OggS j, AOpusHead8 OggS j, OpusTags Lavf57.83.100 LANGUAGE=eng HANDLER_NAME=SoundHandler ENCODER=Lavc57.107.100 libopus MAJOR_BRAND=isom MINOR_VERSION=512" COMPATIBLE_BRANDS=isomiso2avc1mp41 AUTHOR=Johannes Klick 'Garak' GENRE=lectureC TITLE=Fast Global Internet Scanning - Challenges and new ApproachesY COPYRIGHT=Creative Commons Licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ # ALBUM=Chaos Communication Camp 2019 ARTIST=Johannes Klick 'Garak' description=Current search engines such as censys or shodan give everyone an insight into the global Internet. Unfortunately, they don't provide a comprehensive view of the Internet because you can't access the raw data. Consequently, you have to scan the Internet yourself. Anyone can perform a one-shot scan via Mass-Scan & Co. However, how to build an infrastructure for regular Internet scans that is not blocked after a short time by Intrussion Detection Systems and Spam/Blacklists is not easy. First we will talk about the right scan setup, infrastructure, scan strategies, and data enrichment. We will then take a look at the data and gain common and interesting insights into the structure of the Internet.OggS j, 3}#uWʈ`874bKȉXu? R˂PKu;hƬD8EYi_ib#[n..y}l:ͷ ^#:qX"zV~\cʠؙџ{ *RD=C(YUeFeY,A^!# ʀ7N t_Q8:̿?:s -otLM Y?,;ְ=@NHUY˫:e\OƭvU;i+AqW#d&~($I ={% \CeِnԤ Ib9z|7Ox̣%+ܿl=GG@ f!氅)u||t-=-&_P=e#Hunqs$uB*_r; KШ{o(HNgM`:~A|Ma{ߘ:.