use Bytes::Random::Secure (); my $c = $jar->make( name => 'session', value => $secret_value, path => '/', secure => 1, http_only => 1, same_site => 'Lax', key => Bytes::Random::Secure::random_bytes(32), algo => $algo, encrypt => 1, ) || die( $jar->error ); # or as an hash reference of parameters my $c = $jar->make({ name => 'session', value => $secret_value, path => '/', secure => 1, http_only => 1, same_site => 'Lax', key => Bytes::Random::Secure::random_bytes(32), algo => $algo, encrypt => 1, }) || die( $jar->error ); merge Provided with another Cookies object, or at least an object that supports the "do" method, which takes an anonymous code as argument, and that calls that code passing it each cookie object found in the alternate repository, and this method will add all those cookies in the alternate repository into the current repository. $jar->merge( $other_jar ) || die( $jar->error ); If the cookie objects passed to the anonymous code in this method, are not Cookie object, then at least they must support the methods "name", "value", "domain", "path", "port", "secure", "max_age", "secure", "same_site" and , "http_only" This method also takes an hash or hash reference of options: *die* boolean If true, the anonymous code passed to the "do" method called, will die upon error. Default to false. By default, if an error occurs, "undef" is returned and the error is set. *overwrite* boolean If true, when an existing cookie is found it will be overwritten by the new one. Default to false. use Nice::Try; try { $jar->merge( $other_jar, die => 1, overwrite => 1 ); } catch( $e ) { die( "Failed to merge cookies repository: $e\n" ); } Upon success this will return the current object, and if there was an error, this returns "undef" in perlfunc and sets an error parse This method is used by "fetch" to parse cookies sent by http client. Parsing is much simpler than for http client receiving cookies from server. It takes the raw "Cookie" string sent by the http client, and returns an hash reference (possibly empty) of cookie name to cookie value pairs. my $cookies = $jar->parse( 'foo=bar; site_prefs=lang%3Den-GB' ); # You can safely do as well: my $cookies = $jar->parse( '' ); purge Thise takes no argument and will remove from the repository all cookies that have expired. A cookie that has expired is a Cookie that has its "expires" property set and whose value is in the past. This returns an array object of all the cookies thus removed. my $all = $jar->purge; printf( "Cookie(s) removed were: %s\n", $all->map(sub{ $_->name })->join( ',' ) ); # or printf( "%d cookie(s) removed from our repository.\n", $jar->purge->length ); repo Set or get the hash object used as the cookie jar repository. printf( "%d cookies found\n", $jar->repo->length ); request Set or get the Apache2::RequestRec object. This object is used to set the "Set-Cookie" header within modperl. save $jar->save( '/home/joe/cookies.json' ) || die( "Failed to save cookies: ", $jar->error ); # or saving the cookies file encrypted $jar->save( '/home/joe/cookies_encrypted.json', { encrypt => 1, key => $key, iv => $iv, algo => 'AES', }) || die( $jar->error ); Provided with a file, and an hash or hash reference of options, and this will save the repository of cookies as json data. The hash saved to file contains 2 top properties: "updated_on" containing the last update date and "cookies" containing an hash of cookie name to cookie properties pairs. It returns the current object. If an error occurred, it will return "undef" and set an error Supported options are: *algo* string Algorithm to use to encrypt the cookie file. It can be any of AES, Anubis, Blowfish, CAST5, Camellia, DES, DES_EDE, KASUMI, Khazad, MULTI2, Noekeon, RC2, RC5, RC6, SAFERP, SAFER_K128, SAFER_K64, SAFER_SK128, SAFER_SK64, SEED, Skipjack, Twofish, XTEA, IDEA, Serpent or simply any <NAME> for which there exists Crypt::Cipher::<NAME> *encrypt* boolean Must be set to true to enable decryption. *iv* string Set the Initialisation Vector <> used for file encryption. If you do not provide one, it will be automatically generated. If you want to provide your own, make sure the size meets the encryption algorithm size requirement. You also need to keep this to decrypt the cookies file. To find the right size for the Initialisation Vector, for example for algorithm "AES", you could do: perl -MCrypt::Cipher::AES -lE 'say Crypt::Cipher::AES->blocksize' which would yield 16 *key* string Set the encryption key used to