AnyEvent::Feed - Receiving RSS/Atom Feed reader with XML::Feed

    Version 0.1

       use AnyEvent;
       use AnyEvent::Feed;

       my $feed_reader =
          AnyEvent::Feed->new (
             url   => '',

       $feed_reader->fetch (sub {
          my ($feed_reader, $new_entries, $feed, $error) = @_;

          if (defined $error) {
             warn "ERROR: $error\n";

          # $feed is the XML::Feed object belonging to that fetch.

          for (@$new_entries) {
             my ($hash, $entry) = @_;
             # $hash a unique hash describing the $entry
             # $entry is the XML::Feed::Entry object of the new entries
             # since the last fetch.

       # Or:

       my $feed_reader =
          AnyEvent::Feed->new (
             url      => '',
             interval => $seconds,

             on_fetch => sub {
                my ($feed_reader, $new_entries, $feed, $error) = @_;

                if (defined $error) {
                   warn "ERROR: $error\n";

                # see above

    This module implements some glue between AnyEvent::HTTP and XML::Feed.
    It can fetch a RSS/Atom feed on a regular interval as well as on
    customized times. It also keeps track of already fetched entries so that
    you will only get the new entries.

    $feed_reader = AnyEvent::Feed->new (url => $url, %args)
        This is the constructor for a new feed reader for the RSS/Atom feed
        reachable by the URL $url. %args may contain additional key/value

        interval => $seconds
            If this is set you also have to specify the "on_fetch" callback
            (see below). It will try to fetch the $url every $seconds
            seconds and call the callback given by "on_fetch" with the

        on_fetch => $cb->($feed_reader, $new_entries, $feed_obj, $error)
            This callback is called if the "interval" parameter is given
            (see above) with the same arguments as the callback given to the
            "fetch" method (see below).

        entry_ages => $hash
            This will set the hash which keeps track of seen and old
            entries. See also the documentation of the "entry_ages" method
            below. The default will be an empty hash reference.

        max_entry_age => $count
            This will set the maximum number of times an entry is kept in
            the "entry_ages" hash after it has not been seen in the feed
            anymore. The default value is 2 which means that an entry hash
            is removed from the "entry_ages" hash after it has not been seen
            in the feed for 2 fetches.

        Just returns the url that this feed reader is fetching from.

    $feed_reader->entry_ages ($new_entry_ages)
    my $entry_ages = $feed_reader->entry_ages
        This will set the age hash which will keep track of already seen
        entries. The keys of the hash will be the calculated hashes of the
        entries and the values will be a counter of how often they have NOT
        been seen anymore (kind of an age counter). After each fetch this
        hash is updated and seen entries get a value of 0.

    $feed_reader->fetch ($cb->($feed_reader, $new_entries, $feed_obj,
        This will initiate a HTTP GET on the URL passed to "new" and call
        $cb when done.

        $feed_reader is the feed reader object itself. $new_entries is an
        array reference containing the new entries. A new entry in that
        array is another array containing a calculated hash over the
        contents of the new entry, and the XML::Feed::Entry object of that
        entry. $feed_obj is the XML::Feed feed object used to parse the
        fetched feed and contains all entries (and not just the 'new' ones).

        What a 'new' entry is, is decided by a map of hashes as described in
        the "entry_ages" method's documentation above.

    Robin Redeker, "<>"




    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-anyevent-feed at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will
    be notified and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
    your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc AnyEvent::Feed

    You can also look for information at:

    *   IRC: AnyEvent::Feed IRC Channel

        See the same channel as the AnyEvent::XMPP module:

          IRC Network:
          Server     :
          Channel    : #ae_xmpp

          Feel free to join and ask questions!

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    Copyright 2009 Robin Redeker, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.