NAME SQL::Maker - Yet another SQL builder SYNOPSIS use SQL::Maker; my $builder = SQL::Maker->new( driver => 'SQLite', # or your favorite driver ); # SELECT ($sql, @binds) = $builder->select($table, \@fields, \%where, \%opt); # INSERT ($sql, @binds) = $builder->insert($table, \%values); # DELETE ($sql, @binds) = $builder->delete($table, \%values); # UPDATE ($sql, @binds) = $builder->update($table, \%set, \%where); ($sql, @binds) = $builder->update($table, \@set, \%where); DESCRIPTION SQL::Maker is yet another SQL builder class. It is based on DBIx::Skinny's SQL generator. METHODS my $builder = SQL::Maker->new(%args); Create new instance of SQL::Maker. Attributes are following: driver: Str Driver name is required. The driver type is needed to create SQL string. quote_char: Str This is the character that a table or column name will be quoted with. Default: auto detect from $driver. name_sep: Str This is the character that separates a table and column name. Default: '.' new_line: Str This is the character that separates a part of statements. Default: '\n' my $select = $builder->new_select(%args|\%args); Create new instance of SQL::Maker::Select from the settings from $builder. This method returns instance of SQL::Maker::Select. my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->select($table|\@tables, \@fields, \%where|\@where|$where, \%opt); my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->select('user', ['*'], {name => 'john'}, {order_by => 'user_id DESC'}); # => # SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE (`name` = ?) ORDER BY user_id DESC # ['john'] This method returns SQL string and bind variables for SELECT statement. $table \@tables Table name for FROM clause in scalar or arrayref. You can specify the instance of SQL::Maker::Select for sub-query. \@fields This is a list for retrieving fields from database. \%where \@where $where where clause from hashref or arrayref via SQL::Maker::Condition, or SQL::Maker::Condition object. \%opt This is a options for SELECT statement $opt->{prefix} This is a prefix for SELECT statement. For example, you can provide the 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '. It's useful for MySQL. Default Value: 'SELECT ' $opt->{limit} This option makes 'LIMIT $n' clause. $opt->{offset} This option makes 'OFFSET $n' clause. $opt->{order_by} This option makes ORDER BY clause You can write it as following forms: $builder->select(..., order_by => 'foo DESC, bar ASC'); $builder->select(..., order_by => ['foo DESC', 'bar ASC']); $builder->select(..., order_by => {foo => 'DESC'}); $builder->select(..., order_by => [{foo => 'DESC'}, {bar => 'ASC'}]); $opt->{having} This option makes HAVING clause $opt->{for_update} This option makes 'FOR UPDATE" clause. $opt->{joins} This option makes 'JOIN' via SQL::Maker::Condition. my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->insert($table, \%values|\@values); my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->insert(user => {name => 'john'}); # => # INSERT INTO `user` (`name`) VALUES (?) # ['john'] Generate INSERT query. $table Table name in scalar. \%values This is a values for INSERT statement. my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->delete($table, \%where|\@where|$where); my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->delete($table, \%where); # => # DELETE FROM `user` WHERE (`name` = ?) # ['john'] Generate DELETE query. $table Table name in scalar. \%where \@where $where where clause from hashref or arrayref via SQL::Maker::Condition, or SQL::Maker::Condition object. my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->update($table, \%set|@set, \%where|\@where|$where); Generate UPDATE query. my ($sql, @binds) = $builder->update('user', ['name' => 'john', email => ''], {user_id => 3}); # => # 'UPDATE `user` SET `name` = ?, `email` = ? WHERE (`user_id` = ?)' # ['john','',3] $table Table name in scalar. \%set Setting values. \%where \@where $where where clause from hashref or arrayref via SQL::Maker::Condition, or SQL::Maker::Condition object. PLUGINS SQL::Maker supports plugin system. Write the code like following. package My::SQL::Maker; use parent qw/SQL::Maker/; __PACKAGE__->load_plugin('InsertMulti'); FAQ Why don't you use SQL::Abstract? I need more extensible one. So, this module contains SQL::Maker::Select, the extensible SELECT clause object. AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COM> SEE ALSO SQL::Abstract Whole code was taken from DBIx::Skinny by nekokak++. LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.