Mojolicious::Plugin::HTMLTemplateProRenderer - Mojolicious Plugin

      # Mojolicious

      # Mojolicious::Lite 
      plugin 'HTMLTemplateProRenderer';

      # Render HTML::Template::Pro handler and post 'utf8 => 1' option for next HTML::Template::Pro->new call
      get '/' => sub{
        my $self = shift;
        $self->render('bender', handler => 'tmpl', tmpl_opts => {utf8 => 1});

      # Set default options for all HTML::Template::Pro->new calls
      plugin 'HTMLTemplateProRenderer', tmpl_opts => {blind_cache => 1, open_mode => '<:encoding(UTF-16)'};

      # Set use of L<HTML::Template::Pro::Extension>
      plugin 'HTMLTemplateProRenderer', tmpl_opts => {use_extension => 1};

      # render inline L<HTML::Template::Pro::Extension> using SLASH_VAR extension
      get '/slash_var' => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->stash(foo => 'bar');
        $self->render(inline => '<p><TMPL_VAR NAME="foo">this will be deleted</TMPL_VAR></p>',
          handler => 'tmpl', plugins => ['SLASH_VAR']);

      # render a loop
      get '/' => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $test = [{row => 'First row'},{row => 'Second row'}];
        $self->stash(loop => $test);
        $self->render(inline => '<ul><TMPL_LOOP NAME="loop"><li><TMPL_VAR NAME="row"></li></TMPL_LOOP></ul>',
          handler => 'tmpl');

    Mojolicious::Plugin::HTMLTemplateProRenderer is a Mojolicious plugin to
    use HTML::Template::Pro and HTML::Template::Pro::Extension modules in
    your Mojo projects.

    HTML::Template::Pro is a fast lightweight C/Perl+XS reimplementation of
    HTML::Template (as of 2.9) and HTML::Template::Expr (as of 0.0.7). It is
    not intended to be a complete replacement, but to be a fast
    implementation of HTML::Template if you don't need querying, the
    extended facility of HTML::Template.

    Designed for heavy upload, resource limitations, abcence of mod_perl.

    HTML::Template::Pro::Extension is a pluggable extension syntax module
    for HTML::Template::Pro.

    Mojolicious::Plugin::HTMLTemplateProRenderer inherits all methods from
    Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones.


    Register plugin in Mojolicious application.

    These are options for Mojolicious::Plugin::HTMLTemplateProRenderer

      $self->render('template', handler => 'tmpl',use_home_template => 1);

    Templates are found starting from home base app path other than
    home_app/templates path.

      $self->render('template', handler => 'tmpl',use_extension => 1, plugins => ['SLASH_VAR']

    Enable use of HTML::Template::Pro::Extension and use of plugins.

    Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.

    Copyright 2014 Emiliano Bruni, all rights reserved.

    Initially based on Mojolicious::Plugin::HTMLTemplateRenderer code which
    is copyrighted by Bob Faist.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.