Markup::Unified - A simple, unified interface for Textile, Markdown and

    Version 0.03

        use Markup::Unified;

        my $o = Markup::Unified->new();
        my $text = 'h1. A heading';
        $o->format($text, 'textile');

        print $o->formatted; # produces "<h1>A heading</h1>"
        print $o->unformatted; # produces "h1. A heading"

        # you can also just say:
        print $o; # same as "print $o->formatted;"

    This module provides a simple, unified interface for the Text::Textile,
    Text::Markdown and HTML::BBCode markup languages modules. This module is
    primarily meant to provide a simple way for application developers to
    deal with texts that use different markup languages, for example, a
    message board where users have the ability to post with their preferred
    markup language.

    Please note that this module expects your texts to be UTF-8.

    In order for this module to be useful at any way, at least one of the
    three parsing modules (Text::Textile, Text::Markdown or HTML::BBCode)
    must be installed. None of these are required, but if you try to parse a
    text formatted in any of these markup languages without the respective
    module being installed on your system, then the text will be returned
    unformatted, and no errors will be raised.

    Creates a new, empty instance of Markup::Unified.

  format( $text, $markup_lang )
    Formats the provided text with the provided markup language.
    $markup_lang must be one of 'bbcode', 'textile' or 'markdown' (case
    insensitive); otherwise the text will remain unprocessed (which is also
    true if the appropriate markup module is not installed on your system).

    Returns the formatted text of the object, with whatever markup language
    it was set.

    This module also provides the ability to print the formatted version of
    an object without calling "formatted()" explicitly, so you can just use
    "print $obj".

    Returns the unformatted text of the object.

  truncate([ $length_str, $ellipsis ])
    NOTE: This feature requires the presence of the HTML::Truncate module.
    If it is not installed, this method will simply return the output of the
    formatted() method without raising any errors.

    This method returns the formatted text of the object, truncated
    according to the provided length string. This string should be a number
    followed by one of the characters 'c' or '%'. For example, "$length_str
    = '250c'" will return 250 characters from the object's text.
    "$length_str = '10%'" will return 10% of the object's text
    (characterwise). If a length string is not provided, the text will be
    truncated to 250 characters by default.

    This is useful when you wish to display just a sample of the text, such
    as in a list of blog posts, where every listing displays a portion of
    the post's text with a "Read More" link to the full text in the end.

    If an $ellipsis is provided, it will be used as the text that will be
    appended to the truncated HTML (i.e. "Read More"). Read HTML::Truncate's
    documentation for more info. Defaults to &#8230; (HTML entity for the
    '...' ellipsis character).

  supports( $markup_lang )
    Returns a true value if the requested markup language is supported by
    this module (which basically means the appropriate module is installed
    and loaded). $markup_lang must be one of 'textile', 'bbcode' or
    'markdown' (case insensitive).

    Returns a false value if the requested language is not supported.

  _bbcode( $text )
    Formats $text with HTML::BBCode.

  _textile( $text )
    Formats $text with Text::Textile.

  _markdown( $text )
    Formats $text with Text::Markdown.

    Ido Perlmuter, "<ido at>"

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-markup-unified at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will
    be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
    your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Markup::Unified

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    Text::Textile, Text::Markdown, HTML::BBCode, HTML::Truncate,

    Copyright 2009-2010 Ido Perlmuter.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

    See for more information.