
# Tag Expressions

Tag Expressions is a simple query language for tags. The simplest tag expression is
simply a single tag, for example:


A slightly more elaborate expression may combine tags, for example:

    @smoke and not @ui

Tag Expressions are used for two purposes:

1. Run a subset of scenarios (using the `--tags expression` option of the [command line](https://cucumber.io/docs/cucumber/api/#running-cucumber))
2. Specify that a hook should only run for a subset of scenarios (using [conditional hooks](https://cucumber.io/docs/cucumber/api/#hooks))

Tag Expressions are [boolean expressions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_expression)
of tags with the logical operators `and`, `or` and `not`.

For more complex Tag Expressions you can use parenthesis for clarity, or to change operator precedence:

    (@smoke or @ui) and (not @slow)

## Escaping

If you need to use one of the reserved characters `(`, `)`, `\` or ` ` (whitespace) in a tag,
you can escape it with a `\`. Examples:

| Gherkin Tag   | Escaped Tag Expression |
| ------------- | ---------------------- |
| @x(y)         | @x\\(y\\)              |
| @x\y          | @x\\\\y                |

## Migrating from old style tags

Older versions of Cucumber used a different syntax for tags. The list below
provides some examples illustrating how to migrate to tag expressions.

| Old style command line        | Cucumber Expressions style command line |
| ----------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| --tags @dev                   | --tags @dev                             |
| --tags ~@dev                  | --tags "not @dev"                       |
| --tags @foo,@bar              | --tags "@foo or @bar"                   |
| --tags @foo --tags @bar       | --tags "@foo and bar"                   |
| --tags ~@foo --tags @bar,@zap | --tags "not @foo and (@bar or @zap)"    |