NAME Mojo::Leds - Leds aka Light Environment (emi) for Development System based on Mojolicious VERSION version 1.13 SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION Mojo::Leds is a Mojolicious app to use a filesystem similiar to classical web site DIFFERENCES WITH MOJOLICIOUS Mojolicious applications use a filesystem structure closer to a CPAN distribution which is not (IMHO) intuitive. This is a classical Mojolicios applications myapp # Application directory |- script # Script directory | +- my_app # Application script |- lib # Library directory | |- # Application class | +- MyApp # Application namespace | +- Controller # Controller namespace | +- # Controller class |- public # Static file directory (served automatically) | |- index.html # Static HTML file | +- css # Static CSS file | +- example # Static CSS for "Example" controller | +- welcome.css # Static CSS for "welcome" action | |- js # Static JS file | +- example # Static js for "Example" controller | +- welcome.js # Static js for "welcome" action +- templates # Template directory |- layouts # Template directory for layouts | +- default.html.ep # Layout template +- example # Template directory for "Example" controller +- welcome.html.ep # Template for "welcome" action And, as you can see, the "page" welcome has its controller in "lib/MyApp/Controller/", the html code in "templates/example/welcome.html.ep", the CSS code in "public/css/example/welcome.css" and its JS code in "public/js/example/welcome.js". In Mojo::Leds this structure is quite different myapp # Application directory |- cfg # Config directory +- app.cfg # App config file |- script # Script directory | +- my_app # Application script |- lib # Library directory | +- # Application class |- www # DocumentRoot :-) |- public # Static files directory (served automatically) | |- index.html # Static Home page HTML | |- css # Static CSS file | + app.css # Global Static CSS file | +- js # Static JS file | + app.js # Global Static JS file |- layouts | +- default.html.ep # Layout template +- welcome # Welcome page: directory |- # Welcome page: controller |- index.html.ep # Welcome page: template |- index.css # Welcome page: CSS file +- index.js # Welcome page: JS file and here, controller, html code, css and js are all inside "www/example/" directory. BUGS/CONTRIBUTING Please report any bugs through the web interface at <> If you want to contribute changes or otherwise involve yourself in development, feel free to fork the Git repository from <>. SUPPORT You can find this documentation with the perldoc command too. perldoc Mojo::Leds AUTHOR Emiliano Bruni <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Emiliano Bruni. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.