encrypt the cookies file. The key must be the same one used to decrypt the file and must have a size big enough to satisfy the encryption algorithm requirement, which you can check with, say for "AES": perl -MCrypt::Cipher::AES -lE 'say Crypt::Cipher::AES->keysize' In this case, it will yield 32. Replace above "AES", byt whatever algorithm you have chosen. perl -MCrypt::Cipher::Blowfish -lE 'say Crypt::Cipher::Blowfish->keysize' would yield 56 for "Blowfish" You can use "random_bytes" in Bytes::Random::Secure to generate a random key: # will generate a 32 bytes-long key my $key = Bytes::Random::Secure::random_bytes(32); When encrypting the cookies file, this method will encode the encrypted data in base64 before saving it to file. save_as_lwp $jar->save_as_lwp( '/home/joe/cookies_lwp.txt' ) || die( "Unable to save cookies file: ", $jar->error ); # or saving as an encrypted file $jar->save_as_lwp( '/home/joe/cookies_encrypted_lwp.txt', { encrypt => 1, key => $key, iv => $iv, algo => 'AES', }) || die( $jar->error ); Provided with a file, and an hash or hash reference of options, and this save the cookies repository as a LWP-style data. The supported options are the same as for "save" It returns the current object. If an error occurred, it will return "undef" and set an error save_as_netscape Provided with a file and this save the cookies repository as a Netscape-style data. It returns the current object. If an error occurred, it will return "undef" and set an error scan This is an alias for "do" set Given a cookie object, and an optional hash or hash reference of parameters, and this will add the cookie to the outgoing http headers using the "Set-Cookie" http header. To do so, it uses the Apache2::RequestRec value set in "request", if any, or a HTTP::Response compatible response object provided with the "response" parameter. $jar->set( $c, response => $http_response_object ) || die( $jar->error ); Ultimately if none of those two are provided it returns the "Set-Cookie" header as a string. # Returns something like: # Set-Cookie: my-cookie=somevalue print( STDOUT $jar->set( $c ), "\015\012" ); Unless the latter, this method returns the current object. IMPORTING COOKIES To import cookies, you can either use the methods scan from HTTP::Cookies, such as: use Cookies; use HTTP::Cookies; my $jar = Cookies->new; my $old = HTTP::Cookies; $old->load( '/home/joe/old_cookies_file.txt' ); my @keys = qw( version key val path domain port path_spec secure expires discard hash ); $old->scan(sub { my @values = @_; my $ref = {}; @$ref{ @keys } = @values; my $c = Cookie->new; $c->apply( $ref ) || die( $c->error ); $jar->add( $c ); }); printf( "%d cookies now in our repository.\n", $jar->repo->length ); or you could also load a cookie file. Cookies supports LWP format and old Netscape format: $jar->load_as_lwp( '/home/joe/lwp_cookies.txt' ); $jar->load_as_netscape( '/home/joe/netscape_cookies.txt' ); And of course, if you are using Cookies json cookies file, you can import them with: $jar->load( '/home/joe/cookies.json' ); ENCRYPTION This package supports encryption and decryption of cookies file, and also the cookies values themselve. See methods "save" and "load" for encryption options and the Cookie package for options to encrypt or sign cookies value. INSTALLATION As usual, to install this module, you can do: perl Makefile.PL make make test sudo make install If you have Apache/modperl2 installed, this will also prepare the Makefile and run test under modperl. The Makefile.PL tries hard to find your Apache configuration, but you can give it a hand by specifying some command line parameters. See Apache::TestMM for available parameters or you can type on the command line: perl -MApache::TestConfig -le 'Apache::TestConfig::usage()' For example: perl Makefile.PL -apxs /usr/bin/apxs -port 1234 # which will also set the path to httpd_conf, otherwise perl Makefile.PL -httpd_conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf # then make make test sudo make install See also modperl testing documentation <> AUTHOR Jacques Deguest <> SEE ALSO Apache2::Cookies, APR::Request::Cookie, Cookie::Baker Latest tentative version of the cookie standard <> Information on double submit cookies < ry_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.html#double-submit-cookie> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 2019-2019 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd. You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.